100 day challenge #18 Monday January 1st – Tuesday April 9th 2024



  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    edited January 29
    I’m Teri
    Age 60, 5’4”

    Challenge Starting Weight: 144.3 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 138lbs
    Mission for this challenge: Avoid refined sugar and keep meals low carb, IF 16:8, exercise at least 4 times per week, drink lots of water, get enough sleep, keep up with vitamin supplements. Simple right? ;);)

    Day 01-01/01 - DNW

    Day 02-01/02 - 145.3 All sugar & water retention in this gain as a result of a fabulous Holiday season with friends and family, but I’m not depressed about it. I know what I have to do. Now the work begins.

    Day 03-01/03 - 144.7 Food intake wasn’t the best yesterday, but it was better than all of last week.
    My daughter returns to college today (sad), and so I’ll begin my exercise routine later today.
    Yesterday: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [ ] enough water [ ] exercise

    Day 04-01/04 - 144.4 Stayed away from the leftover Christmas goodies and though I did not go
    overboard on carbs, I could have done better. Today is the day I get on the exercise wagon. [I think I said
    that yesterday].
    Yesterday: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ] exercise

    Day 05-01/05 - 144.8 A little snacking last night but kept the 2 main meals low carb, so not sure where this uptick is from. And it’s the weekend – yikes – I’ll try to keep the cocktails to a minimum.
    Concert tomorrow night (Old Dominion).
    Yesterday: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√] exercise: 15 min core, 20 min upper body, 30 min cycling

    Day 06-01/06 - 143.9 Enjoyed my pasta for sure.
    Yesterday: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√]
    exercise: 10 min core, 20 min lower body, 20 min cycling

    Day 07-01/07 – 143.5 Home is finally getting back to normal (decorations put away, cleaning out the fridge, etc) after the Holiday festivities which all happen at my house. Though I love all the gatherings – from Thanksgiving thru New Year’s – there’s a lot of time and effort that goes into it. So last night I treated myself to some cocktails and live music (Old Dominion concert). Great start to the New Year!
    Yesterday: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√]
    exercise: 20 pilates, 30 min cycling

    Week 1 Goal: 143.3
    Week 1 actual weight: 143.5
    Challenge 18 results to-date .8 lb loss

    Day 08-01/08 – 144.1 Had a really good day yesterday as far as eating goes. Homemade vegetable soup and a nice salad for dinner. Also watched ‘You Are What You Eat’ on Netflix. Very eye-opening.
    Yesterday: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [ ] enough water [ ]

    Day 09-01/09 – 143.6
    Yesterday: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√]
    exercise: 10 min core, 20 min lower body, 30 min cycling

    Day 10-01/10 – 142.9
    Yesterday: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [ ] enough water [ ]

    Day 11-01/11 – 143.6 Eating was horrible yesterday. Plus, 2nd day of no exercise/movement. Need to nip this in the bud before it gets really hard to start-up again.
    Yesterday: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ]

    Day 12-01/12 – 144.1 I fully expected a decrease on the scale this morning. Both eating and exercising were on point yesterday. And I do feel less bloated. I guess the jump in weight could be the result of my binge 2 days ago. And now it’s the weekend… oh lord.
    Yesterday: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√]
    exercise: 10 min core, 30 min upper body, 40 min cycling

    Day 13-01/13 – 144.5 Another increase on the scale. Stumped. Inflammation & bloating have definitely decreased tho. Looks like I won’t be reaching my goal weight for tomorrow.
    Yesterday: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√]
    exercise: 10 min core, 20 lower body strength, 20 min cycling at a leisurely pace

    Day 14-01/14 – 143.9
    Yesterday: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [ ] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ]

    Week 2 Goal: 142.8
    Week 2 actual weight: 143.9

    WEEK 3

    Day 15-01/15 – 145.3 Celebrated hubby’s birthday yesterday, maybe a little too much. Need to get a workout in today.
    Yesterday: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [ ] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ]

    Day 16-01/16 – 144.5
    Yesterday: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√]
    exercise: 10 min core, 20 lower body strength, 30 min spin class

    Day 17-01/17 – DNW
    Yesterday: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [ ] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ]

    Day 18-01/18 – DNW Satisfying my cravings. Binging. Self-sabotage. Consistency is my struggle.

    Day 19-01/19 – DNW Still haven’t mustered up the courage to get on the scale, however I am feeling better for getting back on track yesterday. One day at a time.
    Yesterday: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [ ] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√]
    exercise: 10 min core, 25 min upper body, 20 min low impact spin class

    Day 20-01/20 – DNW Great get together w/ BFFs last night. Very curious to see what my weight will be tomorrow.

    Day 21-01/21 – 144.8

    Week 3 Goal: 143.3
    Week 3 actual weight: 144.8

    WEEK 4

    Day 22-01/22 – 144.6 Very disappointed in myself today. Please let me do better tomorrow.
    Today’s achievements: [ ] IF 12-16:8 hours [ ] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ] exercise:

    Day 23-01/23 – 144.8 No cravings or binges today. Eating was on point. Made an effort to go grocery shopping this afternoon to stock up on ingredients for healthier meals and snacks. Hubby came with to stock up on UN-healthy snacks for himself. But I will keep trying to stay on track. Hopefully, tomorrow’s achievements will include a workout.
    Today’s achievements: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [ ] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ] exercise:

    Day 24-01/24 – 143.7
    Today’s achievements: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√] exercise: 30-min cycling after dinner

    Day 25-01/25 – 143.6 Today was another good day: avoided high carb meals and sugary snacks. Got a work out in. One day at a time.
    Today’s achievements: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [√] exercise: 10 min core, 30 min upper body, 30-min spin class.

    Day 26-01/26 – 142.7
    Today’s achievements: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [√] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ] exercise:

    Day 27-01/27 – 143.7
    Today’s achievements: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [ ] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ] exercise:

    Day 28-01/28 – 144.5 Bummer.
    Today’s achievements: [√] IF 12-16:8 hours [ ] vitamin supplements [√] 6-8 hours of sleep [√] enough water [ ] exercise:

    Week 4 Goal: 143.5
    Week 4 actual weight: 145
    Challenge 18 results to date: .7 lbs gain
  • Fooshki
    Fooshki Posts: 85 Member
    edited January 29
    My name is Stephanie, I’m 34, and I’m from California. I am 5’7” and 250 lbs. Ideally I would like to get to around 150-155 lbs. (which would make me a normal BMI for my height) by the end of 2024. For this challenge, my goal is to lose 30 pounds since that’s about 2 pounds per week.

    Day 28
    Day 01: 01/01- 250 lbs.
    Day 02: 01/02- 249.2 lbs.
    Day 03: 01/03- 248 lbs. (switched to AM weigh-ins)
    Day 04: 01/04- 248 lbs.
    Day 05: 01/05-Away from home
    Day 06: 01/06- 247 lbs.
    Day 07: 01/07- 246.2 lbs.

    Week 1 Goal: 248 (-2#)
    Week 1 actual weight: 246.2 (-3.8 #)
    Day 08: 01/08- 246.6 lbs.
    Day 09: 01/09- 246.4 lbs.
    Day 10: 01/10- 246.4 lbs
    Day 11: 01/11-245.8 lbs.
    Day 12: 01/12- Missed weighing
    Day 13: 01/13- 244 lbs.
    Day 14: 01/14- 243.7 lbs.

    Week 2 Goal: 244 (-6#)
    Week 2 actual weight: 243.7 (-2.5 # this wk/-6.3 # total)
    Day 15: 01/15 - 243.3 lbs.
    Day 16: 01/16- 245.4 lbs.
    Day 17: 01/17- 243.4 lbs.
    Day 18: 01/18- 242.4 lbs.
    Day 19: 01/19- 240.8 lbs.
    Day 20: 01/20- 240.8 lbs.
    Day 21: 01/21- 240.4 lbs.

    Week 3 Goal: 242 (-8 #)
    Week 3 actual weight: 240.4 lbs. (-3.3# this week/-9.6# total)

    Day 22: 01/22- 239.6 lbs.
    Day 23: 01/23- 239.2 lbs.
    Day 24: 01/24- 238.6 lbs.
    Day 25: 01/25- 237 lbs. (sick yesterday)
    Day 26: 01/26- 237.2 lbs.
    Day 27: 01/27- 237.8 lbs. (Movie snacks)
    Day 28: 01/28-237.6 lbs.

    Week 4 Goal: 238 (-12#)
    Week 4 actual weight: 237.6 lbs. (-2.8# this week/ -12.4# total)

    I have not been back to the gym yet, but I did get in some walking at the mall today and I’ve been trying to meet my step goal through other means to compensate. I also haven’t had a single day all week where I met my fruit and veggie goals 😔. Starting tonight, I’m going to go back to packing my lunch for work so I can try and make that happen. I hope everyone is doing well! We’re almost a third of the way through the challenge and we’re all still here, so that’s definitely something to be proud of! Happy Monday everyone!

    Non-Scale Mini Goals
    🧂 Limit sodium to 2300 mg/day ✅
    🚰 Drink 100 oz. of water/day ✅
    🚴🏻‍♀️ Cardio 3-5x per week ✅
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Strength training 3x per week ❌
    🥬 3-5 servings of veggies/day ❌
    🍓 3-5 servings of fruit per day ❌
    🏃🏻‍♀️ 10,000 steps per day ✅
    😴 Sleep for 7-8 hours per day ✅

  • Maz2024
    Maz2024 Posts: 37 Member
    All going well, out for another run today as it was nice and not raining.

    F43, 5'6
    Start weight: 166

    Week 1 Goal: 164
    Week 1 actual weight: 164.6

    Week 2 Goal: 163
    Week 2 actual weight:? (smashed scale!)

    Week 3 Goal: 163
    Week 3 actual weight: 163

    Week 4 Goal: 162
    Week 4 actual weight: 162

    Day 29-01/29: 162.5
    Day 30-01/30:
    Day 31-01/31:
    Day 32-02/01:
    Day 33-02/02:
    Day 34-02/03:
    Day 35-02/04:

    Week 5 Goal: 161
    Week 5 actual weight:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,232 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 1st thru April 9th, 2024


    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 183.8
    Goal This Round: 171.8
    Challenge Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Previous Rounds[/tomato] Tally & Thoughts:

    This shows the ending weights of each round:
    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0
    Round #17---183.8


    While other challenges may show bigger losses (or gains), it really depends on what date you are looking at with me because I do go up & down quite a lot, especially with my frequent required day trips. However, from Jan 1st through Dec 31st, I lost 16.0 pounds in the full year of 2023. That is what I have lost and KEPT OFF. While I am very proud of that, I know that the road ahead is long and will be a difficult one since I still have so far to go and so many health related obstacles in my way. Each 100 day round I am extremely grateful for any progress I can make, no matter how big or small. I am also grateful for all the support from all of you that I get on a daily basis. Working on my health has become my #1 priority. My main goals are to maintain my remission by staying cancer free and to keep my diabetes in control. Losing weight is key to both goals.

    Previous Weeks:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-01/01-181.6-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 02-01/02-181.4-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 03-01/03-181.4-(Trend weight 180.5)

    Day 04-01/04-182.0-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 05-01/05-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 06-01/06-183.0-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 07-01/07-183.0-(Trend weight 181.3)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 08-01/08-179.8-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 09-01/09-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 10-01/10-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 11-01/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 12-01/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 13-01/13-182.0-(Trend weight 181.0)

    Day 14-01/14-183.0-(Trend weight 181.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.0 lbs lost or gained (results may be skewed by new scale)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs LOST

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 15-01/15-183.4-(Trend weight 181.3)

    Day 16-01/16-183.4-(Trend weight 181.5)

    Day 17-01/17-182.6-(Trend weight 181.8)

    Day 18-01/18-183.4-(Trend weight 182.1)

    Day 19-01/19-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 20-01/20-183.6-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 21-01/21-184.4-(Trend weight 182.5)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 lbs Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 22-01/22-184.2-(Trend weight 182.7)

    Day 23-01/23-185.2-(Trend weight 183.0)

    Day 24-01/24-184.6-(Trend weight 183.3)

    Day 25-01/25-185.2-(Trend weight 183.7)

    Day 26-01/26-182.4-(Trend weight 183.6)

    Day 27-01/27-183.4-(Trend weight 183.5)

    Day 28-01/28-181.6-(Trend weight 183.3) I didn’t close all my fitbit circles but it was a good day overall. Diet on point and exercise increased. It was nice to have a full day to myself.

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.8 lbs. Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 lbs. Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 29-01/29-181.6-(Trend weight 183.2) I’m hoping to land back in the 170’s within the next week or two. It’s a bit of a stretch right now but I think my arm may be…..a..l..m..o..s..t…..long enough to reach it. Apply yourself Donna! Get it and keep it!

    Day 30-01/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 31-01/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 32-02/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 33-02/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 34-02/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 35-02/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Future weeks to come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-02/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 37-02/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 38-02/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 39-02/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 40-02/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 41-02/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 42-02/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 43-02/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 44-02/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 45-02/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 46-02/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 47-02/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 48-02/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 49-02/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-02/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51-02/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 52-02/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 53-02/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 54-02/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 55-02/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 56-02/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-02/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 58-02/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 59-02/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 60-02/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 61-03/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 62-03/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 63-03/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-03/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 65-03/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 66-03/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 67-03/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 68-03/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 69-03/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 70-03/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-03/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 72-03/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 73-03/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 74-03/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 75-03/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 76-03/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-03/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-03/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-03/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-03/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-03/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-03/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-03/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-03/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-03/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-03/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-03/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-03/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-03/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-03/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-03/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-04/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-04/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-04/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-04/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-04/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-04/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-04/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 99-04/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-04/09…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    Thank you, @dawnbgethealthy !
    I'm in!
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 145.0
    Day 01 - 01/01 - 147.7 at 9:20 a.m. ...6.79 miles in 146 mins ...my trainer is out w/covid!!!
    Day 02 - 01/02 - 148.3 at 6:30 a.m. ...zero
    Day 03 - 01/03 - 147.5 at 8:45 a.m. ...zero
    Day 04 - 01/04 - 147.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.04 miles in 104 mins
    Day 05 - 01/05 - 148.7 at 8:00 a.m. ...zero
    Day 06 - 01/06 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ..family over for Salad Saturday!
    Day 07 - 01/07 - 147.2 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.35 miles in 111 mins
    Week 1 loss/gain - -.5
    Day 08 - 01/08 - 149.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero...my trainer is still out w/covid!!!
    Day 09 - 01/09 - 148.7 at 6:00 a.m. ...1 yr old Grandson Duty then 1.80 miles in 49 mins w/7 yr old Grandson to the park and back!!
    Day 10 - 01/10 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Day 11 - 01/11 - 149.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero...too cold to walk out there
    Day 12 - 01/12 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned the house before our housekeeper got here!!
    Day 13 - 01/13 - 148.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...zero...too cold and windy!!!
    Day 14 - 01/14 - 148.7 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.41 miles in 108 mins...it started out real foggy then turned into a beautiful afternoon!!
    Week 2 loss/gain - -.7
    Day 15 - 01/15 - 149.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 mins workout w/trainer then we had both Grandsons for the afternoon...their pup had a vet appt
    Day 16 - 01/16 - 148.3 at 9:00 a.m. ...zero
    Day 17 - 01/17 - 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    Day 18 - 01/18 - 149.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.27 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back
    Day 19 - 01/19 - 146.6 at 8:30 a.m. ...whole family is sick...no walking for me
    Day 20 - 01/20 - 146.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...ugh!
    Day 21 - 01/21 - 145.0 at 7:50 a.m. ...still down for the count
    Week 3 loss/gain - -3.3
    Day 22 - 01/22 - 145.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...ugh!
    Day 23 - 01/23 - 146.3 at 7:45 a.m. ... :'(:s
    Day 24 - 01/24 - 146.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...ugh!
    Day 25 - 01/25 - 146.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...ugh!
    Day 26 - 01/26 - 145.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...ugh!
    Day 27 - 01/27 - 146.5 at 8:15 a.m. ...zero...made soup
    Day 28 - 01/28 - 148.2 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.40 miles in 106 mins then read my book
    Week 4 loss/gain - +3.6
    Day 29 - 01/29 -
    Day 30 - 01/30 -
    Day 31 - 01/31 -
    Day 32 - 02/01 -
    Day 33 - 02/02 -
    Day 34 - 02/03 -
    Day 35 - 02/04 -
    Week 5 loss/gain -