Biggest loser week 10



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I agree Sundinsgurl we can spice up the challenge activities with something new. Congrats on the weight loss you are on a roll keep up the awesome work!!!

    Raindancer I am too a emotional and stress eater and believe me I wouldn't have just stopped at 3 pieces of chicken and fries so way to go on stopping there..........I think it is just pure will power and self determination that we have to find from somerwhere during those moments these last couple of times when I had something stressful I have been having self talks with myself and pretty much be like I am not going to let all these good days go down the drain because blah blah blah has pissed me off blah=what ever the present situation was at the time LOL!! I am going to eat my normal meals and I will not over indulge I found myself refamed from the kitchen or leaving the house but hey it worked so point being you have to find what works best for you and stick with it I know it sounds easier said than done and it is but you deserve it and it's what you have to do for you. You have been doing an awesome job and I know that one day wont mess you up so don't beat yourself up just hop back on track today and you will be good!! You can do it!!

    Thursday I ate out today so that's 2 down and only 3 left for the month!! I had those hand dipped chicken tenders from hardee's so not worth one of my 5 days but oh well it's done now so I am going to be more selective with these next 3!!

    5F&V challenge exercises complete and 12c H20
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I feel much better today:embarassed:
    I did make it to aqua last night. They incoporate some boxing moves. Poor water I beat the water out of it:laugh:
    I did behave myself the rest of the evening. Youngest son had cooked for me so I did not dare skip dinner. It wasn't too bad. He tends to over use butter or I cant believe it not butter. I sure would not want to discourage him from cooking for me.

    YES! please lets shake it up some. The list of challenges is so long I never get them all in, anymore. Lets just post our personal challenges. Then keep posting daily. I know I love the support.

    Think of a new name and we will start a new thread and maybe get some people to join in.

    Sundinsgur: Great loss. :flowerforyou: The new picture is awesome.
    Cnbethea: love the dog. great soulful eyes.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Raindancer that sounds like a plan!!

    I am looking foward to Zumba tomm plus some walking I brought me some sketcher shape ups I can't wait to see what they do for me!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Noooooooo Zumba yesterday:sad: I did get to walk in my shape ups I can definitely tell my posture is bad my lower back could feel it so I know it needs some work I walked pretty slow because that's what the book reccommended to get use to the walking pattern with them but today I am going to step it up I think i got the stride down now:bigsmile: Plus Zumba at 2 yay!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Okay I am hoping this week will bring me great joy I am hoping by Friday the scale will be in the 150's I am going to try to change up activity a lil from the routine I set at the beginning of the month I think I am going to add in some interval training so here is my plan for this week!! I think maybe doing week by week will be better as we know things do come up and that way I wont feel like I am letting myself down!!

    Aug 9th - Aug 15th

    Monday 30 mins Abs & More 60 min Kickboxing and 15 min Interval training and weights
    Tuesday 60 min Zumba
    Wed 45 min bootcamp and 15 min interval training maybe weights
    Thurs 60 min Zumba
    Fri 60 min Zumba circuit w/weights and 30 mins abs&more 15 min Interval training
    Sat - walk
    Sun - walk

    So are we going to create a new group this week to generate more people or how are we going to do it?
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Another weekend has come and past..

    Friday I had a friend come up for to a visit - we went out for lunch and a few beverages (ok more than a few lol) but I did get Day #9 of the shred in and a 30 min rollerblade. We went camping that evening (which resulted in more booze and junk)

    Saturday was a relaxing day... (not so well eating wise. had Taco Bell and chicken fingers)
    Sunday played baseball and soccer.. but than the b.f really badly wanted to order Chinese Food. So of course there is leftovers for dinner tonight.

    In the end I know it wont help with weight loss... but at least I am working out... it could be worse I could be eating out all the time and not exercising at all.

    I completed Day # 10 of the Shred just now.. so that means I am all done with Level 2!! Wohooooo and onto Level 3 tomorrow, very very very nervous because Ive heard its tough. But Jillian almost made me cry in the beginning of Level 2 - so I wont be shocked if that happens in Day #1 of level 3 too
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    cnbethea: Looks like you have a good plan for your activities this week. I think this way will really be better.

    Sundinsgurl: there is a thin line between living healthy and having fun. Just find a balance and have fun:wink: . You'll be old soon enough and you don't want any regrets.

    I found out I have something torn in my knee...:laugh: There goes that memory again. They told me not 30 mins ago.
    also a bakers cyst and bursitis. They are sending me to a surgeon. Hopefully he'll get it fixed fast.

    Help me think of a new name for our group.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    cnbethea - i must have just been your post earlier today because you were typing it while I was typing mine. You have a very oganized schedule full of Zumba and other exercises. I think it will help you reach that pivotal point you want - in the 150's. I know you can do it!!

    raindancer - I am sorry to hear about your knee. At least you have finally found out what is wrong with it. Do you get to see a surgeon soon?

    Now for a new group name... should we keep the biggest loser in it somehow..
    - Biggest Loser Fun
    - Friends to help you loose
    - We are the biggest losers

    ummm.... thats all I've got for now lol

    I completed my 2nd run on Week 3 of C25K... once again felt great :)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    This is what I say about trying to have an schedule somehow things just happen to come up uggghhhh!! So instead of kickboxing I walked the dogs 30 min and did day 1 of 30 day shred again lol I am trying to do it again I will complete this workout for 30 days I can do it man it's only 20 mins.!! For my interval training I did the elliptical 5 min warm up then 2 min level 5 and 2 min level 10 for a total of 20 mins. Hopefully the rest of the week will go as plan just addining in the shred each day!!

    Sundinsgurl Great job sticking with the shred and the C25K your doing awesome!!

    Raindancer glad you know what is actually wrong with your knee and can finally get it fixed once and for all!! So that will be good and I am hoping for a speedy recovery!!

    A name for the group could be:
    The new and improved biggest losers!!
    Fit and Fab biggest losers
    Up and coming Skinny Minnies!!
    Making weightloss dreams come true!!

    Well there is a few off the top of my head
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Dont get too frustrated cnbeathea - at least u did some exercise! Way to go with day #1 of the shred.. I know you can do it this time!!! I can help keep you accountable if you'd like. And if you miss a day or two than just get right back at it and you will get through it. It helps having MFP and being in a group with people who are doing the shred (started around the same time as me)- because I know that I have to come on here and say if I didnt do it.. or its a reward to come on here after and say Wohoooo I completed Day #_ level _

    I like all the suggestions you gave us cnbethea.... pick anyone you like raindancer

    Completed Week 3 of C25K - movin on up to week 4 :)
    Also, did day #1 of level 3 today - it was definetely a tough workout but I made it!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    OMG!! It is hot!!!
    They made me a appointment with a surgeon for 8/24 hopefully they do something quick.
    My body has adjusted to the calories I burn in aqua and I think thats why I've stalled my weight loss. It is so hot I can't think about doing anything but aqua for now. Temps are over 100 for a couple of weeks now. With heat indexes of 103-108 everyday.

    Of the name choices I like :
    Fit and Fab biggest losers
    Up and coming skinnie minnies
    Biggest losers fun

    I got to go. I'm still at work just trying to cool off:glasses:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Thanks Sundinsgurl I really appreciate it I will definitely post in here how I am doing and I am also telling a girl that started today I thought we were suppose to start yesterday so I guess I completed day 1 level 1 again and I will continue on from here and if you don't hear from me feel free to say get it done I don't mine critique and constructive criticism.

    So today was 60 min Zumba and shred day 1 level 1 plus a 15min walk home from the gym!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Yesterday I completed day 2 of the shred, mowed the lawn, and did boot camp it was a great day!! I am definitely feeling it today hahaha!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning!
    cnbethea: great job! I've been tempted to try Shred but I know I would probably not even be able to get to day 3 of level 1.
    Sundingurl::bigsmile Hope everyting is going well for you.
    I having a fair day at work. It's still over 100 but I'm surviving it.
    Lets start Fit and Fab Biggest Losers