PCOS Awareness Month - anyone else have this??



  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    Count me in too- I've joined other PCOS groups, but there's not much activity in them. I've lost 40 lbs, 20 left to go. I really want to focus on my body fat percentage at this point. I have two girls (11 and 7) thanks to a wonderful fertility doc!

    Weight is a constant battle with this condition! I feel like if I quit paying attention to my carbs and calories for 5 minutes I can gain 5lbs...
  • redlirpa
    redlirpa Posts: 2 Member
    Life long struggle with weight. Diet program after diet program.... PCOS here. I have the high insulin but low blood sugar, if you feed the beast a sweet all he wants is more so I ave cut out the sweets for the last month. The cravings are better. I am taking cinnamon to help with insulin regulation. I also suffer from high male hormones with unwanted hairiness, taking spiroloctane but i dont see a difference. I have no ovulation and no regular periods, when I do have them they are horrible! PCOS sucks.
  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    I am sending you all messages and setting up the group by Saturday - you should all have your invites to the group -
  • Bo0mCha
    I've got PCOS too - at a very high degree as I don't have periods naturally at all, and all the too high male hormones, hypothyroidism, etc symptoms

    Can I join ? :)
  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    Yes - MFP was acting crazy tonight so I will finish messaging you all in the morning and setting up the group
  • korasmummy
    Room for one more?? Im new to MFP but was diagnosed a few years ago. Have since been blessed with a daughter but am unable to shift the weight still. Would really love the info as ive been ignorant for too long now.
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    I don't have PCOS BUT I do have a daughter of 13 who we are sure has it, we are going to Toronto sick Kids on Monday, to confirm the diagnosis, I have two sisters who have it, one actually having ovarian cancer at 30. I would love to join your group. I need to make healthy changes for my daughter, and would love to know how pcos is treated now, as both my sisters didn't get great treatment years ago:(
  • janinab75
    janinab75 Posts: 147 Member
    There are also other PCOS groups on MFP as well that people may want to check out. I think the more support and reaching out there is the better. I have been diagnosed with PCOS as well. Thanks for being willing to share more info. Check out the other groups too as I'm sure they'd be willing to hear what info you have too!
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I have it too. I totally used to use it as an excuse as to why I was overweight. Well, look at me now! It CAN be done ladies. It may take a little more work but it IS possible! :D Interesting fact, Jillian Michaels has PCOS as well!
  • SweetKisses1988
    Hi - I was diagnosed with PCOS a little over a year ago, me and my husband have been trying to have children for the past 2 1/2 years and we finally got a answer to why we were having such a hard time ... I would like to be added to the group please, if room is still available! I joined MFP to lose weight and live a better lifestyle! Thanks in advance!!
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    I have PCOS. I was diagnosed since I was 17 (about 6 years ago). I've been struggling with PCOS ever since. im NOT trying to conceive, but i would love to reduce the symptoms and to get off all the medications that my doc put me on for them. If you have room for one more, i would love to join! Thanks
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    hey count me in! I joined all of the other groups on here but they were really inactive. I'd like to be in one that had active discussions.
  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    I LOVE all this support!!! Yes I have discovered the groups on MFP are not as active and are hard to communicate with if you are mostly on a mobile device - I am going to email everyone tomorrow - if you want to go ahead and friend me - feel free just put PCOS in the message so I know to add you to the group :)
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    I am 23 and was diagnosed with PCOS at 13. I've never had a cycle on my own. I have liver disease because of it and my kidneys are going too. Count me in! PCOS sucks, I know a lot about it and finally found macros that help. Would love to join!
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I don't technically have PCOS, but I'm on the same regimen as someone who is (infertile, dealing with insulin resistance, used Metformin) - and I can talk all about the Glycemic Index Diet, which really does help and one of the best natural ways to help with PCOS. Seriously!
  • marigoldof4
    marigoldof4 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi count me in too please! I am 31 and was dx'ed at 13. Would love support and strategies, always looking for more friends.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    I have it too. I've known for about 10 years now. I don't have much of a weight problem, but I'd love to join though :)
  • dkalita
    dkalita Posts: 35 Member
    I had been diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. I have been married for two years and want to have a child in another couple of years. I am overweight and have recently started exercising and logging in food.
  • caraliming
    I have pcos and it has been a serious burden to me in my life and has made it impossible to lose weight :[[[[
  • pinupchick82
    pinupchick82 Posts: 31 Member
    I like to would really like to join this group this year has been the worst ever with my pcos. i have been diagnonsed for 8 years and had my ups and downs always been over weight this year we tried clomid for pregnancy no luck there. instead i got multiple months of large cysts and bed rest witch resulted in more weight gain. i have been off clomid for six months and am still getting the larger cysts but have resumed activity, i have resently lost 29 lbs and we are starting birth control again we decided to wait untill i get to healthy weight to try for pregnancy again so i would love any extra help i can get.