PCOS Awareness Month - anyone else have this??



  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    WOW - blown away at all the responses - this is going to be a GREAT group - I think I have everyone - if I dont have your email or you did not get a message from me - please send it to me - I need your email to set you up in the group - this is a Facebook group - I have tried several times to have groups on MFP it is just hard because it doesnt update you when a topic is posted and it is just harder to run - if you want in the group let me know I would love to add you - I think some great information will be exchanged in this group!!
  • lazokim94
    I Have PCOS :/ I was diagnosed at age 16, and I lost 36lbs at age 17 and gained them all back :( and Now I started excercising agian, My Doc put me on Metformin 1000mg 2x a day, I usually only take both if I have 2 Heavy meals, I really hate taking pills, So I'm wondering if I can just lose weight without taking the pills. It's been extremly hard this time. Last time I lost those pounds My cycles became regular by themselves. Will Metformin along with Excercise itself help regulate them faster?
  • bethcerabona
    I have PCOS and It has been a huge struggle for me. I was recently prescribed Metformin to help treat it but I have not met anyone else who is taking this medication for PCOS. It is a common medication for Diabetes I guess. Anyone else taking Metformin for PCOS? Has it helped at all?
  • tkmize87
    If there is still room I would like to join! I was dx last year but I've been experiencing symptoms since my teens. Any help/advice would be great! I've really been struggling with my weight...I'll lose a little then gain it right back :( I have to lose about 30 lbs but what I really want is become as healthy as possible and show others women with that PCOS does not define me as a woman and that I can do anything if I put my mind to it!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    congrats on being able to have kids, I haven't been able to accomplish that feat yet. All miscarries, 7 total. I have a cousin that also has PCOS she has 3 kids, but has been pregnant 11 times. So its rough in the having kids department for us.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I have it. WOuld love for you to share your knowledge. It has taken me two years to lose 10kg in a round about zig zag way. Still quite a few to go.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I have PCOS and It has been a huge struggle for me. I was recently prescribed Metformin to help treat it but I have not met anyone else who is taking this medication for PCOS. It is a common medication for Diabetes I guess. Anyone else taking Metformin for PCOS? Has it helped at all?

    It is very common for women with PCOS to be on Metformin :) There is a PCOS group on here where you will find a lot of women that could answer your question.
  • msdls73
    I have PCOS, 33 years old and would love to have at least one child. I do feel trapped in my body. I do not eat a lot, need to increase my exercise, and change the kind of food I eat. I enjoy cooking but I need to learn how to cook in a healthy manner. I love to snack but have cut this down completely. I am committed to this change right now because I am hoping my boyfriend will propose soon and I don't to wait until he does to try and lose the weight for my wedding. I am also looking forward to shopping at any store of my choice and not having to worry about medical issues attributed to my weight! I would love information on what your trying to do.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Count me in too, please! I was glad to finally have the diagnosis, but the realization of what having PCOS meant hit me pretty hard at the time. I'm sure many here can relate. I struggle with weight and fertility issues, too, but I'm not letting PCOS define me or keep me down, dammit!
  • tcridd
    please add me and count me in
  • jessicas082409
    jessicas082409 Posts: 75 Member
    Got any room left for one more?
  • cleansedbyglory
    i want to join! i was just diagnosed last August (2012)...im 19 years old would love to lose 50 lbs...my periods are finally regular...:)
  • cleansedbyglory
    PCOS stands for Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome...for more info, go to http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/polycystic-ovary-syndrome.cfm#b

    it affects women of child-bearing age...can lead to heart disease if left untreated...there are pages on FB that are all about PCOS...here is a few:
    Got Any Kids?
    PCOS Inspiration and Tips
    PCOS Awareness
    PCOS Diva
    PCOS Foundation

    it is also one of the leading causes of infertility among women
  • smann1115
    smann1115 Posts: 63 Member
    I have it as well, please feel free to add me to your group. Thank you!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Please add me, too. I belong to another PCOS group, but that group isn't very active. I wasn't diagnosed until I was about 42, so it was too late for me. My doctor said that the treatments were for younger women and wouldn't help me that much. I've been considering going to another doctor again to see if any new treatments have been developed since then (1995ish) that may help me.
  • GinaDisney
    I hope you have room for one more! I would really like to be included in the group!! Thanks in advance, Gina
  • alliem3
    alliem3 Posts: 7 Member
    I've had it for 20 years...count me in as well....
  • alliem3
    alliem3 Posts: 7 Member
    Theres not really any firm treatment, its what you can live with....theres all sorts of pills and hormones one can go on, but if you can live with it happily more power to you...I've had it for 20 years and have a 19 yr old with it as well...and my grandma and aunts...its crap but we deal with it....:-)
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    Me too!!!! Diagnosed last year, but probably had it for years before it was diagnosed.
  • Shandra101
    Shandra101 Posts: 10 Member
    Always interested to hear how other people are dealing.