Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Superb September!!!



  • Ms_Heffalumpy
    Ms_Heffalumpy Posts: 42 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone,

    Sitting here at my desktop computer, drinking my morning pitcher of coffee 🤣 and, literally, drooling 🤤😋 as the smell of my homemade 3-meat marinara sauce, that I have simmering on the stovetop, comes wafting through from my kitchen.
    I'm TRYING to get my husband to stop sneaking in the kitchen and, in his words, "testing" it 🙄🙄
    (I'm pretty sure it tasted the same as it did 2 minutes ago 😂 🤣)

    It's a homemade tomato-based sauce that I make with lean ground beef, Italian sausage, pepperoni, mini sweet peppers and sweet onion and other seasonings. I first made it a few months ago (before re-starting my journey) and it was delicious and this morning I'm just basically fine tuning my recipe and getting down all of my ingredients and figuring up total yield (after cooking) serving sizes, and so on so I can add it to the 'recipe section' of my MFP food diary and be able to log it.
    It fits perfectly into my new '99% 'dirty keto' lifestyle.

    Tonight, for dinner, we are grilling up Zucchini wedges, lightly brushing them with olive oil, salt and pepper and then I will be topping these off with some of this sauce, and then adding a little mozzarella cheese on top.

    On weekends, if we are not camping and fishing, you will find us out and about going from one thrift store to another. I like the Salvation Army and Goodwill stores, but there are a few others we go to as well. It's something we both enjoy doing, although these days my house is starting to look like a 'well organized' thrift store itself 😂 🤣

    Too funny, when my youngest son and his family (our grandbabies) came home over the Labor day weekend, my son asked me if he could 'borrow' our Food Saver vacuum sealer.
    Knowing that I would probably never see it again, I reluctantly handed it over to him along with several rolls of Food Saver bags. 😂

    Well yesterday, at the Salvation Army store (color of the day was yellow) ...guess what I found?
    Yup! BRAND NEW, still in box, NEVER used Food Saver FM2000 Vacuum Sealing System.
    The original box itself was is rough shape, but the actual machine is in perfect condition, and you can tell it had never been used. The only thing it was missing was the hose accessory (which I never use anyways) and the starter bags that it usually comes with when you buy it retail like from Walmart or where ever.

    The YELLOW sticker price was $14.99, so I got it for 50% off that ($8.00) 😲😲
    We picked up a whole bunch of other stuff too at several different thrift stores that we visited but I think that was my 'find' of the day.
    Fun weekend so far...

    hope your all having a great weekend.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    I haven't been checking in. I wanted to just jump in quickly and let you all know why and what's been happening.

    At the end of August i had severe pain and then an emergency root canal. Once I could finally eat again, I went on a family reunion vacation with my husband's family. Now that I've been back for about a week and want to get in the swing of things, we have a leak in the kitchen ceiling pooling into our light fixture. So we can't use the kitchen, the lights, or the master bathroom above any of it. Cooking and showering and even needing to pee are now issues.

    I'm so sorry that I've struggled and not communicated this month. Life just isn't going smoothly the past few weeks. When I'm struggling with every day life this hard I don't even remember to check the community boards or communicate. If you're a praying person, please just give us a prayer that things start going smoother.

    In a recap, this year we had my husband in the hospital in February (still paying down that bill), my parents visiting twice (always stressful and the first visit they tried to gift my daughter a puppy), a bunch of work stress, kid home for summer break, back to school, emergency root canal (more financial stress), and now emergency home repairs with zero money in the bank. I'm so sorry to be so absent. Just hasn't been a great year.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    YESSSSS I have access to MFP at work again! Y'all are going to hear from me so much, haha!

    Weight this morning was 179 :open_mouth: not a real weight, but crazy that it keeps going up right now!

    Today's dinner is on track, after I forgot and doubled back to turn on the crock pot. Chicken chili, we'll see how it turns out, considering I put green beans in there instead of beans-beans. I needed to use up those green bean cans. Anything can be good, just need to not call it chili to my chili-loving kids.

    Tonight at the gym is a choreographed dance class and a miscellaneous fitness class. I'm excited for both, and to get back in the groove. Then I don't have an official gym class again until Saturday, so I'll be practicing my routine at home. Mondays mean signups for gym classes next week open up, and I'll be doing a boot camp type class, and then performance night.

    I need to like... make my outfit for performance night, lol. I'm thinking of cutting up a pair of cotton leggings (cotton are the best for chair acro, slippier than skin, not so slippy that I fall off) like this: https://youtu.be/BJq4Bppolcc?feature=shared I'm thinking the third one. I need to be able to slide on the back of my legs, but the front can be skin, I won't have to slide on the front. As far as a top goes, I haven't decided whether I'm going to cut up a tank top or just wear a fancy top, yet.

    I've got my food prepped, all as planned, except I made banana cornbread last night to use up some bananas, so hopefully my coworkers eat it all and leave me none this afternoon when it gets tough. :tongue:

    @Ms_Heffalumpy that's a great find! And your sauce sounds amazing.

    @pamperedlinny oh no, when it rains it pours. Don't apologize, life happens. And you're having... more life than usual, wow. I hope things get better for you asap.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • serenecompassion2663
    54 years old
    SW: 235
    CW: 210.2
    GW: 199
    UGW: 140

    Today’s weigh-in I’m essentially stable, going up 0.2.

    Considering I think I’ve forgotten what a vegetable is, I think I’m doing pretty well.

    Plans for the rest of September:

    Since I resorted to retail therapy to deal with my grief, I am planning on emptying out my pantry to see what meals I can cobble together. The Meals on Wheels site downstairs will also be helpful.

    Keep meals simple.

    Get outside and walk 2 miles 5x/week.

    Simplify my before bed routine so maybe I can sleep through the night and regain some restorative sleep.

    Blessings to you all.😊
  • serenecompassion2663
    Part of recovering from the retail therapy is also reclaiming responsibility for my finances.

    I’ve signed on with a credit counseling company who will negotiate my interest rates and help me pay off my debts. This reclaiming responsibility also means I’ve moved my salon day out into November, which is good, because it was supposed to be a reward for my breaking 200.
  • Ms_Heffalumpy
    Ms_Heffalumpy Posts: 42 Member
    Happy Monday Morning to everyone,

    Sitting here, coffee in hand, repeating my Monday morning 'exercise' mantra over and over again
    "I will NOT procrastinate today!" 🙄 "I will NOT procrastinate today." 😋

    Although I can't say the same for our little 'weenie' Bitsy (9 years old, miniature dachshund)
    who is currently procrastinating under the blankies and will no doubt remain their much of the day 😂 🤣

    After breakfast I will be warming up to a little dancing around my living room, followed by swinging my 'not so little' butt off with a few rounds of kettlebell swings, kettlebell squats, kettlebell windmills, and a few other exercises, all in a Tabata HIIT style routine. I've synced all of my workout to music so that are more fun to do.
    This week I'm also planning to target some of my more specific muscle groups. (upper arms and entire mid-section / core.) Alternating days for each specific muscle group.
    These two areas on my body are where I store the majority of my fat.

    I started another discussion here on the motivation and support forum so I can keep track of both my weekly weigh-ins and monthly measurements.
    SEPTEMBER 2023 🤗 Tracking My Success 🤗 My Weekly Weigh-In ✶ Monthly Measurements 🤗

    Each week (Friday mornings) I'm going to be stepping on the scale, just once a week and I'm also going to be updating my measurements once a month (1st of each month or there abouts) via this discussion.

    My 'initial measurements' (back from July 28th, 2023) are quite depressing to me and it is a brutal reminder, to myself, of why I am on this journey. However, I think as I continue to lose weight, and more importantly lose INCHES, seeing the 'old me' transform into a 'lighter' version of myself is going to be both exciting, and motivating in that I will want to keep going.

    @CupcakeCrusoe you're making me hungry with all that talk about chicken chili. It sounds yummy...and with green beans, (never would of thought to do that) I think this is something that would fit well into my own 'dirty little keto' plan. Food for thought, Mmmm 😊

    @pamperedlinny you have absolutely no reason to be apologizing. With everything you have on your plate right now, I think taking care of YOU and your FAMILY is your #1 priority right now. ((HUGS)) to you.

    Hope you all have a good day,
    ttyl 😝
  • serenecompassion2663

    Andrea here.
    My new Fall skittles manicure.😊
  • Ms_Heffalumpy
    Ms_Heffalumpy Posts: 42 Member

    I 😍 those colors. When it comes to nail polish color, browns, mocha's, and mauve's are the only colors I typically use.
  • serenecompassion2663
    @pamperedlinny : please just take care of yourself and your family. Prayers are being sent to you.

    @Ms_Heffalumpy : I absolutely adore doing my own nails. I want to learn how to do nail art. These colors are new to me. They are from my favorite cruelty-free brand, Ella & Mila, and they are, from thumb,
    Pour the Bubbly
    Forever Mine
    Lust in Love
    Cup O’ Latte
    I just spent a fortune on new polish colors because I wanted to start playing with art patterns for Fall. Most often I have stuck with mauves and pinks, all on the nude side of the spectrum. I’m very much wanting to break out of neutral and have some Fun with Color, not just on my nails but in my style in general. I bought basic black and white so I can do some fun graphic designs in October. Doing my own nails is a fabulous way for me to slow down and pamper myself.😊
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited September 2023
    Goood morning everyone!

    176.6 today, Yes, 179 was not real, I knew that, it was still good to see lower on the scale.

    Given I was just on a work trip, and the baby is coughing, this tickle I have in my throat is concerning me. A double threat. So I'm masking up, and I happen to be getting my flu shot and covid booster today. I hate sick season.

    I made this fabulous lentil stew with mashed potatoes and parsnips on Sunday, I never posted a picture.

    Gym last night was good, sweated it out a little bit, and now I don't have to be back at the gym until Saturday, which means I need to get serious about practicing for performance night. But tonight is for video games with the boys.

    And teriyaki salmon rice bowls! Gonna marinate some salmon while the oven heats, throw rice in the rice cooker, and chop up some red cabbage, dump shredded carrots, and roast the salmon with some snap peas (or maybe leave them raw, not sure yet), and throw the whole lot in a bowl with some sauce of some kind. Maybe more teriyaki.

    Gonna be good! And pretty low-effort. Which will be good, considering the post-shot, video-game-night stuff.

    @serenecompassion2663 doing my nails was always a low-cost treat for me. Those look amazing.

    @Ms_Heffalumpy those first measurements are not fun to take, but so important, and you'll be glad you have them later :smiley:

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Ms_Heffalumpy
    Ms_Heffalumpy Posts: 42 Member
    🌞 Good Morning 🌞

    I couldn't sleep, tossed and turned all night long and finally got up around 3.30am.😩
    It's completely knocked me off my game today.

    I'm also feeling every single kettlebell squats I did yesterday 😂 🤣 especially in my butt (aka glutes) and thighs (quadriceps and hamstrings)
    Today, my exercise plan is to do 'diddly squat' 😂 and rest the ol' muscles 💪💪 for a day before picking it back up tomorrow. I have no doubt my butt muscles will thank me.

    Hope your all having a good day...
  • Ms_Heffalumpy
    Ms_Heffalumpy Posts: 42 Member
    Oh wow..
    do you ever just take a little cat nap in the late morning and POW..
    an hour later you are instantly re-energized and feeling great?

    I don't take naps very often but after not sleeping last night I decided to lay down after my last comment. I guess I really needed it. I slept HARD (woke up drooling 😂😂)

    My butt and thigh muscles are still sore but otherwise I'm feeling great.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    176.2 today, continuing coming down from that high just after my work trip.

    Got my shots yesterday, and so far only sore in the arm I got them both in. Fingers crossed it stays that way. The good news is, my sore throat has somewhat dissipated this morning, so we'll see.

    Obligatory pic of my teriyaki salmon bowl from last night, which I would gladly eat just about every day.
    yes, those are shark chopsticks, yes the mouth does open and close, I also have t-rex and unicorn chopsticks that do the same.

    And I got a new chair for practice, it is very slippy. I'm aiming to get a few solid run-throughs of my routine tonight after slowing a couple moves down to refine them.

    I think that's about everything, time to get through work. Have a great day, everyone!

  • serenecompassion2663
    54 years old
    SW: 235
    CW: 208.6
    GW: 200
    UGW: 140

    I am soooo excited!! I *have* lost weight this month, *and* inches!!!
    AND I’m on Day 3 of consistent exercise!!!

    Yay me!!!
  • Ms_Heffalumpy
    Ms_Heffalumpy Posts: 42 Member

    I just read your amazing update on our other discussion. Holy Smokes you are on 🔥 🔥
    And look at you losing all of those inches off both your waist and hips. So inspiring!

    You are sooooo close to onederland...I have no doubts that your getting excited.
    WTG!! 🤩 🥳
  • onhaltn
    onhaltn Posts: 28 Member
    I’m 65, 5’1”, female, obese my whole life. Got serious last November. Daily stationary bike in my building’s gym, plus in warm weather a daily swim too, in building’s outdoor pool. Radically changed eating habits, very low sugars and no meats but lots of fish, some poultry, lots of yogurt, fruit and green/orange/red vegetables.
    SW: 275
    CW: 162
    GW: 130

    Getting harder as I am losing veeeeeerrrrryyy slowly now that my weight has dropped so much, so I don’t need as many calories, and swim season is over. About to go away for a month, so no more handy gym either. Am determined to substitute walking plus Pilates or calisthenics that can be done where I will be staying, despite absence of a gym. Have packed up many bags of clothing in sizes 28 to 18, for donation, so really must stay on this journey. There’s nothing to wear if I regain this weight.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    175 today! This downward cliff can't keep up, I expect an increase tomorrow, but I do appreciate it while it lasts. :smile:

    I left work early yesterday because the booster made me feel awful, and work is giving me an extra day to recover, so I've already cleaned up the downstairs, started a load of dishes and laundry, and sorted some clothes.

    To do today:
    -actually make and figure out my performance outfit, lol
    -finish sorting and putting away laundry
    -practice my full routine at least twice
    -pick up headphones for Kiddo
    -drink at least 4 (filled with water) of these:

    Stretch goals:
    -do meal prep for next week/get groceries
    -cut out the pattern pieces for the dress I'm making for Birthday Tea next month
    -move my squat rack onto the sealed part of the floor so I can continue sealing the floor in the garage

    ...and then after at least my main goals are finished, I can relax and play video games or something.

    I'm eating leftover teriyaki salmon for breakfast, continuing my streak of eating something with chili crisp in it every day (it's so good! new favorite condiment, especially mixed with kewpie mayo!). Lunch will be more leftovers, roasted sweet potatoes, cabbage, and a sausage from last night's dinner.

    Tag party time:
    @serenecompassion2663 way to go!!!

    @Ms_Heffalumpy I keep meaning to say, love the coffee cup :lol:

    @onhaltn I find, having lost a significant amount myself, that there's less time to regain as long as I'm paying attention, if that makes sense? Like, as long as I'm paying attention, I can hit a new, lower, "oh crap I gotta get it together" weight, and turn it around, rather than keep gaining. So I know you can do it, as long as you continue to pay attention. :smile:
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,367 Member
    My goal is simple: ONEderland!

    That is a good one, which many of us share.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    My scale ran out of juice, so it's charging, and I guess I'll have my official weigh in tomorrow.

    Things from yesterday:
    ✔️actually make and figure out my performance outfit, lol
    half ✔️, sorted but not put away-finish sorting and putting away laundry
    ✔️practice my full routine at least twice
    ✔️pick up headphones for Kiddo
    ✔️drink at least 4 (filled with water) of these:
    Stretch goals:
    ✔️do meal prep for next week/get groceries
    -cut out the pattern pieces for the dress I'm making for Birthday Tea next month
    -move my squat rack onto the sealed part of the floor so I can continue sealing the floor in the garage
    I also got my hair cut and watched a conference about pole fitness.

    It's work time, I'm refiguring my routine a little, and I'm pretty okay with how much I got done yesterday.

    Weather here is about to be wild, unsure how wild, yet.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * get used to walking at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make better food choices
    * no snacking on unhealthy foods
    * lose about 10lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    September SW: 252.4
    CW: 245.8 (9/22)
    GW (short term): 235
    GW (long term): 165

    9/22 update: Had a bit of a setback this last week. I'm actually up .2lbs from last Friday! It's been a stressful week basically adding up since earlier last week. Got into a fight with my husband, did a picnic with all my kids (which was fun, but I get stressed having to do so much socializing plus there were a lot of temptations foodwise), daughter got in trouble with the law, the water was shut off for almost 24 hours the same day one of our kittens went missing and now my daughter's one client (she's a nanny) said she can't take her son with her to work anymore so I'm back to babysitting my grandson guaranteed twice a week if not more. It all just kind of got to me, and the last two days I let myself binge on some Veggie Straws. And my weight went right back up to 245 (almost 246!). The stress just made me feel even more hungry than usual. Even when I ate like I normally did just a week ago, I felt starving the whole day which was frustrating on top of the stress.

    I am taking measures to try and get things back under control. Mostly giving myself a pep talk about it and accepting I sabotaged myself (especially yesterday when I ate perfectly all day with no snacking until like 7:45pm then ate like 4 or 5 servings of veggie straws 400-600 calories. :'(

    I've also decided to move the snacks away from my chair which forces me to actually get up if I want some and that will discourage me from just easily snacking whenever I feel like it. In the end, it's not that big of a deal. I made it 2 1/2 months without screwing up and it's only a slight setback of less than two pounds. I'll get past it.