Hmmm well this is interesting

So kind of confused as to what this app/site is for really but yeah. I started taking several medications about 2 years ago for my mental health and in 2 months I gained 70 pounds! I've always been 145 so it's been very disheartening and embarrassing. So hoping to loose at least most of it and get back to the old me


  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,738 Member
    So kind of confused as to what this app/site is for really but yeah. I started taking several medications about 2 years ago for my mental health and in 2 months I gained 70 pounds! I've always been 145 so it's been very disheartening and embarrassing. So hoping to loose at least most of it and get back to the old me

    It's for tracking calories so you can eat fewer calories if you want to lose weight and more calories if you want to gain weight. Many people have been in your shoes and managed to lose the weight! It will be a challenge, but you can do it.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,861 Member
    edited September 2023
    Wow, so provided you didn't have another condition through which you gained a massive amount of water weight or grew a gigantic tumor you overate by around 4000 calories every day for two months. Yeah, mental health medications can make you ravenous.

    With only so little to lose you could set your weightloss goal to 1 to maybe at first 1.5lbs per week, and track thoroughly what you eat and log it. Eat the amount this website gives you and you'll lose the weight. If you're still on these meds and you're still so ravenous then talk to your doctor and look at alternatives.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited September 2023
    So kind of confused as to what this app/site is for really but yeah. I started taking several medications about 2 years ago for my mental health and in 2 months I gained 70 pounds! I've always been 145 so it's been very disheartening and embarrassing. So hoping to loose at least most of it and get back to the old me

    This site is a calorie counting site where you keep a diary and log the food you eat during the day and track the calories consumed. Some people are here to lose weight, some to maintain weight, and some to gain weight. When you input your stats (sec, height, weight) and weight management objectives (lose, maintain, gain), the calculator will calculate a calorie target for you based on those stats and weight management objectives. Keep you diary and hit the calorie targets given to you. That's it.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,286 Member
    edited September 2023
    yirara wrote: »
    Wow, so provided you didn't have another condition through which you gained a massive amount of water weight or grew a gigantic tumor you overate by around 4000 calories every day for two months. Yeah, mental health medications can make you ravenous.

    With only so little to lose you could set your weightloss goal to 1 to maybe at first 1.5lbs per week, and track thoroughly what you eat and log it. Eat the amount this website gives you and you'll lose the weight. If you're still on these meds and you're still so ravenous then talk to your doctor and look at alternatives.

    Technically, 4000 calories + TDEE (or BMR or whatever- I always get them confused). So 5,500-6,000’ish a day. Totally doable. In my heyday, I could easily scarf down twice that.

    I still marvel that, eating 10,000+ a day and being so sedentary, I gained so “little”. By rights, I should have been many many hundred pounds. I’m very grateful in retrospect that I only had a hundred to lose.

    Op, “in retrospect “ is the key words here. Follow the plan, eat sensibly, weigh, log, and in a year, you, too, will be thinking in retrospect.

    It’s only a mountain while it’s in front of you, needing climbing.

    Let us know how we can help or guide you.