100 day challenge #18 Monday January 1st – Tuesday April 9th 2024



  • lolakinks
    lolakinks Posts: 380 Member
    Hi all, happy new year! I’m 34 years old and 164 cm (5’4.5”). I’ve insulin resistance and PCOS. I’ve been gaining weight since I was 17, and I’ve gained 50 kg (110 lbs) through all years and couldn’t control it. Now I’m at my highest 105.4 kg (232 lbs). Hopefully it works this time! My goal for this challenge is losing 5-10 kg (11-22 lbs). My ultimate goal is losing 30 kg (66 lbs).

    SW: 105.4 kg
    GW: 95-100 kg
    UGW: 75 kg

    Week 1 Goal: 104 kg
    Week 1 actual weight: 103.9 kg (- 1.5 kg)

    Week 2 Goal: 103 kg
    Week 2 actual weight: 103.8 kg (- 0.1 kg)

    Week 3 Goal: 102.8 kg
    Week 3 actual weight: 104.1 kg (+0.3 kg)

    Week 4 Goal: 103.2 kg
    Week 4 actual weight: 103.8 kg (-0.3 kg)

    Day 29-01/29-- 103.8 kg

    Day 30-01/30-- 103.7 kg

    Day 31-01/31-- 103.3 kg (yay!)

    Day 32-02/01--

    Day 33-02/02--

    Day 34-02/03--

    Day 35-02/04--

    Week 5 Goal: 103 kg
    Week 5 actual weight:
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 761 Member
    100 day challenge #118 (my first)
    SW: 146.2
    GW: 130-132
    Wk 1 EW: 142.6
    Wk 2 EW: 141.4
    Wk 3 EW: 140.2
    Wk 4 EW: 139.2

    weeks 1-4:
    Week 1 Goal: 145.2
    Day 01-01/01–146.2

    Day 02-01/02-- 145.5

    Day 03-01/03-- 144.2

    Day 04-01/04-- 144.2

    Day 05-01/05-- 143.2

    Day 06-01/06-- 143.4

    Day 07-01/07-- 142.6
    Week 1 Goal: 145.2
    Week 1 actual weight: 142.6
    Loss: 3.6 lbs

    Week 2 Goal: under 142
    Day 08-01/08--142.6 (back to my pre-holiday weight. Let the games begin!)

    Day 09-01/09–142.2

    Day 10-01/10-- 141.4

    Day 11-01/11-- 141.4

    Day 12-01/12-- 141.4

    Day 13-01/13-- 142.2

    Day 14-01/14-- 141.4
    Week 2 Goal: under 142
    Week 2 actual Weight: 141.4
    Loss: 1.2 lbs

    Week 3 Goal: maintain through mini-vacation
    Day 15-01/15– 141.4

    Day 16-01/16-- 140.8

    Day 17-01/17-- 140.8

    Day 18-01/18-- 140.8

    Day 19-01/19-- 140.8- away, travel scale, maintained day 1

    Day 20-01/20-- 140.6

    Day 21-01/21-- 140.2- away, loss again!
    Week 3 Goal: 140.8
    Week 3 actual weight: 140.2
    Loss: 1.2 lbs

    Week 4 Goal: 139.8
    Day 22-01/22--141- last vacation day, bump is no surprise!

    Day 23-01/23–140.8

    Day 24-01/24-- 140.8

    Day 25-01/25--140.8... bored with this number.

    Day 26-01/26--140.0

    Day 27-01/27-- 140.6 (friday night out)

    Day 28-01/28-- 139.2
    Week 4 Goal: 139.8
    Week 4 actual weight: 139.2
    Loss: 1.8lbs
    Week 5 Goal: under 139
    Day 29-01/29--139.2

    Day 30-01/30--139.2

    Day 31-01/31--139.2 (full month done! woohoo!)

    Day 32-02/01--

    Day 33-02/02--

    Day 34-02/03--

    Day 35-02/04--
    Week 5 Goal: under 139
    Week 5 actual weight:

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,650 Member
    Thanks about the ticker Donna : - )
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,232 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 1st thru April 9th, 2024


    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 183.8
    Goal This Round: 171.8
    Challenge Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Previous Rounds[/tomato] Tally & Thoughts:

    This shows the ending weights of each round:
    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0
    Round #17---183.8


    While other challenges may show bigger losses (or gains), it really depends on what date you are looking at with me because I do go up & down quite a lot, especially with my frequent required day trips. However, from Jan 1st through Dec 31st, I lost 16.0 pounds in the full year of 2023. That is what I have lost and KEPT OFF. While I am very proud of that, I know that the road ahead is long and will be a difficult one since I still have so far to go and so many health related obstacles in my way. Each 100 day round I am extremely grateful for any progress I can make, no matter how big or small. I am also grateful for all the support from all of you that I get on a daily basis. Working on my health has become my #1 priority. My main goals are to maintain my remission by staying cancer free and to keep my diabetes in control. Losing weight is key to both goals.

    Previous Weeks:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-01/01-181.6-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 02-01/02-181.4-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 03-01/03-181.4-(Trend weight 180.5)

    Day 04-01/04-182.0-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 05-01/05-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 06-01/06-183.0-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 07-01/07-183.0-(Trend weight 181.3)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 08-01/08-179.8-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 09-01/09-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 10-01/10-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 11-01/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 12-01/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 13-01/13-182.0-(Trend weight 181.0)

    Day 14-01/14-183.0-(Trend weight 181.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.0 lbs lost or gained (results may be skewed by new scale)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs LOST

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 15-01/15-183.4-(Trend weight 181.3)

    Day 16-01/16-183.4-(Trend weight 181.5)

    Day 17-01/17-182.6-(Trend weight 181.8)

    Day 18-01/18-183.4-(Trend weight 182.1)

    Day 19-01/19-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 20-01/20-183.6-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 21-01/21-184.4-(Trend weight 182.5)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 lbs Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 22-01/22-184.2-(Trend weight 182.7)

    Day 23-01/23-185.2-(Trend weight 183.0)

    Day 24-01/24-184.6-(Trend weight 183.3)

    Day 25-01/25-185.2-(Trend weight 183.7)

    Day 26-01/26-182.4-(Trend weight 183.6)

    Day 27-01/27-183.4-(Trend weight 183.5)

    Day 28-01/28-181.6-(Trend weight 183.3)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.8 lbs. Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 lbs. Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 29-01/29-181.6-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 30-01/30-181.2-(Trend weight 183.0) I’m planning on taking a friend out of town today if the roads are cleared up. We had snow last night. I’d like to hit another small town nearby (about 40 miles each way) for a particular restaurant. They also have a bakery in that town so maybe I could get her a birthday cupcake or something. Last night was a tough night getting through without bingeing. My son has some creamsicles in his freezer and I had to hold myself back from going down there and getting two of them. One would not have satisfied me as the craving was so intense. The only thing that stopped me was that I like the creamy kind best. I started imagining that the store brand ones were probably like popsicles with the cream inside, not the creamy ones. I can live without popsicles and so I kept that popsicle image in my head until the craving passed. I also had this overwhelming feeling that it didn’t matter what I ate last night since I’m going out of town today anyway and likely blowing it. You know, that all-or-nothing attitude. Then I told myself (again) that just because I am losing the air in one tire tomorrow, doesn’t mean I have to let the air out of the other three. It worked. I’m so glad I made it through. Sometimes I don’t. The scale may be up a bit tomorrow due to the birthday celebration but I will try to stay as close to my macros as possible.

    Day 31-01/31-181.6-(Trend weight 182.9) Uptick due to the out-of-town yesterday. Today I will zig-zag a lower calorie day and lots of water to help flush it all away. Today I await the news from my older friend on her pet scan. They found a mass the size of an orange on her lung recently and have been testing her bones and her brain to see if it has metastasized and to stage her cancer. Her two daughters are with her today and she will find out her options, if any. I’m praying for good news but in the last 3 months she has broken her hip and then fell again and broke her pelvic which is inoperable. She also has many small blood clots in her lungs they’ve been treating for about a year. To sit and speak with her, you wouldn’t even know that anything is wrong, she still seems pretty healthy so I’m just so confused. Please pray for Diana H.

    Day 32-02/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 33-02/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 34-02/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 35-02/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Future weeks to come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-02/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 37-02/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 38-02/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 39-02/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 40-02/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 41-02/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 42-02/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 43-02/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 44-02/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 45-02/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 46-02/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 47-02/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 48-02/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 49-02/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-02/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51-02/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 52-02/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 53-02/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 54-02/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 55-02/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 56-02/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-02/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 58-02/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 59-02/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 60-02/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 61-03/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 62-03/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 63-03/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-03/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 65-03/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 66-03/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 67-03/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 68-03/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 69-03/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 70-03/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-03/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 72-03/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 73-03/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 74-03/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 75-03/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 76-03/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-03/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-03/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-03/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-03/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-03/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-03/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-03/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-03/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-03/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-03/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-03/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-03/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-03/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-03/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-03/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-04/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-04/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-04/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-04/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-04/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-04/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-04/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 99-04/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-04/09…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 152
    Challenge GW: 137

    Day 1: Mon, 1/1: 152
    Day 2: Tue, 1/2: 151.2
    Day 3: Wed, 1/3: 151.4
    Day 4: Thu, 1/4: 151.2
    Day 5: Fri, 1/5: 153 Had a big sloppy roast beef poboy for lunch yesterday
    Day 6: Sat, 1/6: 152.2
    Day 7: Sun, 1/7: 152
    Week 1 Loss: 0
    Total Loss: 0

    Day 8: Mon, 1/8: 152
    Day 9: Tue, 1/9: 152
    Day 10: Wed, 1/10: 154.8
    Day 11: Thu, 1/11: DNW
    Day 12: Fri, 1/12: 154.4
    Day 13: Sat, 1/13: 153
    Day 14: Sun, 1/14: 152.6
    Week 2 Loss: -0.2
    Total Loss: -0.2

    Day 15: Mon, 1/15: 151.8
    Day 16: Tue, 1/16: 151.4
    Day 17: Wed, 1/17: 151.4
    Day 18: Thu, 1/18: 151
    Day 19: Fri, 1/19: 150.4
    Day 20: Sat, 1/20: 150
    Day 21: Sun, 1/21: 151.2
    Week 3 Loss: -0.2
    Total Loss: -0.4

    Day 22: Mon, 1/22: 151.6 Had an indulgent weekend, but back on track today!
    Day 23: Tue, 1/23: 151
    Day 24: Wed, 1/24: 150.4
    Day 25: Thu, 1/25: 150.8
    Day 26: Fri, 1/26: 151.4
    Day 27: Sat, 1/27: 151
    Day 28: Sun, 1/28: 151.2
    Week 4 Loss: -0.4
    Total Loss: -0.8

    Day 29: Mon, 1/29: 151.2
    Day 30: Tue, 1/30: 151
    Day 31: Wed, 1/31: 151.6
    January Loss: -0.4 What a horrific month! February better be better!

  • Fooshki
    Fooshki Posts: 85 Member
    How do I update that ticker daily?

    If you download the ticker factory app for your phone, you can just click on the ticker in the app and then click “edit” and then “edit settings”.