Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 232



  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 794 Member

    💯 @quiltingjane @comandJarvis. Epley maneuver worked like a miracle for me several months ago. I was playing in the pool with my grandson and did a flip turn - - dizzy for days, literally could not get out of bed for one day then I researched the Epley maneuver and BINGO back to normal!

  • antiderivative
    antiderivative Posts: 262 Member
    Round 232
    Jillian Age 37 and 5'1"

    HSW: 179.8
    CSW: 161.6
    GW: 130
    UGW: 116
    Mini GW: 158

    Previous Rounds:
    Round 228 : 166.8 to 165 (-1.8)
    Round 229 : 165 to 164.6 (-0.4)
    Round 230 : 164.6 to 163 (-1.6)
    Round 231 : 163 to 161.6 (-1.4)

    Round Goal: 160
    🏃 08/10: 161
    🏃 08/11: 161.4
    🏃 08/12: 160.8
    🏃 08/13:
    🏃 08/14:
    🏃 08/15:
    🏃 08/16:
    🏃 08/17:
    🏃 08/18:
    🏃 08/19:

  • Jmarques63
    Jmarques63 Posts: 7 Member
    Watching the scale daily weirdly makes me feel like it’s slower going down
    SW Round 232
    8/10. 177.6
    8/11. 177.6
    8/12. 177.2
  • Bluebabykatz
    Bluebabykatz Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2023
    Wanted to try this daily challenge, I'm currently doing a monthly one and weigh in once a week.

    Marie, 60 yrs old, 6'0"

    First Round: 232

    MFP SW: 324.4 lbs (joined: 07/24/23)
    CSW: 312.4
    RGW: 308 (-4.4 lbs)

    8/10: 312.2
    8/11: 312
    8/12: 312.4 (challenge start date)
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 794 Member
    Rd 232

    F 65, 5’6” HW 172 in 2010.
    Adult life averaged 140-145
    2014 - down to 128
    Last nine years 🎢 128-143. Mostly 135ish. Determined for new normal to rest at 130 max.
    Stop the emotional 🎢!
    R231 SW 143.6
    R232 SW 140.2
    R232 GW 137.2
    UGW 128

    8/10 ➡️ 140.2
    8/11 ➡️ DNW
    8/12 ➡️ DNW
    8/13 ➡️ weigh-in !!!
    8/14 ➡️
    8/15 ➡️
    8/16 ➡️ weigh -in
    8/17 ➡️
    8/18 ➡️
    8/19 ➡️ weigh-in

    8/12 results & Journal
    10k ✅ IF ✅ Macros ✅ Calories ✅ 💦💦✅ Journal ✅
    HIIT workout today. Heat index is 115°. I’m 💯 on my goals so if the scale doesn’t dip tomorrow I’m going to be FURIOUS! I know I’ll handle it eventually but I’ll be REALLY pissed off! I don’t know what more I can DO except maybe I’m not eating ENOUGH and my body is in starvation mode… The last three times I lost 15 pounds (Won’t let that happen again!) I didn’t stall this early in my journey…. was not an issue. So let’s see what happens. It’s that damn 🎢 roller coaster I’m trying to avoid! TBH, I shouldn’t even be thinking about the ⚖️scale. I should just be DOING the work!!!

    Because I know, if I dropped 2 pounds on the ⚖️ tomorrow morn, I’m going to be ecstatic… I don’t want to be emotionally up ⬆️ or ⬇️ down. I just want to be on emotional 🛳️🛳️🛳️cruise control! EVEN.
    (With the scale’s cooperation!)

    NSV- I feel better! I feel invigorated… I can see a little bit of my collarbone!!! 😂 I feel good, and I’m taking care of myself… I just want some SCALE results NOW!!! Is that too much to ask?

    10k ❌ IF ✅ Macros ✅ Calories ✅ 💦💦✅ Journal ✅
    8/11 Steps registered 9000. I played tennis for 90 minutes and treadmill for 30 minutes. Great activity!

    Yesterday was a good day. I planned well… staying focused - keeping health and nutrition in perspective! No roller coaster!
    I slept really well last night.

    NSV: Water intake improves every day. It’s becoming a natural part of my day. IF (First meal at noon last food at 6 PM) Intermittent fasting is almost 2nd nature now… 👍🏻

    Stop the 🎢 roller coaster!
    Let’s do this! 💪🏻🙌🏻👆🏻

    10k ✅ IF ✅ Macros ✅ Calories ✅ 💦💦✅ Journal ✅

    Great day yesterday. Momentarily crushed by the scale yesterday. I decided to focus on the process and not the scale. I weighed in this morning to start this round… will weigh again in three days! Just trying to adjust to see what works for my psyche.

    Asleep by 8:30 up by 4. Cant stay awake later…. I fell asleep, so easily and satisfied from the day, but just couldn’t sleep longer… Woke up waaayyyy too early this morn. Let’s see if I can stay up a little later tonight… Walked 4mi after dinner. No technology. Just me and my thoughts. Solid prayer time.

    Stop the 🎢 roller coaster!
    Let’s do this! 💪🏻🙌🏻👆🏻
  • heatherrorie
    heatherrorie Posts: 25 Member
    Female 46 yr
    Trying to stay focused. I really need to lose about 40 lbs. I've been on this journey since I was a freshman in high school. Starting this challenge late, but like the idea of 10 day increments - feels more manageable.

    First Round: 232

    SW: 193.6 lbs (07/15/23)
    RSW: 189.4

    Goals this round:
    Record food
    Keep up my exercise
    No alcohol

    8/10 - DNW. Ran and recorded. Under calorie goal. No alcohol.
    8/11 - 189.4 ran and recorded. At calorie limit. No alcohol.
    8/12 - DNW. Walked and recorded. Had a very hard time today. My head space was just way off. I want the short term pleasure more than the long term weight loss. No alcohol.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    GW 55

    SW Round 232
    8/10 65
    8/11 64.6
    8/12 64
    8/13 64.4
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member
    This is going to be a difficult round for me- traveling all next week really screws me up. Out to eat, no scales, time change, eating at strange hours- Eeeeks! If I can just go sideways I will be happy. Good Luck and God bless you all this round.

    SW Round 232
    UGW 118
    RGW 119

    8/10- 120.0 Starting with an excuse - never a good way to start- Bad news- had to eat late last night because had to have blood drawn after fasting and could not get appointment until 10:45... Good news decided to just go at 7:30 and see if they could fit in and they did- Yeah!! Last few days 119 so think if I can stay in 119 this round will be very please with myself. got the chance to play wonderful pickleball last night and burned a ton of calories, also did twenty minute PT workout, ouch.

    8/11- 121.6 Love the rollercoaster emoji @Cchassee is using. I think it will perfectly capture my next 9 days or so. I have to believe this is bloating mostly. Went to PT yesterday, still sore he really worked my shoulders and was way over on sodium the day before last- seems to work that way for me- I bloat 2 days later. I have not even started traveling but the last 2 days have been so busy and wrecked havoc with my schedule. I did pass my Surplus Lines license test yesterday- Yeah. Playing in pickleball tournament tomorrow - I really should not be playing yet with my injury, playing down a level was kind of tricked into it...Hope you all have a nice weekend

    8/13- 120.6 Ooops! seem to somehow, somewhere skipped a day. Did not even know until realized to day is 8/13. Up early enjoying my coffee, need to be at the courts at 7:15 Went and watch my friends play yesterday.was joking around with one gentleman, the men have been more concerned with matching outfits then women. He was aghast.. but late last night, by mixed partner today called to coordinate our outfits. I love it. Going to say a prayer my shoulder lasts the tournament.

  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 794 Member
    edited August 2023
    Rd 232

    F 65, 5’6” HW 172 in 2010.
    Adult life averaged 140-145
    2014 - down to 128
    Last nine years 🎢 128-143. Mostly 135ish. Determined for new normal to rest at 130 max.
    Stop the emotional 🎢!
    R231 SW 143.6
    R232 SW 140.2
    R232 GW 137.2
    UGW 128

    8/10 ➡️ 140.2
    8/11 ➡️ DNW
    8/12 ➡️ DNW
    8/13 ➡️ 142 WTF
    8/14 ➡️
    8/15 ➡️
    8/16 ➡️ weigh -in
    8/17 ➡️
    8/18 ➡️
    8/19 ➡️ weigh-in

    8/13 The emotional roller coaster prevails and is REAL. I’m so disappointed. I hate the scale. But I’ll keep on. Not quitting. I have stuck to the plan. Record every freaking morsel. Hit macros, hit calories…. Plan plan plan. Check off all boxes. Walk, exercise, close rings, journal, 💦💦💦. My only thought is that I’m not sleeping. I can’t sleep… Waking up at 3ish everyday. One good night in 2 weeks. I’ll think about it logically today. Or maybe I wont…. Maybe thinking too much. I wont give up.

    Good luck to everyone. Pulling for you!
    🛑 🎢