Biggest loser week 10

Here we are, week 10 already!
Lets add 20 sqats for the callenge this week.

So that is in addition to
25 pushups
25 crunches
25 lunges
25 leg raises
5 fruits and veggie
8 glasses of water
eating out only once weekly


  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Sounds good looking foward to a great week I have a weigh in now on Mon and Fri so I will see how this works out!! I am looking at an extra way to keep me honest!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Yay for week 10!! I cant belive its been 10 weeks already. Once again I am debating when to weigh in again.. Thursday would be a week since last weigh in. or wait till I complete day 10 of Level 2

    This challenge is definetely adding up!

    I didnt do the challenges last night :grumble: but tonite I am holding myself accountable.

    I completed Day #2 of Level 2 - my poor legs and arms lol
    also walked with an incline off/on for 35 mins to burn 262 calories

    We took the kids at my summer camp on a field trip today, so it involved lots of walking out in the heat! I'm sure that burned some extra calories

    raindancer - Dont worry about the tacos. We're having some tomorrow so I will have to be very aware of what I put in them - and also keep it to a minimum of 2 or 3 if I can.

    cnbethea - thats a great way to hold yourself accountable - weigh in Friday and Monday, it will show you how much you actually gained that weekend. Its a long weekend here this weekend (not sure if it is in the states?) so it will be another tough one for me
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Monday No challenge workouts!!
    No eating out
    H20 was great!!

    25 pushups, leg lifts, crunches no squats and lunges
    No eating out
    H20 was great!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I've done much better yesterday and far:laugh:

    25pushups/25 crucnches/20squats/25lunges/1leg raise:embarassed: /1hr of aqua
    tried a new recipe and it wasn't good and was a waste of calories
    ate out (1 chicken soft taco al fresco) felt weak before aqua class

    I am going to agua today for the 12th time this month. That completes my goal for July
    I change my ticker to a goal of losing 6 lbs in August
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Ive decided to wait to weigh in... tomorrow would be a week since the last one.. BUT.. I can feel that good ol monthly friend arriving any day now which means I am bloated and feel gross!

    Level 2 - day #3 complete of the shred! still not getting any easier on me.. this one is tough

    Also completed run #1 of the couch to 5 k Week 2!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I am right there with you Sundinsgurl I can tell because my water normally run right through me and today even though I had several cups I haven't gone much at all today :sad: sigh!!!

    Today was my first time in the deep water aqua class Raindancer I don't know if you have to do it in your class or not but they made us wear one of those float belts and the instructor was like you have to wear it really tight and for some reason I think it was too tight I felt nauseous I enjoyed all the moves and can totally feel the work being done in the water I just think I could have enjoyed it more if the belt wasn't making me feel sick I was so glad I made it through the whole class without an accident.


    25crunches, pushups,leg raises, lunges,and squats.
    2 F&V
    12c H20
    No eating out!!

    Oh yeah one more thing Raindancer can you plz tell me how to do the the other ticker so I can create me one for August as well and how to change it each time if you don't mind!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Yeah! No TOM for 7 years. Menapause was breeze for me. Just some heat flashes but all good now.

    Here is the link to make a new ticker. You can do all kinds then just copy and paste into MFP singnature.

    The agua class I take is just up to our arm pits. Lots of jumping.
    I feel like Shamu somedays:laugh:

    25 pushup/25 crunches/25lunges/0 free weights/4 leg raises/1hr agua/15squats
    no eating out
    no new foods but I did eat more fruit
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I wish I didnt have the TOM.. thank goodness for Alleve lol

    I completed Level 2 day #4 of the 30 Day Shred. It was very tough!!! I seriously wanted to cry.. it is a grueling 20 minutes

    Also, did a 35 min walk on the treadmill (with some alternating incline levels)
    than went out for a walk with a friend, it was nice to dog walk :) probably around 30 minutes

    Have really sucked at the challenges this week. I need to start not leaving it till the evening and especially before bedtime because than I never get around to it. That is my challenge from now on!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey guys TOM has definitely kicked in and just think I peaked at the scale on yesterday morning I actually saw 159.6 and I know tomm it will be gone it totally suck because I haven't potty nearly as much today as normal so I know the water is just going to make me cry in the AM but I am going to get on there anyway!!

    No workouts but I did manage to do the challenge ones right before this post so I got something in but not my normal activity level, day one of TOM always is a challenge for me to work out I still normally do something and today nothing just mall hoping with my hubby so I guess some walking would have been a great day to count steps but that's neither here nor there!!

    25 crunches, pushups, lunges, squats, and leg raises
    8 glasses oh H20
    Ate out I tried the Apple pecan salad at Wendys only 580 in calories but the sodium was through the roof as if I needed that today!!

    TGTIF!!! Make it great ladies I know I plan to!!

    Thanks so much for the site Raindancer I am going to get over there and try to create me one for August!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning,
    I was over on my calories yesterday by 234:cry:
    25 pushups/0 crucnches/20squats/0 leg raises/ no aqua
    10 h2o
    2 f/v
    ate out

    I leave at noon today for parts unknown. We are road tripping without a real plan. I won't be posting again til wednesday.
    I will try to be good.:wink:
    I will miss you guys. Have a great weekend..Later my friends.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Halfway done the shred.. wohoo!!!! Jillian didnt kill me today lol I stayed strong and toughed it out. Day #5 Level 2 DONE

    Also, completed week 2 workout #2 of couch to 5k

    I forced myself to do some of the challenges right after my run/walk.
    25 push ups
    10 lunges each leg
    5 leg raises (trying to do more later - hopefully)
    25 crunches

    Today was my last day of my month of work.. so now I am unemployed again. This sucks.. but on the brighter side I will have lots of time to work out. I have a job for Sept - with some training at the end of August. Its nice to know I have something to look forward to.It is a before and after school program so its weird hours 7-9am and 3-6pm. hopefully I can get something during the day for more hours.. if not I can exercise during the day with my free gym membership that is included becase I will be working for the YMCA.

    raindancer - we will definetely miss you while you are away! But have a wonderful trip :)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Raindancer have a fun safe trip looking foward to your return on Wed.

    Sundinsgurl way to go halfway there you rock!! It is nice to have something to look foward to and you have the time to rock out these next 15 days on the shred!! That's where I have my membership at the Y so you will have a great variety of classes and things to try hope your Y has Zumba you have to try it if you haven't already!!

    Alright guys this weekend has been strange in the fact that I haven't done much on Friday I had a couple of glasses of wine no real workout and ate out still drank tons of water don't remember the amount of F&V!!

    Sat. No challenge workouts No F&V plenty of H20 and I ate out!!

    My goals for August to lose 8lbs
    To go to the gym everyday except Sunday
    M,W,F weight lifting
    M- Kickboxing
    F-Boot camp and Zumba circuit
    Elliptical for 10-15min each day
    Complete my challenge workouts
    Eat out no more than 5x's

    Sundays maybe go for a walk or do yard work something creative!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    wow cnbethea - that is a great workout shcedule for the month of August. I think if you stick to it you will see the pounds continue to come off.

    I had a horrible long weekend eating wise... fun wise it was awesome!!! drank at home with the roomates on Friday (played darts and cards), Saturday went golfing for the first time ever.. we did 9 holes (didnt take a cart so the walking was at least some exercise). They said I played great for a first time golfer. Than at night went to our friends housewarming/birthday party. Sunday was a hungover day lol relaxed a lot - I had a soccer game (we lost 2-0). we stayed home and watched a movie. THan Monday (our extra day off since it was a Long weekend) we cleaned for the majority of the day. We cleaned out our spare room... got rid of junk.. vacuumed.. dusted and cleaned. We were probably cleaning for about 4 hours, if not more! Than went to our friends house for dinner.

    I think I should come up with some kind of schedule to help me loose lots of weight this month.. since I will be off for about 3 weeks. I kind of have certain days planned with the shred and the couch to 5k. Everyday should be shred for another 15 days. And every mon, wed, fri its running/walking. I am hoping to get in at least 2 rollerblades a week... and 2 games of tennis.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    completed Level 2 day #6, and week 2 workout 3 - so now onto Week 3 for couch to 5K

    It feels soo great to be back at it again. I feel so much happier and energetic - I dont know why I ever take a break from exercising lol Although some days (especially long weeknds) I just cant find the motivation
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    HI!! I'm back.
    We had a great time. Did some swimming and walking but no real structured exercise. I tried to watch what I ate. I did share a bag of sour cream and cheddar cheese chips. :sad:
    You two really have great goals and plans for August. I need to make some more goals besides my 6 lbs. I'll think about it and come up with something.
    I go for a MRI on my knee tomorrow. I went back to the doctor yesterday and he realized I had been in 5 times since Feburary for the same thing.

    I plan to go to aqua tonight but I've done none of the challenges today.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I completed Day #7 of Level 2, and went for a 22 min walk with my friend (with a few minute intervals of jogging)

    raindancer - its soo nice to have you back :):) we've missed ya. I hope your MRI goes well! Keep us updated - hopefully its not something too serious
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey guys!!

    Welcome back Raindancer I hope the MRI brings on a solution for your knee once and for all!!

    What a week so far I didn't workout at all yesterday I had to do training for work and so I missed my Zumba class I made up for it today with Zumba, Abs&More and Boot Camp

    I did the challenge workouts on Monday and I will get them in tonight. Water was good and F&V have been 3-5.

    Sundinsgurl you have a great plan for this month and I can't wait to hear how things are going for you!!

    I am trying to work it out I definitely don't want this to be a month where I go back and forth like I did all the previous months I want to go down down down!!
  • makingthebest08
    I like your goals I'm gonna try it one of these days.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    VENTING!!!:explode: I hate being an emotional eater. Things are changing in my job and they have laid off several people.

    I guess I dont have good coping skills because I got upset and ate 3 pieces of fried chicken and fries for lunch. No I don't feel better now I'm very sad and feel like crying for being so stupid... When do the lifetime changes kick in because I guess I missed that lesson. I am pissed off at myself
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Down 1.3 lbs since last weigh in... wohoo!! even though its only 1.3 lbs in 2 weeks. Personal comment coming - I havent gotten my monthly friend just yet.. I am not on the pill so its not a steady schedule but its usually pretty close to the first of the month. I am thinking that it might be because of the amount of exercise I have been doing late.

    Completed Day #8 of Level 2.. only 2 more to go!!
    also started C25K Week 3 today... slowly increasing my running time :) feels great

    I am thinking we need to do something to spice up this challenge.. I think after 12 weeks we are getting bored of the same things each day. I just dont know what to do just yet.,...... I am finding myself lacking any motivation to do the challenges (which is NOT good) and I know only I can motivate myself to do it.

    raindancer - dont worry about the fried chicken and fries.. its only one meal it wont mess up all your progress you've made this far. Try to get in some exercise in tonite and think about tomorow as a new day :)