Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Superb September!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Saturday weigh in day!

    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 9/1: 174.4
    9/9: 175.6
    9/16: 177.8 (average 176.3)
    9/23: 176 (average 176.3)

    🍁 September Goals! 🍁

    🍂 September GW (average): 175

    🤎Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ✔️
    🤎Log everything in grams ❌
    🤎 Shut down the house every night✔️

    I ate a lot of pizza last night, so I'm not surprised at this small increase from two days ago, lol.

    Back into the calorie grind this week, and I was (mostly) happy to be there. I've refined my breakfast to something that fills me up and makes me happy AND is low calorie, lunch is a work in progress, and then I can mostly eat what I make for the fam at night.

    I probably won't make my goal average this month (lol, understatement), but I feel equipped to keep going into the holiday season this way. I ate a regulation bag of mellowcreme pumpkins over the last week, and by the last couple, I was just sick of the sugar. Gonna bring that energy into the next month especially.

    Today at the gym is poles and then advanced poles, which is a little scary, considering I haven't touched a pole in two weeks, lol. I'll be fine.

    You know what really snatched my wig this week? This:

    I wonder if I could actually DO the DASH diet this week. One way to find out. :neutral: I'll do it for the culture. BRB.

    I'm back. So with that in mind, meal prep:
    Man, the DASH diet wants you to consume so. many. grains! I planned to hit my fruits (easy) almost hit my veg (harder), came well under the Meat Limit (lol), and stayed within dairy and fat limits (no prob), and went over on nuts, because peanut butter toast is life. I saved all my sweets to be unplanned, because I never know when I'm going to need one. I'm going to hoard them.

    It's not far from what my meal prep was going to be originally, just... with less sweets, haha. And more fruit.

    @justanotherjen13 wow, you had quite a week! Sometimes moving those snacks somewhere just out of eyesight helps so, so much.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • serenecompassion2663
    I just dished up a version of my slow cooker chili for lunch, and I must admit this one is a little thin. I did what I could with what I have on hand, but will definitely need to stock up on canned beans and flash freeze some peppers for the coming months.

    My fever has finally broken, so I’m looking forward to getting outside again and restarting walking.

    You are an absolute inspiration with your pole classes! I should be on the DASH diet, as I take meds for high blood pressure. I’m glad you were able to make it work! Regarding grains, I’m finding since being on Ozempic I cannot tolerate refined flour breads…store bought white, pumpernickel etc. nor regular pasta. I do much better with sprouted bread, or quinoa, farro, brown rice, or, in baking, oat flour. I envy you your mallowcreme pumpkins. I literally have to space sweets out over a week or more…If I eat a bunch either in one sitting, or servings over several days consecutively, I end up paying for it.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in day, and the last day of September!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 9/1: 174.4
    9/9: 175.6
    9/16: 177.8 (average 176.3)
    9/23: 176 (average 176.3)
    9/30: 174.8 (average 176.5)

    🍁 September Goals! 🍁

    🍂 September GW (average): 175

    🤎Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week❌
    🤎Log everything in grams ❌
    🤎 Shut down the house every night✔️

    I did the DASH diet this week, but I didn't log my food. And everything's been a little wonky, in that shark week is late for me, so my weight is being weird. But also! Since I wasn't logging in grams, I can't be sure that it's not just that I overate things that DASH is fine with.

    So verdict on the DASH diet: it's a little hard to stick to in regards to sweets, but reducing my sweets consumption a little is probably good for me anyway.

    Performance night last night didn't go the way I expected, I fell out of the chair, recovered, and screwed up my routine, but the ladies who were watching said they didn't notice. They're so nice.

    @serenecompassion2663 I'm glad to hear you're feeling better!

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * get used to walking at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make better food choices
    * no snacking on unhealthy foods
    * lose about 10lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    September SW: 252.4
    CW: 241.6 (9/30)
    GW (short term): 235
    GW (long term): 165

    9/30 update: It was a rough month, especially the last couple weeks. The weight did not come off easily and I had a lot of temptations I didn't fight. Quite a bit of regret, but I think I'm back on track. I'm adjusting my goals. I lost over 50lbs in three months. I know that isn't going to be how it is going forward. I only managed a little over 10lbs this month. For October, I'm aiming for 6lbs. This is the last month where I won't have constant temptations. Come November, I (or my daughter) will start baking more which will last until Christmas/New Year.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    💜💜💜Hey, ladies!!!💜💜💜

    Next month's group has been posted in the Motivation and Support forum. Hope to see you there:

    🎃Women 200lb+, Let’s Hocus Pocus Focus This October!!!🎃
