100 Day Challenge #17 September 23, 2023 through December 31, 2023



  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    I’m Teri
    Age 60, 5’4”

    Challenge Starting Weight: 142.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 138lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-133 lbs
    Day 01-09/23-xxxxx-

    Day 02-09/24-xxxxx-

    Day 03-09/25-xxxxx-

    Day 04-09/26-xxxxx-

    Day 05-09/27-xxxxx-

    Day 06-09/28-xxxxx-

    Day 07-09/29-xxxxx-

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 08-09/30-xxxxx-

    Day 09-10/01-xxxxx-

    A week late to this new challenge, after falling off the wagon for a while. But I’m so glad to be back. Celebrated my 60th on 09/23 and I’m feeling good. Now to get back into the habit of weighing and logging in daily. I believe this is my 4th 100-day challenge. Good luck everyone!

    Day 10-10/02-142.8 – New day, new start! Looking forward to being productive with work and to get some exercise in today. Need to work on my eating habits.

    Day 11-10/03-142.5 – No workout yesterday but eating was pretty much on point. Probably not going to exercise today as well since I’m meeting friends for Happy Hour. I’ll try my best not to go overboard with alcohol and carbs (“don’t slash the other tires” LOL). One of the friends I’m meeting has returned to Maui for a funeral for family members who perished in the recent wildfire here. Lots of healing still to be done.

    Day 12-10/04-141.7 – Wasn’t planning on working out yesterday, but my anxiety was high for most of the day, so I decided to jump on the Peloton to try to relieve it. Good call. Also, great get together with friends in the early evening and the ‘everything in moderation’ attitude performed well: just one glass of wine and an appetizer!

    Day 13-10/05-DNW – Had a great start to the day yesterday, even got in a work out in the afternoon, until uncontrollable late night snacking got me. So, I didn’t want to feel even more disgusted by seeing the number on the scale this morning. On another note, it’s a beautiful day outside!

    Day 14-10/06-143.4 – Not happy about this gain, but not surprised. This is the result of the copious amounts of sugar 2 & 3 days ago. [sigh]. Did well yesterday and if I keep it up, I should be happy with progress by Sunday.

    WEEK 2 GAIN: +0.6
    Accumulated Gain: +0.6

    Day 15-10/07-143.5 – Nothing exciting to report. Just trudging along.

    Day 16-10/08-DNW

    Day 17-10/09-144.3 – Have to work harder. I don’t remember it being this hard.

    Day 18-10/10-144.4 – Had a productive day yesterday, but no workout. Did not go off the rails with “bad” foods. I’m too close to 145 lbs. Need to reel it in.

    Day 19-10/11-144.3 – Yesterday’s workout: 50 min spin class. But snacking gets me everytime.

    Day 20-10/12-143.8 – Yesterday’s workout: 20-min full body kettlebells, 5-min core and 20-min spin class. I hope I worked off the calories & carbs from my hamburger & fries from McDonald’s. No chips all day… yay me!

    Day 21-10/13-xxxxx-142.7 – Happy with this scale read. Low carb day yesterday and no “bad” snacking. Took a break from working out. My body was hurting from the kettlebell workout the day before. Harder to recover the older I get.

    WEEK 3 LOSS: -0.70 [weigh-in: 142.7]
    Accumulated Loss: -0.1

    Day 22-10/14-142.8

    Day 23-10/15-143.8 – Can’t explain this jump.

    Day 24-10/16-143.6 – Now back to my weekday routine of eating better, no alcohol and making more of an effort to fit in my workouts.

    Day 25-10/17-142.9 – Improvement. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min full body kettlebells, 5-min core and 20-min spin class. Eating was on track. Ready for a productive day!

    Day 26-10/18-143.0 - Yesterday’s workout: 50 min spin class, 5-min core.

    Day 27-10/19-142.4 – Yesterday’s workout: 45 min ride on the Peloton. Nothing too intense but better than nothing. Slowly getting around to decluttering my home office. Got a new desk so that area is now organized. I don’t know why but I’m suddenly more productive. It’s like my brain has more room to process and follow thru with tasks. Something to be said for getting rid of clutter. Now to declutter the rest of my office.

    Day 28-10/20- 143.1 Having dinner & cocktails out tonight. Expecting a weekend gain as usual.

    WEEK 4 GAIN: +.04 [weigh-in: 143.1]
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +.30

    Day 29-10/21-DNW

    Day 30-10/22-DNW

    Day 31-10/23-143.3

    Day 32-10/24-142.3- Surprised at this dip. It will probably go up again tomorrow though. Always starts with the weekend. It would be fine if I could get right back on track come Monday. I’ll have to work on it. Planning on shrimp tacos for dinner. Low carb tortillas for me.

    Day 33-10/25 - 142.8- Dinner before 6pm yesterday and nothing afterward. Surprised myself!

    Day 34-10/26 - 142.8

    Day 35-10/27 - 142.8- Same weight 3 days in a row and back to the weight I started this challenge with. Now it’s the weekend which always derails me. I will try harder.

    WEEK 5 LOSS: -.3 [weigh-in: 142.8]
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.0 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 36-10/28 - DNW

    Day 37-10/29 - DNW

    Day 38-10/30 - 143.4 Worked all weekend. No workouts.

    Day 39-10/31 - 143.9 I will have to limit the wine, pizza and candies tonight. Fingers crossed. Happy Halloween!

    Day 40-11/01 - 143.6 Not too bad considering the wine & pizza I had last night. Didn’t go overboard though so that’s a good thing.

    Day 41-11/02 - DNW

    Day 42-11/03 - 143.6 Gaining and losing the same pound over and over. Whatever I’m doing is just maintaining. I need to figure out how to actually lose weight.

    WEEK 6 GAIN: +.8 [weigh-in: 143.6]
    Accumulated Gain: +.8 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 43-11/04 - 142.7 Surprised at this number but I’ll take it. Got a cardio workout in yesterday... finally!

    Day 44-11/05 - 143.4

    Day 45-11/06 - 144.3

    Day 46-11/07 - 143.5 Back down a pound. Whew! It's a beautiful day here, although quite breezy.

    Day 47-11/08 - 143.6

    Day 48-11/09 - 144.9 Too much chili & rice yesterday. My favorite!

    Day 49-11/10 - 143.2

    WEEK 7 LOSS: - .4
    Accumulated Gain: + .4 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 50-11/11 - DNW

    Day 51-11/12 - DNW

    Day 52-11/13 - 145 No words. Disappointed

    Day 53-11/14 - 144.3

    Day 54-11/15 - 143.1 Don’t know where this drop came from. lol I never know how accurate my scale is. Yesterday’s exercise: 1 hour (11.78 miles) Peloton ride. Nothing crazy, no climbs. Just at a flat road pace after dinner. Easing back into it.

    Day 55-11/16 - 143.4 Could have done better with what I ate yesterday. Glad I got in some exercise: 15-min low impact cycling and a 20-min kettlebell class. I’ll be hurting for the next 2 days for sure.

    Day 56-11/17 - 143.9 It’s the snacking / self-sabotage. Ugh! Yesterday’s exercise: 35 min cycling and 10 min. upper body strength training.

    WEEK 8 GAIN: +.7 [weigh in: 143.9]
    Accumulated Gain: +1.10 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 57-11/18 - 142.1 Whoa…. Should I believe my scale? Almost a 2 lb drop in a day. Eating was on point yesterday and I stopped eating at about 7pm. Workout after dinner: 50-min bike ride.

    Day 58-11/19 - DNW

    Day 59-11/20 - 143.1 Busy week: full-time job, cleaning & prepping for Thanksgiving. I need to find time to fit in my workouts. Excited to see my daughter who flies in with her roommate on TG morning.

    Day 60-11/21 - 143.0 Not the greatest with food choices yesterday, but what else is new? One more trip to Costco this morning and I’ll be ready to start TG food prep tomorrow. Will be decorating and setting-up today. Last night’s workout after dinner: 45-min bike ride.

    Day 61-11/22 - 143.7

    Day 62-11/23 - DNW Forgot all about weighing this morning. Hit the ground running preparing for our Thanksgiving shindig.

    Day 63-11/24 - DNW Continued celebrating with family and food.

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 64-11/25 - DNW I will not be weighing this week. Not ready to see the damage and I don’t want to have any regrets as I really enjoyed the long weekend, especially with my daughter being home.

    Day 65-11/26 - DNW

    Day 66-11/27 - DNW Back on track today.

    Day 67-11/28 - DNW Thanksgiving weekend was definitely a trigger. Slowly weaning off the carb/sugar cravings. Yesterday was ok and today should be better. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min high intensity bike ride, 30-min “walking” bike ride.

    Day 68-11/29 - DNW

    Day 69-11/30 - DNW Stopped eating by 7:45pm last night. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min chest & back, 5-min core, 30-min biking. 10-min stretch class this morning, which I hope to do on a daily basis to combat pain & stiffness and to help with flexibility.

    Day 70-12/01 -

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 71-12/02 - DNW

    Day 72-12/03 - DNW

    Day 73-12/04 - 144.5 - No words. It shouldn’t be this hard.

    Day 74-12/05 - 143.9 – Lost a few ounces but I still feel the bloat and one of my old faithful tops is fitting pretty snugly. I know what I have to do. Got my stretching in this morning. Trying to make this become part of my morning routine. Otherwise, I foresee stiffness in my lower back and hips becoming a chronic issue. Sunny and breezy in my neck of the woods. Currently 75° F.

    Day 75-12/06 -

    Day 76-12/07 -

    Day 77-12/08 -

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,749 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jeanne. 👋😀
    I'm 47, 5' 4". I live in Canada 🇨🇦

    1st round of 100 - lost 7.8 lbs
    2nd round of 100 now
    No specific goal for me.
    Need to move & lose weight
    any amount is a win for me!!!!
    Before this challenge my weight
    would yo-yo 🪀 real BAD!
    So this challenge is working for me!!
    My yo-yo 🪀 is still out but not as bad.

    Day 01-09/23 : 158.6
    Day 02-09/24: 159.4
    Day 03-09/25: 159.8
    Day 04-09/26: 158.6
    Day 05-09/27: 159.4
    Day 06-09/28: 160.2
    Day 07-09/29: 159.6

    WEEK 1 GAIN: +2.8 😕
    Accumulated Gain: +2.8 😕

    Day 08-09/30: 161.4
    Day 09-10/01: 158.6
    Day 10-10/02: 158.6
    Day 11-10/03: 158.8
    Day 12-10/04: 159.2
    Day 13-10/05: 159.4
    Day 14-10/06: 158.6

    WEEK 2 LOSS: -3.4 😀
    Accumulated Loss: -0.6 😀

    Day 15-10/07: 158.0
    Day 16-10/08: 157.6
    Day 17-10/09: 157.8
    Day 18-10/10: 159.0
    Day 19-10/11: 160.0
    Day 20-10/12: 160.2
    Day 21-10/13: 160.2

    WEEK 3 GAIN: +3.0 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +2.4 😕

    Day 22-10/14: 161.0
    Day 23-10/15: 160.2
    Day 24-10/16: 160.2
    Day 25-10/17: 160.0
    Day 26-10/18: 159.6
    Day 27-10/19: 159.6
    Day 28-10/20: 158.0

    WEEK 4 LOSS: -1.6 😀
    Accumulated GAIN: +0.8 😕

    Day 29-10/21: 159.4
    Day 30-10/22: 158.6
    Day 31-10/23: 157.8
    Day 32-10/24: 158.2
    Day 33-10/25: 159.0
    Day 34-10/26: 157.4
    Day 35-10/27: 157.2

    WEEK 5 LOSS: -1.4 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -0.6 😀

    Day 36-10/28: 158.0
    Day 37-10/29: 157.6
    Day 38-10/30: 157.6
    Day 39-10/31: 157.4
    Day 40-11/01: 157.0
    Day 41-11/02: 157.6
    Day 42-11/03: 157.6

    WEEK 6 GAIN: +1.4 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +0.8 😕

    Day 43-11/04: 159.4
    Day 44-11/05: 163.6
    Day 45-11/06: 160.2
    Day 46-11/07: 159.0
    Day 47-11/08: 159.2
    Day 48-11/09: 159.2
    Day 49-11/10: 157.8

    WEEK 7 LOSS: -1.4 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -0.6 😀

    Day 50-11/11: 158.0
    Day 51-11/12: 158.0
    Day 52-11/13: 157.8
    Day 53-11/14: 159.4
    Day 54-11/15: 158.6
    Day 55-11/16: 159.2
    Day 56-11/17: 158.2

    WEEK 8 GAIN: +1.2 😕
    Accumulated LOSS: +0.6 😕

    Day 57-11/18: 159.2
    Day 58-11/19: 158.8
    Day 59-11/20: 159.2
    Day 60-11/21: 160.0
    Day 61-11/22: 159.8
    Day 62-11/23: 161.2
    Day 63-11/24: 158.0

    WEEK 9 GAIN: +0.2 😕
    Accumulated LOSS: +0.8 😕

    Day 64-11/25: 159.4
    Day 65-11/26: 159.4
    Day 66-11/27: 159.8
    Day 67-11/28: 157.6
    Day 68-11/29: 157.6
    Day 69-11/30: 158.0
    Day 70-12/01: 160.8

    WEEK 10 GAIN: +0.6 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +1.4 😕

    Day 71-12/02: 160.0
    Day 72-12/03: 158.0
    Day 73-12/04: 158.0
    Day 74-12/05: 156.4 ⬅️

    100 day challenge
    Total days: 174 😀👍
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,655 Member

    Thank you for sharing that menu and photos!
    Cauliflower mash, seafood, not too many calories there, a bit of linguine. Really only the dessert looked high in calorie.
    Interesting pairings! I wouldn't have thought of a petite syrah with shrimp or marinara. I will have to try that some time.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,655 Member

    I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Molly : - (
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,655 Member
    Thank you for keeping us going @deepwoodslady !!
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2" (used to be 5'3"), 63 years old as of September 20th.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 118.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 4 out of the 6

    Week 1 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 1 actual weight - 142.0 - Started the week at 143.2

    Week 2 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 2 actual weight - 141.6 - Started the week at 142.2 - First week of eating 1/2 a banana each day

    Week 3 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 3 actual weight - 143.2 - Started the week at 141.8

    Week 4 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 4 actual weight - 142.4 - Started the week at 142.6

    WEEK 5 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 5 Actual weight: 142.2 - Started the week at 142.2

    WEEK 6 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 6 Actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 142.2 - Hit the 141(.6) once during the week

    WEEK 7 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 7 Actual weight: 144.8 - Started the week at 143.0

    WEEK 8 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 8 Actual weight: 143.4 - Started the week at 143.4

    WEEK 9 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 9 Actual weight: 144.2 - started the week at 143.4. Ribs aftermath week.

    WEEK 10 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 10 Actual weight: 144.8 - started the week at 144.2

    Day 71-12/02 - 144.4 - Had a wonderful pedicure after work. She is a nurse and my feet have taken a pounding over the years. So lovely. Prosecco and Camembert followed. Snowing today so beautifully. I will definitely be getting out to shovel later on when it slows. My boots are in my car though lol. I love the snow!!

    Day 72-12/03 - 145.2 - Cooking today, then going for a hike with a friend. We are due for another Arctic River this year, heavy rains and +6 degrees are in the forecast this coming week. I would much rather have snow : - (

    Day 73-12/04 - 145.8 - I ate a lot of calories yesterday, more than usual, but mostly healthy. 10 portions of Borscht now in the freezer. I did this batch with Farmer's Sausage, so it is nice and smoky. I had bought myself a new giant stock pot, red : - ) It worked great and was easy to clean enamel. I also came down with something late Saturday, like many of you. Runny nose, sore sinus and eye, but only on one side of my face weirdly. I took two Nyquil capsules before bed and it cleared up within 1/2 hour. The night before I couldn't sleep with the runny nose. So far looking like an easy workweek ahead, but shifts could add as the week goes along. More cooking could get done : - )

    Day 74-12/05 - 145.6 - Picked up a shift at the other job for tonight, so mixing up some tuna for a quick bite in between jobs today. Arctic River beginning to happen here for over the next few days. My cold is much better today, I think that I was in bed at 7:30 after a nice hot bath.

    Day 75-12/06 - 146.2 - Of course not happy with this. 1400 calories, lots of activity. Definitely feeling bloated.

    Day 76-12/07 - xxxxx-

    Day 77-12/08 - xxxxx-

    WEEK 11 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 11 Actual weight:

    Mini 21 day Challenge

    Legs straight up (draining) with arm weights exercises, 4-6-ish minutes.

    Round 1, June 25.23 start: 12.5" start, 11.75" end.
    Round 2: 11.75" start, 11.5" Even though my weight is higher, my batwings are getting smaller?
    I have a mole, so it is easy to measure in exactly the same place.
    Round 3: 11.5" - Wow, a whole inch off of my upper arm since beginning this!!
    Round 4: 11.0" start 11.5- So pleased!!
    Round 5: September 18 - October 08. 11.25 started with 11.0 but completely okay with that, maybe building some muscle there.
    Round 6: October 09 - 29 - 11.4 - A bit higher, but I truly feel like my arms are tightening up
    Round 7: October 30 - Nov 19 - 11.25
    Round 8 November 20 - Dec 10 -

    Going to keep this up. 4-5 minutes is easy to fit into a schedule. Positive new habit.

    Round 8 start measurement: 11.25 upper arm (batwing)
    Day 1 - Nov 20 - 7:58 of the 3
    Day 02 - Nov 21 – 8:23 of the 3
    Day 03 - Nov 22 – 8:17 of the 3
    Day 04 - Nov 23 – 6:29 of the 3 (while watching the Macy's parade)
    Day 05 - Nov 24 – 7:42 of the 3 (while watching the National Dog Show)
    Day 06 - Nov 25 – 8:58 of the 3
    Day 07 - Nov 26 – 7:36 of the 3
    Day 08 - Nov 27 – 5:53 of the 3
    Day 09 - Nov 28 – Skipped
    Day 10 - Nov 29 – 7:46 of the 3
    Day 11 - Nov 30 – 7:13 of the 3. I realize that my shoulder gets very sore from my second job. I had no shifts there last week, and no shoulder pain.
    Day 12 - Dec 01 – 8:03 of the 3
    Day 13 - Dec 02 – 8:07 of the 3 - I got a toe cramp while my legs were up.
    Day 14 - Dec 03 – 8:29 of the 3
    Day 15 - Dec 04 – Skipped, not feeling well, runny nose and cold.
    Day 16 - Dec 05 – 8:39 of the 3
    Day 17 - Dec 06 –
    Day 18 - Dec 07 –
    Day 19 - Dec 08 –
    Day 20 - Dec 09 –
    Day 21 - Dec 10 –

    Start weight of this 100: 143.2
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,247 Member

    Day 04-09/26: 210.0 - So it seems I am not quite free of this decade just yet! But I'll get there. Just
    Day 75-12/06: 188.8 We lost our beautiful loving Ocicat Molly on Saturday without warning - she suddenly had diarrhea and was acting lethargic, so we took her to the emergency vet. Turns out she had a mass in her abdomen that had already spread to her lymph nodes, and there were no meaningful interventions we could do that wouldn't just prolong her suffering with no hope of her lasting more than a few weeks. Our family is devastated, especially our daughter since it was her cat. We drove Molly up to her in college so they could say goodbye, and then drove back to the vet and put her at peace. It's horrible and surreal and I'm going to start crying again just typing this... poor Molly we love you so much. :'(

    @jennysweet58 I know the love and the bravery it takes to put your beloved furry family member at peace. You have shown her the greatest of all loves. My thoughts and prayers are with you today as I hope that you will find your own kind of peace with it. I hope the memories of her warm and wonderful life will stay with you in the coming days, weeks, months and years. My deepest condolences to you, your daughter and your entire family.
  • DarinGettingHawtin2013
    My name is Darin, and I am a 44-year old 5’7” Asian woman living in Holly Springs, North Carolina. I have a great husband and two adorable but challenging 2-year old cats.
    Day 01-09/23-180.0/181.1
    Day 02-09/24-179.8/181.0
    Day 03-09/25-179.5/180.8
    Day 04-09/26-178.2/180.6
    Day 05-09/27-178.1/180.3
    Day 06-09/28-177.5/180.0
    Day 07-09/29-177.0/179.7

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: -3.0/-1.4
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -3.0/-1.4

    Day 08-09/30-177.1/179.5
    Day 09-10/01-178.0/179.3
    Day 10-10/02-177.6/179.2
    Day 11-10/03-177.5/179.0
    Day 12-10/04-177.4/178.8
    Day 13-10/05-177.7/178.7
    Day 14-10/06-177.7/178.6

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN:+0.6/-0.9
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:-2.3/-2.5

    Day 15-10/07-178.1/178.6
    Day 16-10/08-176.8/178.4
    Day 17-10/09-176.1/178.2
    Day 18-10/10-175.9/177.9
    Day 19-10/11-176.6/177.8
    Day 20-10/12-177.0/177.7
    Day 21-10/13-176.3/177.6

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: -1.8/-1.0
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -3.7/-3.5

    Day 22-10/14-176.8/177.5
    Day 23-10/15-177.4/177.5
    Day 24-10/16-176.7/177.4
    Day 25-10/17-176.4/177.3

    Day 26-10/18-175.0/177.1
    Day 27-10/19-175.4/176.9
    Day 28-10/20-175.3/176.8

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: -1.5/-0.7
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -4.7/-4.3

    Day 29-10/21-173.5/176.4
    Day 30-10/22-174.3/176.2
    Day 31-10/23-174.9/176.1
    Day 32-10/24-174.4/175.9
    Day 33-10/25-174.6/175.8
    Day 34-10/26-174.1/175.6
    Day 35-10/27-175.0/175.6

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: -0.3/-1.2
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -5.0/-5.5

    Day 36-10/28-176.7/175.7
    Day 37-10/29-176.0/175.7
    Day 38-10/30-176.0/175.7
    Day 39-10/31-173.4/175.5
    Day 40-11/01-173.2/175.3
    Day 41-11/02-171.7/174.9
    Day 42-11/03-170.9/174.5

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: -5.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -9.1

    Day 43-11/04-170.6/174.1
    Day 44-11/05-171.8/173.9
    Day 45-11/06-171.3/173.6
    Day 46-11/07-171.5/173.4
    Day 47-11/08-171.0/173.2
    Day 48-11/09-170.5/172.9
    Day 49-11/10-170.5/172.7

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: -0.4
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -9.5

    Day 50-11/11-170.9/172.5
    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: -9.1/-8.6
    Day 51-11/12-171.5/172.4
    Day 52-11/13-170.3/172.2
    Day 53-11/14-169.9/172.0
    Day 54-11/15-170.4/171.8
    Day 55-11/16-169.6/171.6
    Day 56-11/17-168.9/171.3

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: -1.6/-1.1
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -11.1/-9.8

    Day 57-11/18-168.2/171.0
    Day 58-11/19-168.5/170.8
    Day 59-11/20-168.1/170.5
    Day 60-11/21-168.3/170.3
    Day 61-11/22-168.3/170.1
    Day 62-11/23-167.5/169.8
    Day 63-11/24-169.3/169.8

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: +0.4/-1.5
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -10.7/-11.3

    Day 64-11/25-168.5/169.6
    Day 65-11/26-169.3/169.6
    Day 66-11/27-169.8/169.6
    Day 67-11/28-167.5/169.4
    Day 68-11/29-168.7/169.3
    Day 69-11/30-168.1/169.2
    Day 70-12/01-167.0/169.0
    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: -2.3/-0.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -13.0/-12.1

    Day 71-12/02-168.7/169.0
    Day 72-12/03-167.4/168.8
    Day 73-12/04-169.1/168.8
    Day 74-12/05-168.7/168.8

    Day 75-12/06-170.1/169.0 – Depression has been flaring greatly over the past week. I’ve lost faith. I’m hoping I can get back on the wagon going forward.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,247 Member
    edited December 2023

    Day 75-12/06-170.1/169.0 – Depression has been flaring greatly over the past week. I’ve lost faith. I’m hoping I can get back on the wagon going forward.

    @DarinGettingHawtin2013 Depression is very common this time of year so please know that you are never alone. {{{Hugs}}} to you. Hang in there! I am here if you need to talk or vent. PM me anytime!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,247 Member

    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ Sept 23, 2023 thru Dec 31, 2023

    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 176.0 (12 lbs)
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: 188.0
    Challenge Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0

    Thoughts at the start of this challenge:

    1. I am down 23.3 pounds from my highest ending weight during these challenges (#5)
    2. I am up 2.8 pounds from my lowest ending weight (#9)
    3. I am still down 11.8 pounds from the first challenge (#1)
    4. I am still ahead of the game and these challenges are working for me. It is up & down and slower than I would like but it’s generally working. I’ve got to continue to dedicate myself and put in the work. When I do, clearly the results are much better.

    Previous Weeks This Round

    Day 01-09/23-187.8-(Trend weight 190.6)

    Day 02-09/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 03-09/25-188.8-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 04-09/26-187.6-(Trend weight 190.1)

    Day 05-09/27-187.6-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 06-09/28-188.4-(Trend weight 189.7)

    Day 07-09/29-188.6-(Trend weight 189.6)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 GAIN (Already starting this round playing Catch-Up.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 GAIN

    Day 08-09/30-188.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 09-10/01-187.2-(Trend weight 189.2)

    Day 10-10/02-187.0-(Trend weight 189.0)

    Day 11-10/03-186.2-(Trend weight 188.7)

    Day 12-10/04-186.6-(Trend weight 188.5)

    Day 13-10/05-185.8-(Trend weight 188.2)

    Day 14-10/06-188.0-(Trend weight 188.2)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0 LOST and 0 GAINED

    Day 15-10/07-186.8-(Trend weight 188.1)

    Day 16-10/08-186.2-(Trend weight 187.9)

    Day 17-10/09-184.8-(Trend weight 187.6)

    Day 18-10/10-183.2-(Trend weight 187.1)

    Day 19-10/11-183.0-(Trend weight 186.7)

    Day 20-10/12-185.0-(Trend weight 186.6)

    Day 21-10/13-185.4-(Trend weight 186.4)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.6 lbs. LOST

    Day 22-10/14-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 23-10/15-187.0-(Trend weight 186.6)

    Day 24-10/16-184.6-(Trend weight 186.4)

    Day 25-10/17-185.8-(Trend weight 186.3)

    Day 26-10/18-185.8-(Trend weight 186.3)

    Day 27-10/19-185.6-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 28-10/20-185.0-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.0 lbs LOST

    Day 29-10/21-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 30-10/22-185.6-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 31-10/23-184.4-(Trend weight 186.1)

    Day 32-10/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 33-10/25-186.8-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 34-10/26-183.6-(Trend weight 185.9)

    Day 35-10/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.4 lbs LOST

    Day 36-10/28-183.4-(Trend weight 185.5)

    Day 37-10/29-185.6-(Trend weight 185.5)

    Day 38-10/30-183.0-(Trend weight 185.2)

    Day 39-10/31-181.4-(Trend weight 184.9)

    Day 40-11/01-181.2-(Trend weight 184.5)

    Day 41-11/02-183.2-(Trend weight 184.4)

    Day 42-11/03-182.6-(Trend weight 184.2)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5.4 lbs LOST

    Day 43-11/04-184.0-(Trend weight 184.2)

    Day 44-11/05-184.6-(Trend weight 184.2)

    Day 45-11/06-185.4-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 46-11/07-183.6-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 47-11/08-182.6-(Trend weight 184.1)

    Day 48-11/09-183.2-(Trend weight 184.0)

    Day 49-11/10-183.0-(Trend weight 183.9)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5 lbs LOST

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-11/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Halfway Progress Report: 5.0 lbs Pounds Lost so Far. I am using day 49’s weight since I will be on a short vacation travel during this weigh-in and still away from home.

    Day 51-11/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 52-11/13-183.8-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 53-11/14-182.6-(Trend weight 184.1)

    Day 54-11/15-181.4-(Trend weight 183.8)

    Day 55-11/16-179.6-(Trend weight 183.4)

    Day 56-11/17-179.8-(Trend weight 183.0)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.2 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 8.2 lbs LOST

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-11/18-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 58-11/19-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 59-11/20-180.8-(Trend weight 182.5)

    Day 60-11/21-180.4-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 61-11/22-179.6-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 62-11/23-182.0-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 63-11/24-183.2-(Trend weight 182.2)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.4 GAIN (Thanksgiving Weekend)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.8 LOST

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-11/25-183.0-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 65-11/26-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 66-11/27-180.4-(Trend weight 182.4)

    Day 67-11/28-179.8-(Trend weight 182.2)

    Day 68-11/29-179.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 69-11/30-182.4-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 70-12/01-181.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lb LOSS
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 6.6 lbs. LOST

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-12/02-181.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 72-12/03-182.0-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 73-12/04-181.0-(Trend weight 181.8)

    Day 74-12/05-180.6-(Trend weight 181.7) My goal today is to not self-sabotage. I will be home all day due to this horrible chest cold that just isn’t giving me any breaks. There is no excuse for me not to stick to my eating plan. My appetite is not being affected whatsoever so the battle rages on! Exercise, however, is still tough because I’m so weak. I have tested Covid Negative twice now. Yesterday I was finally able to at least get on the exercise bike for a leisurely stroll. I’ve pre-logged my food so I think I’ll be okay. I really need to dip back down into the 170’s so that all progress is not lost. I’m very close……

    Day 75-12/06-179.4-(Trend weight 181.4) So FINALLY, after multiple travels, a large food-infested birthday party and a Thanksgiving Feast, CRAWLING, Scratching, HISSING, begging, SNARLING, fighting, I am back into the 170’s. However, I need to see my 177 to feel firmly planted so that one meal, one social event, one travel doesn’t put me back over. Plenty of those are coming! I wish I felt better so I could get in a bit more exercise but I’m still full of phlegm and coughing badly. I’m doing my best to get up some of my Christmas Décor so at least I’m getting in more steps with more time on my feet and less time on the couch. Fa-la-la-la-la.

    Day 76-12/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-12/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Strength Training Mini Challenge Round #8:
    I will continue to work on batwing arms and flabby thighs. I will also try to engage in some floor/standing/chair exercising to tighten stomach area especially. I will try to add in some aerobic exercise like walking or dancing or the exercise bike AT LEAST 5 days a week. This is not my dream, it is my pledge to myself.

    Day 01 - Nov 20 – 5 min with arm loop resistance band, 30 min of brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of gen floor exercises/pilates, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 02 - Nov 21 – 6 min with 5 lb weights, 30 min on exercise bike, 30 min of brisk walking 4 mph with video, 15 min of gen floor exercises/pilates, Iso knee therapy x 2.
    Day 03 - Nov 22 – 31 min on exercise bike, 60 min of Slow walking, 15 min of gen floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 04 - Nov 23 – 5 min with 5 lb weights, 34 min of aerobic dancing, 30 min walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of gen floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 2.
    Day 05 - Nov 24 – 5 min with resistance bands, 15 min of walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of gen floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1. Lots of cleaning, food prep, cooking and baking today. Not much time for any extra exercise.
    Day 06 - Nov 25 – 15 min of walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of gen floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1. It was our Thanksgiving Feast. Lots of cooking and clean-up.
    Day 07 - Nov 26 – 15 min of walking at 4 mph with video.
    Day 08 - Nov 27 – 7 min with resistance bands, 33 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of gen floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 09 - Nov 28 – 5 min with 5 lb weights, 35 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of gen floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 10 - Nov 29 – 5 min with 5 lb weights, 120 min of very slow walking, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 11 - Nov 30 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 15 min of brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of gen floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 2.]Day 12 - Dec 01 – 5 min with resistance bands, 15 min of walking at 4 mph with video, 30 min of exercise bike, 15 min of gen floor exercises.
    Day 13 - Dec 02 15 min of brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 1 hour of bowling, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 14 - Dec 03 – Nothing due to illness.
    Day 15 - Dec 04 – 30 min on exercise bike leisurely, 15 min of general floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1. Too sick to do much more and what I did accomplish was very slow and methodical.
    Day 16 - Dec 05– I’m counting about 60 min of slow walking (including lots of stairs) for my Christmas decorating that I worked on non-stop for 7 hours. About 15 min of general floor exercises which I did laying in bed. Too sick to do anything more. I took a turn for the worse last night when I was done decorating for the night. So much more to do…..
    Day 17 - Dec 06 –
    Day 18 - Dec 07 –
    Day 19 - Dec 08 –
    Day 20 - Dec 09 –
    Day 21 - Dec 10 –

    Future Weeks to Come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-12/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-12/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-12/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-12/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-12/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-12/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-12/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-12/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-12/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-12/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-12/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-12/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-12/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-12/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-12/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-12/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-12/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-12/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-12/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-12/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-12/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 99-12/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-12/31…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s
  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    @jennysweet58 Very sorry for your loss of Molly. <3
  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    I’m Teri
    Age 60, 5’4”

    Challenge Starting Weight: 142.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 138lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-133 lbs
    Day 01-09/23-xxxxx-

    Day 02-09/24-xxxxx-

    Day 03-09/25-xxxxx-

    Day 04-09/26-xxxxx-

    Day 05-09/27-xxxxx-

    Day 06-09/28-xxxxx-

    Day 07-09/29-xxxxx-

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 08-09/30-xxxxx-

    Day 09-10/01-xxxxx-

    A week late to this new challenge, after falling off the wagon for a while. But I’m so glad to be back. Celebrated my 60th on 09/23 and I’m feeling good. Now to get back into the habit of weighing and logging in daily. I believe this is my 4th 100-day challenge. Good luck everyone!

    Day 10-10/02-142.8 – New day, new start! Looking forward to being productive with work and to get some exercise in today. Need to work on my eating habits.

    Day 11-10/03-142.5 – No workout yesterday but eating was pretty much on point. Probably not going to exercise today as well since I’m meeting friends for Happy Hour. I’ll try my best not to go overboard with alcohol and carbs (“don’t slash the other tires” LOL). One of the friends I’m meeting has returned to Maui for a funeral for family members who perished in the recent wildfire here. Lots of healing still to be done.

    Day 12-10/04-141.7 – Wasn’t planning on working out yesterday, but my anxiety was high for most of the day, so I decided to jump on the Peloton to try to relieve it. Good call. Also, great get together with friends in the early evening and the ‘everything in moderation’ attitude performed well: just one glass of wine and an appetizer!

    Day 13-10/05-DNW – Had a great start to the day yesterday, even got in a work out in the afternoon, until uncontrollable late night snacking got me. So, I didn’t want to feel even more disgusted by seeing the number on the scale this morning. On another note, it’s a beautiful day outside!

    Day 14-10/06-143.4 – Not happy about this gain, but not surprised. This is the result of the copious amounts of sugar 2 & 3 days ago. [sigh]. Did well yesterday and if I keep it up, I should be happy with progress by Sunday.

    WEEK 2 GAIN: +0.6
    Accumulated Gain: +0.6

    Day 15-10/07-143.5 – Nothing exciting to report. Just trudging along.

    Day 16-10/08-DNW

    Day 17-10/09-144.3 – Have to work harder. I don’t remember it being this hard.

    Day 18-10/10-144.4 – Had a productive day yesterday, but no workout. Did not go off the rails with “bad” foods. I’m too close to 145 lbs. Need to reel it in.

    Day 19-10/11-144.3 – Yesterday’s workout: 50 min spin class. But snacking gets me everytime.

    Day 20-10/12-143.8 – Yesterday’s workout: 20-min full body kettlebells, 5-min core and 20-min spin class. I hope I worked off the calories & carbs from my hamburger & fries from McDonald’s. No chips all day… yay me!

    Day 21-10/13-xxxxx-142.7 – Happy with this scale read. Low carb day yesterday and no “bad” snacking. Took a break from working out. My body was hurting from the kettlebell workout the day before. Harder to recover the older I get.

    WEEK 3 LOSS: -0.70 [weigh-in: 142.7]
    Accumulated Loss: -0.1

    Day 22-10/14-142.8

    Day 23-10/15-143.8 – Can’t explain this jump.

    Day 24-10/16-143.6 – Now back to my weekday routine of eating better, no alcohol and making more of an effort to fit in my workouts.

    Day 25-10/17-142.9 – Improvement. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min full body kettlebells, 5-min core and 20-min spin class. Eating was on track. Ready for a productive day!

    Day 26-10/18-143.0 - Yesterday’s workout: 50 min spin class, 5-min core.

    Day 27-10/19-142.4 – Yesterday’s workout: 45 min ride on the Peloton. Nothing too intense but better than nothing. Slowly getting around to decluttering my home office. Got a new desk so that area is now organized. I don’t know why but I’m suddenly more productive. It’s like my brain has more room to process and follow thru with tasks. Something to be said for getting rid of clutter. Now to declutter the rest of my office.

    Day 28-10/20- 143.1 Having dinner & cocktails out tonight. Expecting a weekend gain as usual.

    WEEK 4 GAIN: +.04 [weigh-in: 143.1]
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +.30

    Day 29-10/21-DNW

    Day 30-10/22-DNW

    Day 31-10/23-143.3

    Day 32-10/24-142.3- Surprised at this dip. It will probably go up again tomorrow though. Always starts with the weekend. It would be fine if I could get right back on track come Monday. I’ll have to work on it. Planning on shrimp tacos for dinner. Low carb tortillas for me.

    Day 33-10/25 - 142.8- Dinner before 6pm yesterday and nothing afterward. Surprised myself!

    Day 34-10/26 - 142.8

    Day 35-10/27 - 142.8- Same weight 3 days in a row and back to the weight I started this challenge with. Now it’s the weekend which always derails me. I will try harder.

    WEEK 5 LOSS: -.3 [weigh-in: 142.8]
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.0 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 36-10/28 - DNW

    Day 37-10/29 - DNW

    Day 38-10/30 - 143.4 Worked all weekend. No workouts.

    Day 39-10/31 - 143.9 I will have to limit the wine, pizza and candies tonight. Fingers crossed. Happy Halloween!

    Day 40-11/01 - 143.6 Not too bad considering the wine & pizza I had last night. Didn’t go overboard though so that’s a good thing.

    Day 41-11/02 - DNW

    Day 42-11/03 - 143.6 Gaining and losing the same pound over and over. Whatever I’m doing is just maintaining. I need to figure out how to actually lose weight.

    WEEK 6 GAIN: +.8 [weigh-in: 143.6]
    Accumulated Gain: +.8 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 43-11/04 - 142.7 Surprised at this number but I’ll take it. Got a cardio workout in yesterday... finally!

    Day 44-11/05 - 143.4

    Day 45-11/06 - 144.3

    Day 46-11/07 - 143.5 Back down a pound. Whew! It's a beautiful day here, although quite breezy.

    Day 47-11/08 - 143.6

    Day 48-11/09 - 144.9 Too much chili & rice yesterday. My favorite!

    Day 49-11/10 - 143.2

    WEEK 7 LOSS: - .4
    Accumulated Gain: + .4 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 50-11/11 - DNW

    Day 51-11/12 - DNW

    Day 52-11/13 - 145 No words. Disappointed

    Day 53-11/14 - 144.3

    Day 54-11/15 - 143.1 Don’t know where this drop came from. lol I never know how accurate my scale is. Yesterday’s exercise: 1 hour (11.78 miles) Peloton ride. Nothing crazy, no climbs. Just at a flat road pace after dinner. Easing back into it.

    Day 55-11/16 - 143.4 Could have done better with what I ate yesterday. Glad I got in some exercise: 15-min low impact cycling and a 20-min kettlebell class. I’ll be hurting for the next 2 days for sure.

    Day 56-11/17 - 143.9 It’s the snacking / self-sabotage. Ugh! Yesterday’s exercise: 35 min cycling and 10 min. upper body strength training.

    WEEK 8 GAIN: +.7 [weigh in: 143.9]
    Accumulated Gain: +1.10 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 57-11/18 - 142.1 Whoa…. Should I believe my scale? Almost a 2 lb drop in a day. Eating was on point yesterday and I stopped eating at about 7pm. Workout after dinner: 50-min bike ride.

    Day 58-11/19 - DNW

    Day 59-11/20 - 143.1 Busy week: full-time job, cleaning & prepping for Thanksgiving. I need to find time to fit in my workouts. Excited to see my daughter who flies in with her roommate on TG morning.

    Day 60-11/21 - 143.0 Not the greatest with food choices yesterday, but what else is new? One more trip to Costco this morning and I’ll be ready to start TG food prep tomorrow. Will be decorating and setting-up today. Last night’s workout after dinner: 45-min bike ride.

    Day 61-11/22 - 143.7

    Day 62-11/23 - DNW Forgot all about weighing this morning. Hit the ground running preparing for our Thanksgiving shindig.

    Day 63-11/24 - DNW Continued celebrating with family and food.

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 64-11/25 - DNW I will not be weighing this week. Not ready to see the damage and I don’t want to have any regrets as I really enjoyed the long weekend, especially with my daughter being home.

    Day 65-11/26 - DNW

    Day 66-11/27 - DNW Back on track today.

    Day 67-11/28 - DNW Thanksgiving weekend was definitely a trigger. Slowly weaning off the carb/sugar cravings. Yesterday was ok and today should be better. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min high intensity bike ride, 30-min “walking” bike ride.

    Day 68-11/29 - DNW

    Day 69-11/30 - DNW Stopped eating by 7:45pm last night. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min chest & back, 5-min core, 30-min biking. 10-min stretch class this morning, which I hope to do on a daily basis to combat pain & stiffness and to help with flexibility.

    Day 70-12/01 -

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 71-12/02 - DNW

    Day 72-12/03 - DNW

    Day 73-12/04 - 144.5 - No words. It shouldn’t be this hard.

    Day 74-12/05 - 143.9 – Lost a few ounces but I still feel the bloat and one of my old faithful tops is fitting pretty snugly. I know what I have to do. Got my stretching in this morning. Trying to make this become part of my morning routine. Otherwise, I foresee stiffness in my lower back and hips becoming a chronic issue. Sunny and breezy here today. Currently 75° F.

    Day 75-12/06 - 142.6 Morning stretch [√]. Feeling a little better today. Inflammation has subsided a wee bit. Did not go crazy with food yesterday, and no potato chips!
    Yesterday’ workout: 20-min pilates, 30 min. spin class, 10 min cool down bike ride.

    Day 76-12/07 -

    Day 77-12/08 -

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:
  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    @Lilylady3k – Wow, your pictures of dinner last night look absolutely delightful! Thanks for sharing… I can almost taste it through the screen!
  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    @ deepwoodslady – I like your idea of being at least 3 lbs into the lower decade on the scale to feel more securely planted. I’m changing my challenge goal weight to be 137 lbs instead of 138. Don’t think I’ll meet it during the current challenge but maybe the next. Hope you feel better soon.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,247 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    Day 71: 12/02 - 231.2 Darn pizza and wine! My mom had doctor’s appts at MD Anderson and I treated her to a lovely yummy chicken florentine crepe for lunch.
    Day 72: 12/03 - 229.4
    Day 73: 12/04 - 228.5
    Day 74: 12/05 - 229.1
    Day 75: 12/06 - 230.1 I’m surprised it is not higher after Carrabba’s Caymus Wine Dinner last night. The food was as good as it looks! Great time with friends and the rest of the table we sat with all were fun to chat with too.





    @Lilylady3k What a beautiful dinner! So glad you enjoyed it and a wonderful time with friends old and new too.
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,749 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jeanne. 👋😀
    I'm 47, 5' 4". I live in Canada 🇨🇦

    1st round of 100 - lost 7.8 lbs
    2nd round of 100 now
    No specific goal for me.
    Need to move & lose weight
    any amount is a win for me!!!!
    Before this challenge my weight
    would yo-yo 🪀 real BAD!
    So this challenge is working for me!!
    My yo-yo 🪀 is still out but not as bad.

    Day 01-09/23 : 158.6
    Day 02-09/24: 159.4
    Day 03-09/25: 159.8
    Day 04-09/26: 158.6
    Day 05-09/27: 159.4
    Day 06-09/28: 160.2
    Day 07-09/29: 159.6

    WEEK 1 GAIN: +2.8 😕
    Accumulated Gain: +2.8 😕

    Day 08-09/30: 161.4
    Day 09-10/01: 158.6
    Day 10-10/02: 158.6
    Day 11-10/03: 158.8
    Day 12-10/04: 159.2
    Day 13-10/05: 159.4
    Day 14-10/06: 158.6

    WEEK 2 LOSS: -3.4 😀
    Accumulated Loss: -0.6 😀

    Day 15-10/07: 158.0
    Day 16-10/08: 157.6
    Day 17-10/09: 157.8
    Day 18-10/10: 159.0
    Day 19-10/11: 160.0
    Day 20-10/12: 160.2
    Day 21-10/13: 160.2

    WEEK 3 GAIN: +3.0 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +2.4 😕

    Day 22-10/14: 161.0
    Day 23-10/15: 160.2
    Day 24-10/16: 160.2
    Day 25-10/17: 160.0
    Day 26-10/18: 159.6
    Day 27-10/19: 159.6
    Day 28-10/20: 158.0

    WEEK 4 LOSS: -1.6 😀
    Accumulated GAIN: +0.8 😕

    Day 29-10/21: 159.4
    Day 30-10/22: 158.6
    Day 31-10/23: 157.8
    Day 32-10/24: 158.2
    Day 33-10/25: 159.0
    Day 34-10/26: 157.4
    Day 35-10/27: 157.2

    WEEK 5 LOSS: -1.4 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -0.6 😀

    Day 36-10/28: 158.0
    Day 37-10/29: 157.6
    Day 38-10/30: 157.6
    Day 39-10/31: 157.4
    Day 40-11/01: 157.0
    Day 41-11/02: 157.6
    Day 42-11/03: 157.6

    WEEK 6 GAIN: +1.4 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +0.8 😕

    Day 43-11/04: 159.4
    Day 44-11/05: 163.6
    Day 45-11/06: 160.2
    Day 46-11/07: 159.0
    Day 47-11/08: 159.2
    Day 48-11/09: 159.2
    Day 49-11/10: 157.8

    WEEK 7 LOSS: -1.4 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -0.6 😀

    Day 50-11/11: 158.0
    Day 51-11/12: 158.0
    Day 52-11/13: 157.8
    Day 53-11/14: 159.4
    Day 54-11/15: 158.6
    Day 55-11/16: 159.2
    Day 56-11/17: 158.2

    WEEK 8 GAIN: +1.2 😕
    Accumulated LOSS: +0.6 😕

    Day 57-11/18: 159.2
    Day 58-11/19: 158.8
    Day 59-11/20: 159.2
    Day 60-11/21: 160.0
    Day 61-11/22: 159.8
    Day 62-11/23: 161.2
    Day 63-11/24: 158.0

    WEEK 9 GAIN: +0.2 😕
    Accumulated LOSS: +0.8 😕

    Day 64-11/25: 159.4
    Day 65-11/26: 159.4
    Day 66-11/27: 159.8
    Day 67-11/28: 157.6
    Day 68-11/29: 157.6
    Day 69-11/30: 158.0
    Day 70-12/01: 160.8

    WEEK 10 GAIN: +0.6 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +1.4 😕

    Day 71-12/02: 160.0
    Day 72-12/03: 158.0
    Day 73-12/04: 158.0
    Day 74-12/05: 156.4
    Day 75-12/06: 155.8 ⬅️

    100 day challenge
    Total days: 175 😀👍
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,448 Member
    Thank you, @dawnbgethealthy !
    I'm in!
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 145.0
    Day 01 - 09/23 - 148.9 at 7:50 a.m. ...5.87 miles in 111 mins then both Grandsons Duty for a while
    Day 02 - 09/24 - 148.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...zero...zero...zero
    Day 03 - 09/25 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    Day 04 - 09/26 - 148.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.48 miles in 64 mins then Grandson Duty
    Day 05 - 09/27 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    Day 06 - 09/28 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.49 miles in 64 mins then Grandson Duty
    Day 07 - 09/29 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: +1.1
    Day 08 - 09/30 - 149.0 at 7:45 a.m. ...Both Grandsons in the morning for a bit then...nothing but my books!!
    Day 09 - 10/01 - 150.0 at 7:50 a.m. ...nothing...bad cold
    Day 10 - 10/02 - 148.9 at 7:30 a.m. ...nothing...bad cold
    Day 11 - 10/03 - 149.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...nothing...bad cold
    Day 12 - 10/04 - 149.8 at 7:45 a.m. ...60 min workout w/my trainer
    Day 13 - 10/05 - 149.8 at 8:00 a.m. ...5.73 miles in 116 mins
    Day 14 - 10/06 - 150.4 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/my trainer
    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: +.4
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +1.5...not good...nopey, nope
    Day 15 - 10/07 - 150.0 at 8:30 a.m. ...nothing
    Day 16 - 10/08 - 151.5 at 7:30 a.m. ...5.68 miles in 120 mins
    Day 17 - 10/09 - 151.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 18 - 10/10 - 151.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.51 miles in 64 mins then Grandson Duty
    Day 19 - 10/11 - 152.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 20 - 10/12 - 151.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 21 - 10/13 - 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: +.5
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +1.6
    Day 22 - 10/14 - 150.3 at 9:00 a.m. ...5.64 miles in 108 mins
    Day 23 - 10/15 - 149.4 at 8:20 a.m. ...5.87 miles in 117 mins
    Day 24 - 10/16 - 150.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 25 - 10/17 - 151.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 26 - 10/18 - 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero because of car issues
    Day 27 - 10/19 - 149.1 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.30 miles in 67 mins then Grandson Duty
    Day 28 - 10/20 - 150.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: +.5
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +1.9
    Day 29 - 10/21 - 149.9 at 8:20 a.m. ...zero
    Day 30 - 10/22 - 150.6 at 8:00 a.m. ...5.19 miles in 100 mins
    Day 31 - 10/23 - 151.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 32 - 10/24 - 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 33 - 10/25 - 150.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 34 - 10/26 - 151.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.27 miles in 65 mins then Grandson Duty
    Day 35 - 10/27 - 151.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: +1.7
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: ugh!
    Day 36 - 10/28 - 150.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...SIL b'day celebration...EGADS!!!
    Day 37 - 10/29 - 151.1 at 8:00 a.m. ...5.38 miles in 106 mins then Pumpkin Carving Party at DDD's
    Day 38 - 10/30 - 151.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 39 - 10/31 - 152.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.34 miles in 109 mins then Grandson Duty
    Day 40 - 11/01 - 151.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 41 - 11/02 - 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.42 miles in 64 mins then Grandson Duty then made soup
    Day 42 - 11/03 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: -1.0
    Day 43 - 11/04 - 149.4 at 8:50 a.m. ...5.40 miles in 148 mins
    Day 44 - 11/05 - 149.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...hair cut then Grandsons Duty
    Day 45 - 11/06 - 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 46 - 11/07 - 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 47 - 11/08 - 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 48 - 11/09 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.30 miles in 65 mins then Grandson Duty
    Day 49 - 11/10 - 151.5 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer then made soup
    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: bwahahahah!
    Day 50 - 11/11 - 150.5 at 7:45 a.m. ...5.35 miles in 102 mins
    Day 51 - 11/12 - 151.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...4.70 miles in 137 mins
    Day 52 - 11/13 - 151.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 53 - 11/14 - 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then Kaiser for covid shot
    Day 54 - 11/15 - 152.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 55 - 11/16 - 151.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...3.32 miles in 67 mins then Grandson Duty
    Day 56 - 11/17 - 152.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: bwahahahah!
    Day 57 - 11/18 - 151.6 at 8:15 a.m. ...Grandson's 1st Birthday Party!!!
    Day 58 - 11/19 - 151.4 at 8:00 a.m. ...zero...made soup
    Day 55 - 11/20 - 149.3 at 7:30 a.m. ...5.34 miles in 146 mins ...trainer out of town this week
    Day 60 - 11/21 - 150.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...5.20 miles in 141 mins
    Day 61 - 11/22 - 149.9 at 8:50 a.m. ...zero!!!
    Day 62 - 11/23 - 151.0 at 7:25 a.m. ...5.23 miles in 147 mins
    Day 63 - 11/24 - 150.0 at 9:00 a.m. ...zero!!!
    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: -1.6 ...hahaha...maybe
    Day 64 - 11/25 - 150.9 at 8:50 a.m. ...4.83 miles in 99 mins
    Day 65 - 11/26 - 150.8 at 9:00 a.m. ...I got to go to TARGET!!! I haven't been in over a year!!
    Day 66 - 11/27 - 152.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 67 - 11/28 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...way too cold to walk in the morning...cleaned house
    Day 68 - 11/29 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...we are all sick!
    Day 69 - 11/30 - 149.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...sick
    Day 70 - 12/01 - 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...sick
    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: +.1
    Day 71 - 12/02 - 149.8 at 8:30 a.m. ...the worst cold I have ever had!
    Day 72 - 12/03 - 149.5 at 8:20 a.m. ...the worst cold I have ever had!
    Day 73 - 12/04 - 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...ugh!
    Day 74 - 12/05 - 148.1 at 7:30 a.m. ...ugh!
    Day 75 - 12/06 -
    Day 76 - 12/07 -
    Day 77 - 12/08 -