I broke my leg! :(



  • MurphmomSparkles
    MurphmomSparkles Posts: 208 Member
    So sorry you are dealing this.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    Feeling really down today. Beating myself up for being overweight. Angry that I can't walk and feeling like maybe my leg wouldn't have broken if I wasn't so heavy.
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    It's more important to focus on the positive. Mental health has a lot to do with healing. Journaling is a great way to deal with such a sudden difficult change in your life. I think for what you have gone through you are doing great. I wouldn't what if the situation that can send you down a rabbit hole. I know the feeling of not wanting to be a burden. Your house will be there when you get better. I would talk with your spouse and son and work out a system to communicate your needs. It could be texting a list or whatever works in your family. I had a back injury and couldn't walk for some time. Asking help was something I was not used to doing. It puts you in a place you don't want to be. I know you want this to be over. Bones take Time to heal. It could be a longer time frame depending on the rate of healing. Feeling frustrated continually is not good for you or your family. Humans want to be so independent.
    Remember focus on what you can do today for tomorrow is another day.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I gave myself permission to rest yesterday, physically and mentally. I am ready to get my head straight again and get back to it.
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    Anne I'm so glad you gave yourself permission to rest physically and mentally. You have been through a lot my friend. Be kind to yourself. I had surgery in March this year. I stayed my course with my wt loss nutrition plan low carbs high protein and still lost weight. I was wondering if you had a food scale. I was thinking it might help your husband if he is making a plate for you. Most people do not realize what a serving is versus a portion of food. Cause you can eat anything but you have to how much to eat. My husband was helping me. He didn't know and I didn't until I started reading labels. Now I know I won't eat certain foods because they are a trigger or the portion I can have is enough to make me mad. Lol. Well hope that you sleep well and that your pain is under control.
    Cindy from Pensacola
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    Hi, Cindy. That's good advice. I do have a food scale. Thankfully, my husband and I were dieting together before all this happened, so he knows my preferences with food. I think everyone should have a food scale and an exercise watch of some sort. Two best investments in me that I could make besides a good pair of athletic/running shoes.

    Spreaking of gear... my 👩🏻‍🦽 wheel chair gloves 🧤 have arrived! Watch out world! I'll be racing around and popping wheelies before you know it! (not really. too scared to hurt myself further, but it sounded cool.)
    I really want to find more ways to workout that don't involve a leg.
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    That arm bike will get your heart rate up. I would definitely use that in your routine. Any exercise to help with getting your heart rate up. Using your arms to do chair lifts where you raise your bottom up off the seat in repetition hold 3sec in set of 10 or 5 to start (w/c) or sturdy chair w/2arms.just food for thought. You might already be doing these. Have a great weekend.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,774 Member
    I am sooo sorry ... I just had my 6th foot surgery on 8/25... I have screws, a rod and a plate ...
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    I really want to find more ways to workout that don't involve a leg.

    What's the progress like in you rehabilitation? I can imagine it is slow process. Are you doing non-leg based exercise?
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 571 Member
    Last year I broke my femur while I was at the Denver airport. The door to the tram shut on my left leg! It took me a while to recover and I had trouble losing weight because of the lack of mobility. I’m finally in losing mode although it is slow due to hypothyroidism and arthritis . My advice as others said, is to stick with it and be patient. When you feel better you can start counting calories.

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,350 Member
    I'm late to the party!! I've not broken my leg, but have had 25 foot surgeries and 2 bone infections in my feet. Plus the big toe was amputated. I've been in so many casts it's foolish. You are right for the knee scooter you really need to be able to put your full weight on it in order to keep it well-balanced. I've fallen off one that was interesting!

    I agree with @AnnPT77 Being on both the giving and receiving end it just feels better to give than receive as far as I am concerned. BUT!! Those who help me, I see the joy they get from it.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank you for sharing your stories and advice. It really does help me to see others have overcome similar things.

    It's been just over 7 weeks now. The scale says my weight is exactly the same, so hooray for not gaining! I did wheelchairing around the park (boy, does that wear out your arms!), chair exercises, core, and arm weights. I got in all my protein and took a multivitamin, calcium, and vitamin D every day. I haven't put any weight on my leg since I broke it. I can confidently say that I did everything I could to help it heal.

    I go back to the doctor again tomorrow. They will take off my cast and do x-rays to see how I'm healing. I really, really hope I will be able to start physical therapy. My right leg has atrophied, so it creeps me out a little to see that it's smaller than my left leg. I don't want to have to wear a cast any longer, but I know I can't rush the healing. I want to walk so badly, but I'm also very nervous that it's going to hurt or something will go wrong. Nothing I can do but wait and see what tomorrow brings.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    Nothing I can do but wait and see what tomorrow brings.
    Good luck, and I'm hoping for the best.

  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member

    I have a real leg again! It's hard to move my ankle and put weight on it yet, but I get to work on this now! I am moving on to the next stage of healing. :)

    When they took the cast off, I was shocked at how scrawny my calf was. Worse than I expected, but I know that it will start getting better now that I can bear a little weight. Also so hairy :D like a Hobbit foot!

    Other updates:
    I have an old stress fracture in my foot (from over a year before I broke my leg), and they can see that it didn't heal right. At this point, there's really not much that can be done. They would just have to see how it affects me when I start racking up my miles again eventually, because it already healed out of place.

    I also have a lot of nerve damage from breaking my leg and surgery, so I have quite a bit of numbness on side of my leg. I will take that over pain any day!

    Overall, everything is moving ahead as it should. I just have to work on growing this little calf muscle and quad back again. <3
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    Overall, everything is moving ahead as it should.
    That's great news. Orange is one of my favorite colors, so I would kind of miss that, otherwise, big progress. Congrats.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    🦿Leg without a cast, day #1:

    Staying positive, but... this is so much more than I thought. I can only barely move my ankle/foot about 1 inch up and down. I can't point my toes at all. I can't move it side to side at all. I can't stand on it. About a third of my lower leg and half of my foot is numb. I don't know what I expected, but not a numb limp-noodle-leg!

    I did (mini) seated calf raises several times today with the tiny amount of movement I can do. I practiced "walking" or the walking movement with my walker, because my leg can't hold the weight yet.

    I know this will all get better with time, but I sure wish I could trade in this body for a newer, non-broken model!
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    Good morning fitness family! I woke up today in the right head space to get back to this and go harder. I wish so much that I could go on a real walk, but that's just not going to happen, so I need to do more of the workouts that I *can* reasonably do.

    Today, its been exactly 3 months since I broke my leg. I was super motivated to do arms, wheelchair, and chair exercises for the entire time that I couldn't walk... but since they took off the cast, my motivation has been waning. I think I knew logically that it would take a long time to heal, but mentally I've become wearied by being stuck in this set back.

    Today, my husband is running a half marathon. I was supposed to be with him, but I'm at home in bed, limping just to get to the bathroom. I want this to be the last year that I miss out. Maybe I can't jog or even walk a half marathon ever again, but I want to feel good enough (physically and mentally) to leave this house and cheer from the side lines with friends! I want to visit people again. I want my life back, and I know I have to keep going to make that happen.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 571 Member
    I understand how you feel! I’ve been there. Baby steps. Do what you can.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    Maybe I can't jog or even walk a half marathon ever again, but I want to feel good enough (physically and mentally) to leave this house and cheer from the side lines with friends! I want to visit people again. I want my life back, and I know I have to keep going to make that happen.

    Good. Showing up here is a part of that and you are now back. To be a wise-guy people without legs complete half marathons...so that 'never' part can be dropped. You are injured (badly) it happens to nearly all of us. You have the control to heal as well as possible, after that you'll be out doing all things and being out there living. Please don't shortcut recovery.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    Physical therapy today was hard. I mean, REALLY HARD! The exercises he had me do today... I wasn't sure if I could do even ONE, let alone 3 sets of 15 as requested. I looked at him like "You want me to do what?!" several times. During the exercises, I told him that I feel like I'm a pretty tough girl, physically and mentally, and I don't see how other people could possibly do these exercises if they are this hard for me. He kind of brushed it off and said, "sometimes they can't." There were a few times where I was shaking, and thought there is no way I can do one more repetition, but I concentrated as hard as I could and slowly did another and another. After our time was up, he admitted that he didn't actually think I was going to be able to do as many repetitions as requested, and he didn't think that I would finish the exercises. I told him I can't wimp out of a challenge! He said some people 20 years younger than me, don't progress as fast with the same injury, and I was ahead of schedule. I needed that validation after feeling the sting of tears behind my eyes while my muscles were shaking with fatigue during these stupid exercises. Feeling proud of myself and hopeful that "normal-ish" is somewhere in my future.