Is there a healthy way to have chocolate?



  • _firecracker_
    _firecracker_ Posts: 185 Member
    Smothered all over my body. Wait, what? I have a hard time eating just a little bit of chocolate. So when I need some, I buy a bar and eat it all.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Snicker's Marathon bar
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    eat moderately perhaps one bar per week
  • I_Will_Be_The_Swan
    In moderation. I'm gonna have some ChocoLove XOXO Dark Chocolate and Candied Ginger on Thursday, when I'm near the shop that's got it.
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    Its because your body crave magnesium...Look for fruits or other food high in magnesium.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I like to mix a couple tablespoons of semi sweet morsels in with fancy mixed nuts as a sweet and salty treat.
  • xtrasmall
    Dark chocolate IS healthy.

    I don't understand the question?

    The healthiest way I know to eat chocolate is to not eat too much of it.

    A little bit of chocolate is not in any way "unhealthy"

    Eating an entire bag of Reese's or snickers? Yeah, that might be a little unhealthy, but simply eating chocolate is not inherently unhealthy.

  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    Just buy a small bar, rather than a bag of individually wrapped. That's what I used to have a problem with. For a while I would get a bag that had 40 individually wrapped resees cups, and I'd end up eating half of it in one day. Now I get the two pack, or a single pack which is on for just .50 cents or something like that at the gas station. Also they have dove dark chocolate bars, with 8 little half inch squares, which are really amazing. Just tuck it away somewhere you can't get to it very easily. Like in the back of the fridge or something. If I decide to keep a piece of chocolate in a drawer in my computer desk I end up eating it in one sitting, or just too much.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Its because your body crave magnesium...Look for fruits or other food high in magnesium.

    Interesting! Thanks for that. I only crave chocolate for one or two days just before TOM and I always wondered why and this might be the reason. Luckily I only ever want a piece or too of the good dark stuff so not a big issue but just odd how it happens without fail every month.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Snicker's Marathon bar

    Also known as DeadVim's Lunch Today.

    A carby fatty wedge of pure pleasure.

    Because I'm Worth It.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Lindt makes 86 and 90% chocolate; its harder to binge on that because it is not real sweet but gives you
    a real chocolate flavor to satisfy your cravings. Mix it with orange slices or other fruit.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I have been having serious chocolate cravings this week. Luckily I have stayed strong in resisting the urge to go out and by anything chocolate.

    I was wondering if there was any "healthy" way to have a little bit of chocolate now and then?
    I hit my favorite (well, among many favs) Health Food Coop yesterday.. I found raw coconut in dark chocolate. OHHHHHHHHH MY GOSH! It's thick pieces of unsweetened coconut chunks called smiles... yes they do look a bit like smiles strangely. They are coated in dark chocolate.

    One or two pieces and my craving is happy again and ready to move on. I think I might just have found a safe treat. I'll have to get back to you on that!:tongue:

    They also sell just the coconut like that with no chocolate with I'm sure is fabulous as well. Unsweetened coconut is great on it's own.. it's got the chew and the crunch/natural sweetness to fix a craving quickly. only covered in dark chocolate. Couldn't grab the photo get the idea when you check the website. It really does look like smiles the way it's cut from the coconut.
    Its because your body crave magnesium...Look for fruits or other food high in magnesium.
    I didn't know that!

    EDIT: Something else I've tried that I picked up from Trader Joe's is Chocolate Covered Raw cacao nibs. It's very dark chocolate and in the coolest tin! The whole tin is 2 servings and very low in everything except taste and the energy it gives coffee!

    Recently I accidental came across Blue Diamond Chocolate Almond Milk... I drank a small glass and it was fabulous. The great thing is, that glass fixed the cravings. It didn't increase the craving like some chocolate items do. Might give it a try.

    That's the thing that some have shared, how to eat it and enjoy it and not feel you need more. Some of us have that down already, some of us are still working on it!:blushing: :laugh:
  • heatherdl2013
    that sounds really good and interesting! I will have to look out for that at one of my health food stores in town. Thanks!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I have been having serious chocolate cravings this week. Luckily I have stayed strong in resisting the urge to go out and by anything chocolate.

    I was wondering if there was any "healthy" way to have a little bit of chocolate now and then?
    I hit my favorite (well, among many favs) Health Food Coop yesterday.. I found raw coconut in dark chocolate. OHHHHHHHHH MY GOSH! It's thick pieces of unsweetened coconut chunks called smiles... yes they do look a bit like smiles strangely. They are coated in dark chocolate.

    One or two pieces and my craving is happy again and ready to move on. I think I might just have found a safe treat. I'll have to get back to you on that!:tongue:

    They also sell just the coconut like that with no chocolate with I'm sure is fabulous as well. Unsweetened coconut is great on it's own.. it's got the chew and the crunch/natural sweetness to fix a craving quickly. only covered in dark chocolate. Couldn't grab the photo get the idea when you check the website. It really does look like smiles the way it's cut from the coconut.
    Its because your body crave magnesium...Look for fruits or other food high in magnesium.
    I didn't know that!

    EDIT: Something else I've tried that I picked up from Trader Joe's is Chocolate Covered Raw cacao nibs. It's very dark chocolate and in the coolest tin! The whole tin is 2 servings and very low in everything except taste and the energy it gives coffee!

    Recently I accidental came across Blue Diamond Chocolate Almond Milk... I drank a small glass and it was fabulous. The great thing is, that glass fixed the cravings. It didn't increase the craving like some chocolate items do. Might give it a try.

    That's the thing that some have shared, how to eat it and enjoy it and not feel you need more. Some of us have that down already, some of us are still working on it!:blushing: :laugh:

    I've only just bought the Blue Diamond chocolate almond milk this week and yet to try it. Looking forward to it.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member

    In moderation, whilst enjoying every bite, without feeling the slightest bit guilty about it.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    yes ....

    have chocolate
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I have a piece of Dove dark chocolate caramel with sea salt every night as a treat for staying within my calories for the day. Less than 40 calories. I look forward to it every day and knowing I will have it helps me stay within my calorie goal.
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    Lindt makes 86 and 90% chocolate; its harder to binge on that because it is not real sweet but gives you
    a real chocolate flavor to satisfy your cravings. Mix it with orange slices or other fruit.

    Lindt makes a dark chocolate with sea salt bar that is heaven on earth! The sea salt makes it taste more like chocolate and somehow you need to less for more...
  • Panda_Rolls
    Panda_Rolls Posts: 101 Member
    Like most people have already said, you can have chocolate, just do so in moderation. If you try to completely deny yourself you might lose control one of these days and scarf down an entire bag of snickers. Just work it into your calorie budget.
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    Unless your doctor has banned it from your diet for a specific reason or you are on strict prep countdown for a show/competition etc I don't see why you wouldn't just have the chocolate. Unless it causes you to binge, I could understand that. But denying yourself something will just make you crave it more. Moderation and all of that. :)