✈ Fall 5% Challenge 🛩 Request to Join Today!

Ceriusly1 Posts: 6,223 Member
edited September 2023 in Challenges
Today, September 2nd is the last weigh-in of summer! The Fall Community goes public on Sunday, September 3rd. Request to join and get approved today! Team seats are first come, first seated so get your request in early! Fall 5% Community
Thanks, Ceri (Ceriusly1)Overall Co-Leader, 5% Fall Challenge


  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,744 Member
    With a couple of breaks, I've been involved in the 5% Challenges since they began on Sparks in 2010, and in all of the ones we've had here on MFP. I highly recommend the 5%. This is why I continue to participate:

    ~ ALL are welcome regardless of health issues or fitness levels, the need to lose weight, maintain or gain weight. We focus on healthy habits and what we CAN do.

    ~ I love that my commitment is only for 8 weeks. I can do 8 weeks. Then we have about a month off and do it all over again. But it's a fresh start, with another doable timeframe.

    ~ Optional participation is available for the month between Challenges for those who want to remain connected to their team and have support until the next seasonal challenge begins.

    ~ While there are a couple of more competitive teams, all our teams care more about individual members than winning. Winning is fun, but it's not the primary objective. We really win when we end a challenge better off than if we had not participated.

    ~ The Challenge keeps my health and weight on the front burner and I'm aware of what I'm eating and how much I'm exercising. If I wasn't participating, it would be a lot easier to let things slide. Even when I end a season with a gain, it's a much smaller gain than it would have been if I'd not been in the Challenge. And the seasons I end with a loss - that's a reason to celebrate!

    ~ There isn't a specific diet plan that members are expected to follow. Each member decides on their own eating plan and health goals.

    ~ The core group of my team has become like family. There are members I've known for years, a few I'm friends with outside MFP, and it's always fun to get to know new members and watch some of them become a part of the family.

    What I have experienced myself, and observed over the years is that the members who are active and participate in optional team activities are the ones who feel supported. The ones who do the absolute minimum by just posting their weight and exercise minutes are the ones who are apt to not feel supported. If you don't share on the team, how can we get to know you or support you? You get out of it what you put into it. I've been a team leader most of the years I've been participating and find that also increases accountability, focus and support.
  • 2122DJC
    2122DJC Posts: 97 Member
    I am trying to join the "Tenacious GR8TERS". I am new to myfitnesspal 5% challenge. What do I do now?
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,744 Member
    @2122DJC - You need to go the Announcement, "Start Here - You Must Choose a Team" and click on the link to Tenacious Gr8ters to sign up.

    To make it easier for you, here's the direct link given in that Announcement to the Tenacious Gr8ters sign up: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10898394/tenacious-gr8ters/p1
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    Thanks to the 5% Challenge here on MFP I've lost 116 lbs!! AND WOOHOO I've maintained it now since April!!

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @katiecondy1 we love having you with us! Even through the knee surgery where exercise could not hardly done for a bit you stayed with us and did amazing.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,681 Member
    edited September 2023
    I first joined the 5% Challenge teams the year before SparkPeople ended. I'm especially happy that the challenges have continued here at MFP.
    I had been a part of SP for 11 yrs and lost 49 lbs while there, reaching my goal weight and then losing a little more. Some of the weight creeped back on, which is what brought me to find the 5% challenges.

    The 5% Challenges keep me motivated to exercise regularly, keeping it in the forefront of my mind and not just an after-thought.

    Having team-mates whom we can regularly "visit" online with is like having several exercise buddies who are all there with the common goal of living a healthier life and taking care of ourselves.

    I think I've been part of six 5% challenges. I'm learning that patience DOES pay off. It was easier for me to get to my target weight all those yrs ago. Losing any weight at all 13 yrs later has been very challenging. I seriously need this daily motivation from being part of a collective effort bc it would be really easy for me to give up in frustration without it.

    THANK YOU to those who've created these 5% Challenges and kept them going! They area wonderful thing.
  • PaulaKNW
    PaulaKNW Posts: 2,207 Member
    I also joined in on the 5% challenges while on SparkPeople, and never missed a round after signing up. I've been on maintenance for quite some time, and credit my success in great part to daily participation with the team. There are many fitness minutes I've accomplished just because I wanted to help support the team and told myself I'd just do a bit. Most of the time "a bit" turns into a nice workout. And it doesn't have to be "formal" exercise, either.

    It is a fun competition, but the main focus is on learning more and practicing a healthy lifestyle -- and supporting your team mates. I've been doing this for years, but with each challenge, I always pick up something new, or some new way to approach a healthy habit. I've also gotten so many kind words and support through my DH's illness. Lots of nice people participating! I highly recommend joining up!
  • Kateljm
    Kateljm Posts: 1,937 Member
    I love the 5% Challenges! A goal of 5% weight loss in eight weeks is DOABLE. The focus on HEALTHY HABITS reinforces daily practices that work together for results. The FRIENDSHIPS buoy me when I begin to slack, and I learn so much from fellow members.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,896 Member
    I joined the 5% Challenges AFTER losing 60+lbs as I had never been able to maintain any substantial weight loss for more than a couple weeks or months. Three years later and I'm just slightly above my maintenance weight thanks to the encouragement of healthy habits & daily exercise and the positive support from both leaders and teammates.
  • Imnotstoppin
    Imnotstoppin Posts: 1,090 Member
    This is a message I wrote to Ceri about how I came to the 5% Weight Loss Challenge. I absolutely love it here. I highly recommend the Fall challenge 😀

    I had been with SPARKPEOPLE for several years and always wondered who it was that invited me to join the 5% Weight Loss Challenges. The team I was put on was the Spirited Underdawgs with Diane. By being motivated and encouraged by other team members, gaining knowledge, weekly challenges and God’s blessings I was able to SLOWLY lose weight. To me, the 5% challenges has been better than any weight loss program that I have ever been on. Most everyone on the team had a dog, other than Diane who had a cat. The team were always posting pictures of their dogs and telling stories about them. I could feel the “LOVE” and I wanted one.

    It was nearing Christmas and my then 5 year old grandson was telling my daughter and I, that he wanted a puppy from Santa. Specifically one that would fit in his lap. He got his wish. And on Christmas day he opened up a Christmas-wrapped box holding a tiny maltipoo puppy. He was so happy. She went home that day with me so I could care for her. My daughter and family lived on a busy street and there was not sufficient yard space for the pup. Ever since I have blessed with my buddy, walking and sleeping partner.

    God is so good!

    Thank you 5%ers for all your support! 😃