"Low Carbs, Eat Fat & Fast"

I'm focusing in on "low carbs, eat fat & fast". My Doctors & my 110 lb, 20 yr old Nutritionist does not seem to be interested??? Is it all You Tube hype just to get clicks???


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I'm focusing in on "low carbs, eat fat & fast". My Doctors & my 110 lb, 20 yr old Nutritionist does not seem to be interested??? Is it all You Tube hype just to get clicks???

    If this is what you mean, yes, sounds like a fad.


    ...A fat fast is a high-fat, low-calorie diet that typically lasts 2–5 days.

    During this time it’s recommended to eat 1,000–1,200 calories per day, 80–90% of which should come from fat.

    Though not technically a fast, this approach mimics the biological effects of abstaining from food by putting your body into the biological state of ketosis

    ...Given that very little is known about the safety or efficacy of fat fasting, it’s not often used in evidence-based nutrition therapy.

    In fact, a fat fast is typically only used by people who are already following a ketogenic diet and experiencing a weight loss plateau that has been ongoing for several weeks.

    Some people also use fat fasting to get back into ketosis after a cheat day, though this is unnecessary. If you have a cheat day, the best course of action is to return to your regular dietary pattern.

    In general, the extreme restriction of a fat fast is unnecessary for most people. What’s more, for some people, including those on medications or with a health condition, it could be risky.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    I'm focusing in on "low carbs, eat fat & fast". My Doctors & my 110 lb, 20 yr old Nutritionist does not seem to be interested??? Is it all You Tube hype just to get clicks???

    YouTube hype to get clicks seems like a good bet,
  • oldmanbythegulf
    oldmanbythegulf Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2023
    I'm talking about lifetime eating habits of depriving your body of carbs and it will then adapt to eating it's own fat. Allow your apatite to determine when you eat. No apatite, don't eat. When you eat, chose a fatty meat, real butter, cheese, eggs, veg. etc. (focus on low carbs). The fat will cause you to feel satisfied longer, sometimes all day, even "one meal a day". Fasting isn't necessary but, 8/16 hrs or 24 hrs or even longer, could be helpful, as your body become fat and ketone adapted for energy instead of carbs, blood sugar, glucose, therefore your insulin resistance reverses to insulin sensitive, producing less insulin, which is good and may even help diabetes cases. Don't count calories. Condition your body to eat all those calories from your body fat. No sugar, very low carbs, fats will control your apatite longer, eat "only" when you're hungry, your overall health will begin to improve. Search this on You Tube. I hope it's correct.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    edited June 2023
    I'm talking about lifetime eating habits of depriving your body of carbs and it will then adapt to eating it's own fat. Allow your apatite to determine when you eat. No apatite, don't eat. When you eat, chose a fatty meat, real butter, cheese, eggs, veg. etc. (focus on low carbs). The fat will cause you to feel satisfied longer, sometimes all day, even "one meal a day". Fasting isn't necessary but, 8/16 hrs or 24 hrs or even longer, could be helpful, as your body become fat and ketone adapted for energy instead of carbs, blood sugar, glucose, therefore your insulin resistance reverses to insulin sensitive, producing less insulin, which is good and may even help diabetes cases. Don't count calories. Condition your body to eat all those calories from your body fat. No sugar, very low carbs, fats will control your apatite longer, eat "only" when you're hungry, your overall health will begin to improve. Search this on You Tube. I hope it's correct.

    Do you know where you are? This is ground zero, as they say. Why most of the population in the world doesn't need to count calories to maintain or lose weight is an anomaly here and will never make sense for most of them. imo. Cheers
  • oldmanbythegulf
    oldmanbythegulf Posts: 27 Member
    Above points addressed: (1) I don't think this is a "fat fast". (2) Perhaps the truth gets clicks on You Tube, too. (3) "Calorie deficit" may be a common factor in most diets BUT aren't there other differences. (4) A young and/or healthy body may not "yet" reason the same or consider things that the older and/or unhealthy body does, like insulin resistance, fatty liver, etc. (5) The nutrition, health, medical and Doctor norms of the last 50 yrs seem to be coming apart at the seams in this information age. Google it. (6) My ears and mind remain open but with reason. I've read over and am considering each of your opinions, and future opinions, thank you so much.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,737 Member
    I hope your nutritionist is a registered dietitian.

    Most registered dietitians are probably skeptical about unusual, YouTube-promoted diet trends. They usual recommend unglamorous things like eating mostly whole foods, adequate protein, plenty of veggies/fruits, and some variation on balanced macros. (That could vary for someone who has a health condition requiring a special diet of some kind.)

    Some people prefer low carb, higher fat, and fasting. As long as you get enough protein, fiber, and micronutrients (ideally from food), you'll probably do fine.

    In a generic population-wide sense, it's pretty obvious that "low carb, eat fat, and fast" isn't a universally necessary strategy in order to lose weight. Many people here who've had success losing weight (and keeping it off) have used different strategies than that. (I did.) But yeah, some people have used strategies like that.

    If those strategies help you lose weight at a reasonable pace more easily, and don't create compliance or sustainability obstacles for you in one way or another, that's great. You'll find that out by trying it.

    I'm a big believer that the best route is whatever makes it easier for the individual, and is compatible with reasonable odds of continuing good health. That strategy may be that, for you - how would we know?

    Just generically: High odds of anything on YouTube being clickbait, because that's how they make money, right? Some of it will be valid, some won't. I think it's a good idea to consult multiple sources, and explicitly seek critics of the particular strategy, not just other advocates of the same thing.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,737 Member
    Above points addressed: (1) I don't think this is a "fat fast". (2) Perhaps the truth gets clicks on You Tube, too. (3) "Calorie deficit" may be a common factor in most diets BUT aren't there other differences. (4) A young and/or healthy body may not "yet" reason the same or consider things that the older and/or unhealthy body does, like insulin resistance, fatty liver, etc. (5) The nutrition, health, medical and Doctor norms of the last 50 yrs seem to be coming apart at the seams in this information age. Google it. (6) My ears and mind remain open but with reason. I've read over and am considering each of your opinions, and future opinions, thank you so much.

    #3: For weight loss, calorie deficit is the direct determinant. That said, food choices can affect energy level or appetite/cravings. If energy drops so we burn fewer calories (in daily life stuff or exercise), or our appetite spikes so we can't stick with calorie goal, that will have an indirect effect on weight loss. The direct effect is still calories.

    In addition, human bodies are dynamic: Calorie intake affects calorie expenditure. Simplistic example: If we under-eat or get seriously sub-par nutrition, we'll possibly get weak or fatigued, rest more, burn fewer calories via daily life or exercise than if we had more reasonable calories/nutrition.

    For health, nutrition, body composition, satiation and that sort of thing, food choice for sure can matter. We need a certain minimum of the "essential macronutrients", fat and protein. We need a certain minimum of "essential micronutrients", too. There are other types or aspects of food that can be beneficial, too: Beneficial phytochemicals, probiotics, prebiotics, etc.

    Humans have quite a diverse history. We're adaptive omnivores. If we get the basic essential nutrients, we usually have some wiggle room for personal food choices based on taste, affordability, and other subjective factors. (If we cut calories stupid far, that may not be true, but I assume you wouldn't do that.)

    #4: There are a few things that vary with age or health conditions, but a lot of the basics are the same. I'm 67, have or have had various things going on health-wise (many now resolved since weight loss). IMU, for example, it's somewhat more important for older folks to get ample protein and spread it through the day, because we absorb it less well on average. There are micronutrients that we may need a bit more of for similar reasons.

    I'm not going to delve into special diets for health conditions, but sure, some of those benefit from dietary variation. If your nutritionist is a registered dietitian, she may have useful input specific to your personal health conditions and diet.

    For older folks like me, just as for younger ones, typically the single best thing we can do to improve some of those health conditions is to reach a healthy weight by any practical, reasonably health-compatible route. Beyond that, overall generic good nutrition, plus some cardiovascular/strength activity, are big contributors to health.

  • oldmanbythegulf
    oldmanbythegulf Posts: 27 Member
    Could people's difference of opinion on nutrition or anything else be as simple as exposure to information through (easy relaxed viewing access to unlimited home internet on a laptop and 32" monitor with plenty of viewing time) VS (strenuous strained access to a small limited smartphone and limited mobile format), keeping in mind, of course, the information could be controlled, bought and payed for by the "meat industry" or "medical industry", OR NOT. (My drive is to lose my belly, healthier kidneys, liver, heart, live fitter, longer). I've formed my "eating plan" direction from You Tube: Dr. Sten Ekberg, Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. Eric Berg, Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, Bob Briggs and dozens of other internet searches. I've just started, on this site, tracking my meals, (Monday: 440 total calories, 65g carbs, 12g fat)(Tues: 635 total calories, 87g carbs, 19g fat), apatite fully satisfied. Right now, I plan on continuing to refine my eating lifestyle toward "low carb, eat fat, fast if apatite is satisfied. Time will tell. Happy trails folks.