Bulking For Hard-Gainers

JadenpHuston Posts: 1 Member
I'm starting a 4000 calorie diet with a 40-30-30 split. After 3 years of going back and forth between 170-200 I've decided to throw my temporary happiness to the wind on the road to my long-term goal of 225lbs for absolute satisfaction of beating my metabolism and achieving my goals. The hard part...eating this much in a healthy manner when I'm a lazy cook. So far I've figured to meal prep 4oz beef w/ olive oil and 1/4cup white rice as a dinner option. I'm trying for 5x800 calories so that almost covers my dinner option but I still have to supplement with a milk or orange juice. Going to keep this thread posted on updates for goal and how challenging it is to consume 4000 calories a day, but, also I will post any tips and cheats I find along the way!