Forget the freshman 15, how about the post-graduation 15?

I’m a 22 y/o recent college grad who’s been struggling with weight for years and years. I hit my lowest weight in my adult life around 2 years ago (130 lbs), about mid-college, and for a bit after I was in a state fluctuation and maintenance (about 145). Since I graduated and started working full time in May, I’ve gone up to about 155-160. Ideally, I’d like to eventually get back down to 140.
I enjoy weight lifting and usually go to the gym at least 3-4 days a week. I try to prioritize protein also.
It’s been difficult eating as healthy as I could (or generally less) now that I can afford the foods that I previously had to limit when my budget and time were tighter.
If anything, I’d like to get in touch on here with other young women who might be going through the same thing.
Here goes!