Skinny Wednesday Challenge!!!



  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Off to do some shopping and errands today ( I am going to wear my HRM today for a change and just see what happends) to you all later....oh, and pushing water again today;...really helped me rid extra water from vacation and gave me an amazing weight loss today!!!....:bigsmile:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Off to do some shopping and errands today ( I am going to wear my HRM today for a change and just see what happends) to you all later....oh, and pushing water again today;...really helped me rid extra water from vacation and gave me an amazing weight loss today!!!....:bigsmile: have inspired me to really work hard to double my water today! Let us know about your HRM results from shopping and errands.....I plan on getting an AM and PM workout in and snacks are only fruit today. Plus water, water, water! Let's get over the HUMP with a smile on our faces!:bigsmile:
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Skinny Wed is starting off OK. I only say OK because I actually got up early this morning to do a 45 min aerobics video (I am soooo NOT a morning person) but I found that my body wouldn't cooperate as I would have liked. I couldn't go as intensly as I normally do with the video so I only tracked it as low impact instead of general aerobics. But have already had 4 glasses of water and it is only 7:45 am my time. Planned my food very good for at work today and for dinner tonight.

    Have a great day everyone and WE CAN DO IT!!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    How the heck did I miss this post yesterday, I am in though!! I had just posted on my status that I must have missed this thread! Anyway, today is my BMK Challenge day 2 of no meat, so lots of veggies and whole grains for me today. I plan on at least 15 glasses of H2O and so far I've cleaned and went for my morning walk. Next up, Pilates, walk away the lbs vid, swimming, maybe a bike ride (have to steal my bro in laws bike though) and my evening walk. I W I L L do it all!! Here we go...see ya this evening for the daily check in :D XoxoxoX Bru
  • losingnow
    losingnow Posts: 82
    Not doing so great on this challenge today:( I fell yesterday and am very stiff and sore today:( I am drinking more today though:)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Midday check in: 20min walk, 30min cleaning (and rearranging), 30min pilates and 35min swimming down. I still want to get in a Leslie Sansone vid as well as an evening walk, hopefully the storm goes through quickly and I'll get in a quick bike ride later. Almost at 64oz so far for water and still going. Hope you all are productive! Bru
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Mid day check in:

    I got up this morning & started my bellydancing again. Haven't done it in a week! :grumble: I've enjoyed hitting the snooze button every morning instead - does that qualify as exercise? :laugh:

    This morning I took my walk on break & then again I walked for the majority of my lunch 1/2 hour - but WOW it was SOOO humid outside! :sad: (that's my sweat pouring off my face) LOL

    Its raining pretty hard now, so hopefully it cools off outside & then stops soon so I can walk again for my afternoon break!

    Tonight is my Zumba class @ the gym. I'm going to go early & try a new exercise for this week. I'm going to hopefully try the eliptical machine! Then depending on the weather & if my body can stand anymore activity tonight, I'm going to do C25K wk 3/day 2.

    Today is also day 2 of a meatless day. It went pretty well yesterday actually! I had a YUMMY spinach/tomato/feta omelet for dinner last night. I just threw together some stuff I had in the fridge & wa-lah!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    started off my SWC very slowly, but once I was moving it all fell into rhythm!

    Walked my girls.....BAREFOOT in the RAIN!

    Awesome day..........
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good job EVERYONE!!! I really upped my water intake today. Kept adding a splash of lemon juice. That helped me get it in. Workouts as good as they can be with the stinkin cast on! Eating was pretty good, not my greatest....and not my worst.....I am still under my cals. I have been kinda craving carby stuff lately. I think I need to up the protein to get rid of those cravings...I bet if I check the calendar I am approaching a PMS week....that gives me the munchies! This too shall pass!

    I am so glad we got over the HUMP together! See you on the Skinny Saturday Challenge! :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    :bigsmile: Ok - day is DONE for me! :bigsmile:

    3 walks @ work, Bellydancing, Zumba & I tried the elliptical for the first time tonight! 968 calories burnt & 153 total minutes! Good God! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    So far 16 (8oz) waters down the hatch as well! Another Skinny Wednesday in the books for me!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Well I actually did good on my exercising today. Got in 2 miles this morning and another 5 this afternoon. I also drank lots of water, I think I'm gonna get in trouble at work for going to the bathroom so much! :laugh: :blushing:

    Didn't do great on my eating though. Ended up having to go out for lunch and then they had birthday cake at work in the afternoon. I did eat a small piece and I'm sad to say it was sooooo goood! :cry: But I did stay under my calories even with the cake.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Had to do a lot of shopping today...believe it or not, worked up a good sweat quite a few times today.....mostly chasing my little girl around the mall, then lugging all our packages....did a lot of school shopping (my son absolutely hates clothes shopping--so I try to get it all done in a couple outtings)......anyway burned a lot of calories according to my HRM but didn't log them all....drank plenty of water but feel I still need more due to high sodium lunch out!!.......anyway....successful WED>..:yawn: but very tired and my feet are KILLING me......:grumble: (wore heels)....but got myself a pair of Gap jeans....SIZE 10----unbelieveable, I have never been able to shop at the Gap....but now I can, YEAH!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    :drinker: A successful Skinny Wednesday for me. :noway: I burned 1040 cal doing the following: Walking, Pilates, Swimming, Biking, Walk away the pounds video, and cleaning. All which gave me a good sweat! :happy: My calories and sodium was in check today and water intake was 16.5 8oz glasses. :drinker: All and all I had a great day. My 'abs' are achy from pilates and I can feel my thighs burning. :love: I love that feeling!! I won't make the Skinny Saturday challenge and not sure I'll make next weeks Skinny Wednesday as it's my birthday :bigsmile: :blushing: , we'll see what happens. Night all and keep on keepin' on!!! :heart: XoxoxoX Bru
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Successful Wed. for me. I got in a Crossfit workout which included, deadlifts, 600m run, renegrade rows, and push presses, and a C25k run. Drank 11 glasses of water. I worked really hard to day, so I think I'll just go to bed now. I count this as one Wednesday Challenge down for me. Hope everyone had a great day. :happy: :happy: :happy:

  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I wish I would of saw this yesterday! I'm definitely in for next weds!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :tongue: Oh dear, I forgot to sign up. Can report that I rode my bike into work today and drank plenty of water. All healthy food.

    Looking forward to skinny Saturday!!:drinker:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • TaliaP
    TaliaP Posts: 3
    Im a day ahead but i am going to do this challenge too!!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Ok I screwed up again this week :brokenheart: , was doing so well till afternoon, had planned my meals accordingly too...
    A bad headache and rain ruined my evening :grumble:

    Exceeded my calories by 51 :frown: only saving grace is that my water intake was fine....

    Looking forward to the next week :flowerforyou: I will definitely do it next week :glasses:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Checking in my SWC.. I was out doing yard work all day, (7 hrs) yesterday, lost count on my water oz that eventually turned to Gatorade, because of the heat & loss counting my calories. I'll do better come SSC!