Body Recomp & Hunger

ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
edited November 2023 in Health and Weight Loss
This post is mostly to get ideas based on what works for you. Advice is also welcome. My goal is to increase my fitness without creating a massive change in my hunger signals. Everyone is different, but I’m curious what workouts/activity you do that doesn’t make you feel constantly hungry and clearly improved your body composition?

I ran my TDEE through and it is spot on with my data, I’m actually shocked tbh. I only need to add 200 calories for moderate activity, but my mind or body, whichever it is, tells me it’s way more than that. My data proves otherwise. 1 hour of Pilates= 1 Tbs of peanut butter. Yeah, tell that to my mind lol.


Any ideas how to eat the same calories to maintain weight and change my body comp without increasing my hunger signals? Those alarm bells going off all day long, no matter what my macros are, is pretty frustrating.

I wasn’t sure where to post this exactly. Under Fitness? Maintenance? Health & Weight loss? Hope it’s okay here or I can request it be moved.


  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,526 Member
    My experience is the opposite to what you want - but hear me out. I lift weights and my appetite shot through the roof. But it turns out that I needed the extra calories just to maintain. I eat a lot for my height and build.

    I found jogging never increases my appetite, but swimming did. Walking in the cold air increased my appetite, but walking in the summer heat didn’t. Steady state LISS probably had the least impact for me, but weights had the biggest impact.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,282 Member
    edited November 2023
    The only way to know is to eat that amount and experiment.

    BUT but but - any time I lower calories I struggle for about a week...then the gnaw-my-arm-off hunger subsides. Stay the course.

    AND and and - more protein and fiber are the key for me. Lots of vegetables and fruit. 4-6 servings a day. I also have to cut back on wheat and sugar when I cut calories or I tend to do nothing but worry about my next meal.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited November 2023
    My experience is the opposite to what you want - but hear me out. I lift weights and my appetite shot through the roof. But it turns out that I needed the extra calories just to maintain. I eat a lot for my height and build.

    I found jogging never increases my appetite, but swimming did. Walking in the cold air increased my appetite, but walking in the summer heat didn’t. Steady state LISS probably had the least impact for me, but weights had the biggest impact.

    I hear ya. When I got a trainer and had a lifting regiment I constantly thought about food and was hungry. It really messed with my mind tbh. But I miss the endorphins and I don’t want to be skinny-fat either. Interesting about the temperature of the air effecting your hunger! Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint the correlation. Ideally I want to find something that changes my body, doesn’t make me hungry, but that I also enjoy. I might be asking for a lot haha! Did the LISS change your body shape much?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,117 Member
    edited November 2023
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited November 2023
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,117 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited November 2023
    The only way to know is to eat that amount and experiment.

    BUT but but - any time I lower calories I struggle for about a week...then the gnaw-my-arm-off hunger subsides. Stay the course.

    AND and and - more protein and fiber are the key for me. Lots of vegetables and fruit. 4-6 servings a day. I also have to cut back on wheat and sugar when I cut calories or I tend to do nothing but worry about my next meal.

    So adding protein + fiber to those extra activity calories is your solution. That makes perfect sense. I’m in maintenance so this is a new world to me. Trying to find that balance between changing my shape, eating maintenance calories (adding less than 200 calories per workout), and not increasing my hunger has been tricky for me.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,117 Member
    Well, if your changing your routine to include more activity then those 200 calories for a "recomp" would also need adjusting upward to facilitate that change, or am I missing something here.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited November 2023
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. I’m trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    Well, if your changing your routine to include more activity then those 200 calories for a "recomp" would also need adjusting upward to facilitate that change, or am I missing something here.

    I only need to add 200 calories for moderate activity, but my mind or body, whichever it is, tells me it’s way more than that. My data proves otherwise. 1 hour of Pilates= 1 Tbs of peanut butter. Yeah, tell that to my mind lol.

    This might have been confusing, but with a slight adjustment my alarm bells go off everyday.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,117 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited November 2023
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,117 Member
    edited November 2023
    It's funny you say hard boiled eggs, because I'm much more satiated with hard boiled than eggs done any other way, and they're portable and have to admit I eat a lot of eggs over the course of a week.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    It's funny you say hard boiled eggs, because I'm much more satiated with hard boiled than eggs done any other way, and they're portable and have to admit I eat a lot of eggs over the course of a week.

    They should have a laugh button. I mean they’re pretty much perfect so I get it.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,117 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.

    My data is showing a large eggs has 6g's of protein and 60 calories where 1 tbsp of PB has 3g's of protein and 90 calories.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited November 2023
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.

    My data is showing a large eggs has 6g's of protein and 60 calories where 1 tbsp of PB has 3g's of protein and 90 calories.

    I just did a quick google search and read what was bolded. With more details it says “ Protein: Both boiled egg and peanut butter are high in protein. Peanut butter has 91% more protein than boiled egg - boiled egg has 12.6g of protein per 100 grams and peanut butter has 24.1g of protein.” Link:

    I’m definitely willing to give it a shot and experiment with different types of exercises to see which is less hunger inducing. Hoping for a cheat sheet to save time though 😊.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,117 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.

    My data is showing a large eggs has 6g's of protein and 60 calories where 1 tbsp of PB has 3g's of protein and 90 calories.

    I just did a quick google search and read what was bolded. With more details it says “ Protein: Both boiled egg and peanut butter are high in protein. Peanut butter has 91% more protein than boiled egg - boiled egg has 12.6g of protein per 100 grams and peanut butter has 24.1g of protein.” Link:

    I’m definitely willing to give it a shot and experiment with different types of exercises to see which is less hunger inducing. Hoping for a cheat sheet to save time though 😊.
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.

    My data is showing a large eggs has 6g's of protein and 60 calories where 1 tbsp of PB has 3g's of protein and 90 calories.

    I just did a quick google search and read what was bolded. With more details it says “ Protein: Both boiled egg and peanut butter are high in protein. Peanut butter has 91% more protein than boiled egg - boiled egg has 12.6g of protein per 100 grams and peanut butter has 24.1g of protein.” Link:

    I’m definitely willing to give it a shot and experiment with different types of exercises to see which is less hunger inducing. Hoping for a cheat sheet to save time though 😊.

    You need to compare say 1 egg to 1 tbsp of BP. Your link is comparing 1 cup of each and while the eggs have 211 calories for 1 cup the PB has 1520 calories, so not really applicable.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.

    My data is showing a large eggs has 6g's of protein and 60 calories where 1 tbsp of PB has 3g's of protein and 90 calories.

    I just did a quick google search and read what was bolded. With more details it says “ Protein: Both boiled egg and peanut butter are high in protein. Peanut butter has 91% more protein than boiled egg - boiled egg has 12.6g of protein per 100 grams and peanut butter has 24.1g of protein.” Link:

    I’m definitely willing to give it a shot and experiment with different types of exercises to see which is less hunger inducing. Hoping for a cheat sheet to save time though 😊.
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.

    My data is showing a large eggs has 6g's of protein and 60 calories where 1 tbsp of PB has 3g's of protein and 90 calories.

    I just did a quick google search and read what was bolded. With more details it says “ Protein: Both boiled egg and peanut butter are high in protein. Peanut butter has 91% more protein than boiled egg - boiled egg has 12.6g of protein per 100 grams and peanut butter has 24.1g of protein.” Link:

    I’m definitely willing to give it a shot and experiment with different types of exercises to see which is less hunger inducing. Hoping for a cheat sheet to save time though 😊.

    You need to compare say 1 egg to 1 tbsp of BP. Your link is comparing 1 cup of each and while the eggs have 211 calories for 1 cup the PB has 1520 calories, so not really applicable.

    Yeah, 100g of peanut butter is kind of a silly comparison they made. Like, why even do that? Lol
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,282 Member
    edited November 2023
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.

    My data is showing a large eggs has 6g's of protein and 60 calories where 1 tbsp of PB has 3g's of protein and 90 calories.

    I just did a quick google search and read what was bolded. With more details it says “ Protein: Both boiled egg and peanut butter are high in protein. Peanut butter has 91% more protein than boiled egg - boiled egg has 12.6g of protein per 100 grams and peanut butter has 24.1g of protein.” Link:

    I’m definitely willing to give it a shot and experiment with different types of exercises to see which is less hunger inducing. Hoping for a cheat sheet to save time though 😊.

    But peanut butter gets the majority of its calories from fat, not protein.

    In my image below I added the food to my FOOD diary based on its protein only. I matched them by protein grams. That is 100g of whole egg (because we usually eat two eggs) and 50g of PB

    Protein Egg 13g ____PB 13g
    Calories Egg 147 ___PB 297
    Fat Egg 10g _________PB 25g
    Sat Fat Egg 3g ______PB 5g


    Oranges. Apples.

  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I don't count calories and basically eat to satiation. I'm low carb as well and at the moment in more of a ketogenic state and over the last 2 month as well as working out generally 3 times a week, I'm now playing hockey twice a week at a fairly high level, meaning I'm pretty much all out for those 2 hours. I've noticed I'm more hungry and I am eating more and if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating an extra 700-1000 on those days. So there you go, for me the extra exercise has induced hunger and my weight been stable at around 187 lbs, just checked and actually, went down 3 lbs.

    That’s my goal pretty much. Somehow you’re adding an intense activity and at most only averaging an additional 142 calories a day and feeling satiated. My brother was/is a hockey player, that sport is no joke. Kuddos to that.

    Are you saying your "alarm bells go off" with just a small increase in activity? I think that's what your saying.

    Yeah, just jumping from light exercise to moderate exercise, less than a 200 calorie difference, makes me feel hungry everyday, even the days I’m not working out. Trying to find an activity that can help me maintain and recomp without the hunger spikes.

    This could be diet related and more than likely is. Possibly add more protein in your dietary macro's without adding much of the other 2, basically a lean protein and then see what happens.

    Yeah the peanut butter wasn’t cutting it. Maybe I’ll switch to hard boiled eggs. Oh wait, just looked… peanut butter has 91% more protein than a boiled egg. Didn’t know that.

    My data is showing a large eggs has 6g's of protein and 60 calories where 1 tbsp of PB has 3g's of protein and 90 calories.

    I just did a quick google search and read what was bolded. With more details it says “ Protein: Both boiled egg and peanut butter are high in protein. Peanut butter has 91% more protein than boiled egg - boiled egg has 12.6g of protein per 100 grams and peanut butter has 24.1g of protein.” Link:

    I’m definitely willing to give it a shot and experiment with different types of exercises to see which is less hunger inducing. Hoping for a cheat sheet to save time though 😊.

    But peanut butter gets the majority of its calories from fat, not protein.

    In my image below I added the food to my FOOD diary based on its protein only. I matched them by protein grams. That is 100g of whole egg and 50g of PB

    Protein Egg 13g ____PB 13g
    Calories Egg 147 ___PB 297
    Fat Egg 10g _________PB 25g
    Sat Fat Egg 3g ______PB 5g


    Oranges. Apples.

    You’d think they would compare a serving to a serving, but I was wrong 😂. My bad.