Weight loss

Hi! I cannot seem to get my weight to budge. I gained 15 lbs from meds I am now off of. I am 58. I am doing 11000-13000 steps a day. Or 5 miles for last 2 months. I am eating about 1200 cal. Any suggestions. Thanks! Sunshine


  • Body weight resistance training (calisthenics) and making sure I ate enough protein while reducing my calories helped me weight lose. I really like calisthenics because there are easier versions for all movements and you can progressively move up at your own pace.
    Bigger muscles burn more calories. Good luck and hold fast.
  • Winning4EJ
    Winning4EJ Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats on getting off the meds hopefully the weight will start to fall off.

    I agree that protein is a big help and making sure you really track calories accurately. For me it made a difference tracking things like oils and butter I use, as it all adds up even though it seems like they shouldn't count.
  • MacLowCarbing
    MacLowCarbing Posts: 350 Member
    Hello & Welcome. I concur with being careful with tracking, esp. when you start or progress seems to stall. Sometimes we eyeball things and forget how quickly it can add up.

    Glad you're getting off the meds, sucks when they cause weight gain. Esp. after a certain age, I'm 54 and what I wouldn't give to be able to drop the pounds like I did when I was 30 (if only I was smart enough to stick to it back then lol!).