
I want a flat stomach
I heard it you do non dairy it can help? It that true past 4 years I did keto and Atkins diet and felt good. This time around I'm doing calorie counting
I've been 206 for 4 days straight,ugh


  • charlieaulert
    charlieaulert Posts: 127 Member
    I believe it can help with bloating but judging from 206 LBS your focus should be more on weight loss (fat loss) first. Then eventually when you get more towards your target you could try cutting dairy.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,846 Member
    edited July 2023
    I went from 225 to 127 and, after building a lot of muscle, am at 143.

    At no point have I had a “flat” belly- unless artificially aided by leggings or some sort of compression.

    As the poster above said, focus on losing some weight before you start gnawing on the other. And four days? Pshaw. If you thought you were gonna get a flat belly in four days, or forty, check your expectations. 400? Maybe. Your previous posts indicate your expectations are wildly unrealistic.

    And you may find this thread very educational: (start at page 1 if it doesn’t default there for you)

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,883 Member
    It can make a difference for people who have a dairy sensitivity, with symptoms of bloating from that. My Northern European genes like dairy just fine, so eating dairy has zero effect on my stomach flatness.

    (I'm still female despite menopause, so I've still got a uterus in there making a slight abdominal swell **; but now that I'm long-term maintenance, my belly is reasonably flat for a 67 y/o woman (5'5", 129 pounds this AM). I don't do low carb or keto, which reduces water retention (possible bloating) for some people.

    Mostly, belly flatness is losing excess fat, good posture, and genetics. Strong core isn't irrelevant, but abdominal exercises tend to be an over-rated factor compared to fat and posture IME.

    ** Good read for an antidote to photoshopped supposedly flat belly "influencers":
