Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 227



  • rtls
    rtls Posts: 285 Member
    Round 227
    Starting Weight- 147
    Current weight- 142.1
    10 Day Goal-I would love to see something in the 130s. Focus on my health not just my food intake.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: Sub 130
    6/21 142.1
    6/22 141.9 Days are flying past me. I'm sure I have forgot to chart a coffee or tea here and there but still managing to get my major intake recorded. Staying under calories. Exercise is still just me running around sorting out life. Planning to meal prep tomorrow after groceries are delivered.
    6/23 141.5 Walked the mall for about an hour while waiting on new lens for my glasses. Hadn't ate all day and grabbed junk for dinner before heading to bed.
    6/24 142.4 Went out to eat for dinner and had to guess on calories. If I'm honest, I probably went over. I hate having to choose between losing weight and spending an evening out with my husband actually enjoying myself. It is not fun for either of us me sitting there miserable, stressing out, trying to guess calories. Sorry for being so negative.
    6/25 142.1 Lazy Sunday. Got some much needed rest. Remained under calories.
    6/26 141.7 Remained under calories.
    6/27 141.5 Finally got a walk in. 40 minutes. Over on calories a bit.
    6/28 141.5
    6/29 141.9 57 minute walk. Remained under calories.
    6/30 142.4 Barely managed to stay under calories, as I was hungry most of the day.

    Ending this round on a higher weight than I started at. Can't say I'm happy about it. Mentally I have been struggling to keep going. I have been extremely hungry most days, tired, and grumpy. Hoping next round will be better.
    SW RND 224 147 lbs. EW 148 lbs
    SW RND 225 145.9 lbs. EW 143.2 lbs
    SW RND 226 143 lbs. EW 142.1 lbs
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Round 227
    June 21 – June 30, 2023

    61 year old female, 5’5”. I am married, semi-nomadic (we live in three states, Mass, Maine, Florida).

    SW WW Sept 29, 2001 - 168.8 (initially lost 29.8, became staff, then weight up and down 18 years with low of 126.8)
    SW MFP Sept 14, 2020 – 153 (lost 40, then stress took off another 2.2 lb with low of 120.8, then stress became gain)
    SW current MFP Jan 1, 2023 – 146.6
    GW Maintaining between 124 - 126

    Continuing to figure out maintaining, and to work on best nutrition and exercise.

    Harry and Han are our cats, who travel with us. Have two “kids”, who are very much adults, a DGS, and second GS on the way. We have three parents, 88(father), 86(mother), 84(MIL) still with us, and I have logically been needing to help them more as they age. I got my act in gear during COVID, somewhat inspired by NOT becoming my parents. I lost 30 lbs and was exercising daily. Unfortunately, I am an “all in or not” person. Hubby and I seeing our family home and downsizing distractions, plus medical incident with my father and all their new needs, became an excuse. A year and a half later, I gained 25 lbs and lost all my athletic improvements. I need to figure out balance and how to make health be a daily priority for life!

    Round 126 153.0 equivalent 9/14/20
    Round 127 149.2 9/24/20
    Round 128 147.2 10/4/20
    Round 129 145.8 10/14/20
    Round 130 144.4 10/24/20
    Round 131 142.2 11/3/20
    Round 132 139.4 11/13/20
    Round 133 137.2 11/23/20
    Round 134 136.4 12/3/20
    Round 135 132.6 12/13/20
    Round 136 132.0 12/23/20
    Round 137 132.0 1/2/21
    Round 138 131.0 1/12/21
    Round 139 128.2 1/22/21
    Round 176 138.2 1/26/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 177 134.8 2/5/22
    Round 178 137.0 2/15/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 181 138.2 3/17/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 182 137.8 3/27/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 183 133.4 4/6/22 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 184 136.0 4/16/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 12.5 oz
    Round 185 136.8 4/26/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 13 oz
    Round 186 136.0 5/6/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 187 137.8 5/16/22 Harry 10 lb 14.0 oz Han Solo 11lb 11.5 oz
    Round 188 135.8 5/26/22 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 210 146.6 1/01/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 211 144.4 1/11/23
    Round 212 146.6 1/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 213 143.4 1/31/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 214 142.4 2/10/23
    Round 215 140.0 2/20/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 216 138.0 3/2/23 Harry 10 lb 11.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6.5 oz
    Round 217 136.0 3/12/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 218 134.0 3/22/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 7.5 oz
    Round 219 133.8 4/1/23 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 220 131.4 4/11/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 221 130.0 4/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 222 128.2 5/1/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 223 128.4 5/11/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 224 127.2 5/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 225 125.8 5/31/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 226 124.2 6/10/23
    Round 227 125.8 6/20/23 Harry 10 lb 8.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz/

    Exercise & Supplements

    6/21 – IC4 15 minutes

    6/22 – no exercise – crazy day, cody and cody

    6/23 – no exercise, no excuse

    6/24 – more, no exercise. Even my Iphone complained about my lack of exercise.

    6/25 – 6 mile walk/run, linwood, ocean park, 7/11, radleys, walnut, home, 78:41 min, 13’05” pace, 471 cal, 143 avg BPM

    6/26 – no exercise

    6/27 – no exercise, cleaning/packing then head some and the reverse

    6/28 – got on exercise clothing then did nothing

    6/29 – the loop, 3.4 miles, 15’41” slow pace, 53:36 min and 236 cal (for comparison when done at 12’12” walk/run pace 297 calories)

    6/30 – no exercise

    SW: 125.8


    6/21 (mass) – 124.8 (Renpho 124.6) Back to middle of my range, which is good. Kitties had their wt checks this morning and chubby cat is up and skinny cat is down. Wrong direction for each of them. I did get on the IC4 yesterday. Only 30 minutes, BUT I got on it. I have to remember that I have these options in the house and need to take advantage of them. Today is time again with my parents. Medical runs with my father. Tomorrow is also my parents. Legal runs with them both.

    6/22 (mass) – 124.4 (Renpho 124.4) Good new. Tracking good yesterday. Pathetic 15 minutes on the IC4, but that is more than zero exercise that today may bring. Today is picking up my parents, long drive to lawyer. Let them address their needs. Get them home. Return to my condo and pack and clean to go to maine. Walk the cats, then drive a half hour to my daughter’s for a family celebration of my MIL’s 84 birthday. Head back to the condo again. Finish packing and loading car. Drive to maine, unpack and settle in. Nothing bad in it, just busy-ness.

    6/23 (maine) – 123.6 Wishing I had brought the Renpho travel scale with me to cross check. Number seems too low to be logical. Yesterday had been a wild day, small breakfast, then after dropping home my parents (which included medical drama to, from and during the legal meeting) I snagged one of their chocolate bars for lunch. Getting home, I saw the now hard remains of the melted chocolate from cooking for the birthday party. I proceeded to eat all that. Then had Chinese food at the party (controlled but not tracked), and then triffle, which was unfortunately two small servings. No exercise yesterday. Ironically, I was starving at 10 PM last night. Anyhow, the numbers will shake out and show the reality with time. Good or bad. Note: the only other time I have seen "surprise" 123.X numbers were on my scale in maine as well.

    6/24 (maine) – 125.0 Yup, scale works fine. :P Diet was great yesterday, and then it wasn’t. Simple, straightforward binge behavior. BUT I did track it all. Was over my target (which is still technically below maintenance) by 1400 calories. Lots and Lots of carbs. Going to pretrack today. Hopefully, I will also convince myself to do exercise. Lately, it is raining like 5 or 6 out of 7 days. This is NOT normal for here and nor normal temps for this time of year. It’s becoming and excuse. Not good.

    6/25 (maine) – 126.2 Ok, so posting later than usual this morning. I did weigh first thing, but wanted to get myself together before posting. Need to break my new habits, as yesterday was bad …. Again. Today, I weighed even though I did not want to. I got outside and walked/ran 6 miles in 78 minutes. I then used the mfp recipe builder to calculate the nutritional info on tonight’s recipes, and then tracked it. We’re entertaining tonight, and I am doing new recipes. Only after all that am I posting to you all. Today looks like a proper day! Yay!

    6/26 (maine) – 126.4 Calories were good yesterday, and nice on exercise. I am guessing scale reflects the previous days of bad behavior.

    6/27 (maine) – 124.6 Even though I started my day with leftover dessert (from the entertaining) for breakfast, I regrouped. We were then on the road all day and hubby needed lunch while driving, so it was fast food. Google quickly told me low cal options at McDonalds, so 4 pk of nuggets with hot mustard it was. Day ended with photography classes at Apple store to start learning how to better use our iphones. Dinner was in food court. Google to the rescue again. Chose panda express, medium entrée (no sides) of Kung Pow Chicken. Yes, MFP ended up having each of these foods to track, but sorting out selections was easiest through various websites on the internet. Glad to be getting back to normal AKA better behavior. Today is a rainy day movie…… don’t worry, I’ve got this one.

    6/28 (mass) – 124.0 (Renpho 123.8) Couple days on track and numbers come back down. I am “maintaining” but not by eating identically every day. Maybe that is ok and “normal”. It least I am not responding to those repeated bad days by giving in. I’m actually seeing this as hopeful. Key for me (at this point) is remaining aware, regardless of good or bad, of ones choices in food and exercise, along with consistent check in with the scale.

    6/29 (mass) – 125.6 (Renpho 125.2) Yes, I got out of line late last night. But tracked it all, got up this morning at 5:45 and headed out for a walk at 6:30. Stepped on scale after returning 124.8 (Renpho 124.2). Interesting to see because I don’t think I sweated at all.

    6/30 (mass) – 125.8 (Renpho 125.4) Continued……. Started and ended within 124 and 126.

    Final post a little late.
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,982 Member
    Round 227 Results:
    • Final RD#227 Results
      ~ SW: 171.8

      ~ EW: 6/30: ⬆️172.6
      ~ Overall: Gain +.8lbs
      ~ Didn’t hit my mini-goal of 170(my current plateau)- Again😣!
      ~ wha-Oh! Looks like the next round starts with a weekend ands with a weekend! My vacation is one month away!! Better try really hard this round!
    Stayed Below SW 174💚=Yes ❤️=No
    (Sun > > > > > > > > Next Tue)
    Previous 10 Days
    (Cliffs notes in color):
    • Fri 06/30❤️172.6lbs;-0lbs
      ~ nothing new
    • Th 06/29❤️172.6lb;-1.5lb
      ~ barely present here, but still tracking food which is great for me
    • Wed 06/28❤️174.1lbs;-.7lbs
      ~ I have been t tracking but I haven’t had time to analyze the last few days to figure why there hasn’t been bigger decreases on the scale.
      ~ All I know is I’m eating low carb but more of the dirty keto version, skipped last nights late night munchies and have been way under calories Will scrutinize it later
    • Tue 06/27❤️174.8lbs;-.4lbs
      ~ Going back down at least !
      ~ Trade Off: Now that I read posts apparently I’m unable to remember to post my own daily!! At least I’ve remembered to save everything in my Notes..
    • Mon 06/26❤️175.2lbs;+1.7lbs
      ~ This was to be expected
    • Sun 06/25❤️173.5lbs;+0lbs
      ~ My Watch-party was a success. Not sure about the show anymore but we made the best of it. I did so well with food until the very end of the night when I felt the need to absorb some of the alcohol I consumed🫤 oh well! Today is looking like a replica of yesterday so I’m thinking my weight is going to be up again tomorrow. Only thing I can look forward to on Mondays -normalcy
    • Sat 06/24💚171.6lbs;-.1lbs
      ~ Having a little girls night- “And Just Like That” - Watch Party tonight. I’ve heard Season 2 is not off to the best start but I’m hopeful my loyalty to my girls and the original series will trump my ADD tendencies, otherwise we’ll be busting out the board games.
    • Fri 06/23💚171.7lbs;-1.8lbs
      ~ Better day yesterday.. and no drinking!! Happy Fri-Yay!!
    • Thurs 06/22❤️173.5lbs;+2.5lbs
      ~ It was my day off yesterday and I did a little hosting by the pool side with my mom and aunt. 🥰 We’ve recently just finished constructing our new pool and so I’ve been using that and the hot tub any chance I can. I didn’t eat terribly but we had some drinks and I didn’t work out.. not really. I guess I can still give myself credit for tracking food yesterday !
    • Wed 06/21💚171lbs; -.8lbs
      ~ I’m going to attempt to track my food today. I hesitate to say “I will” because I’m not sure if it’ll drudge up old negative feelings when I was doing it religiously and slowly getting out of control with eating and eventually quitting all together.
      But just for today…I will!
    • SW: 171.8
      ~ Working on getting ready for Summer vacation Aug. 5th -12th
      ~ Training for Mud Run in Oct
      ~ Been pretty consistent with low carb eating for 4 weeks now with no cheat days.
      ~ Weighing in the morning
      ~ On to the next round!!! 😃
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 153.0
    UGW: 140.0
    06/19 - 154.0 at 7:30 a.m. ...DH's b'day ...so much good food this weekend!
    06/20 - 154.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 6.12 miles in 121 mins
    06/21 - 154.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...zero
    06/22 - 154.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.70 miles in 116 mins
    06/23 - 153.2 at 7:00 a.m. ...Kaiser for tests
    06/24 - 153.6 at 8:00 a.m. ...6.31 miles in 128 mins
    06/25 - 152.4 at 8:30 a.m. ...zero
    06/26 - 153.2 at 7:50 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    06/27 - 153.7 at 7:00 a.m. ...6.17 miles in 118 mins
    06/28 - 152.7 at 6:45 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer and doctor's appt
    06/29 - 152.2 at 7:00 a.m. ...3.91 miles in 85 mins w/sweet husband!!
    06/30 - 152.5 at 7:50 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Good luck everyone!