When is your.....



  • veronicacannon
    veronicacannon Posts: 107 Member
    I started mfp saturday night and up til last night i didnt even own a scale! Ha! but now that i have one i feel the need to get on it everytime i see it! Idk if thats any good either....
  • JillieHobbs
    I used to weigh myself every day - then I switched to every Monday, but it would make me depressed b/c of the weekend. Now, I weigh every Friday morning - I can usually catch up all week on any damage done over the weekend and be happy going into the weekend....
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Thurs...that way If I cheat on fri, sat or sun I still have at least 3 days to recover and hopefully do enough damage control for my thurs weigh in.
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    My weigh in day is usually every other Friday. Weighing less often helps keep me from playing head games with myself. Last week I weighed on Thursday, but I had been *ahem* a little backed up, and it *ahem* resolved itself on Thursday after my weigh-in, so I weighed in again on Friday. Yippee! Another .8 lbs gone!
  • nanubr
    nanubr Posts: 9 Member
    Officially its Monday but since scale is in the bathroom every time I pee:embarassed: I know its sick but cant help it
  • brandythixton
    I weigh on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I do it twice a week because, knowing that I have to weigh myself in 2-3 days makes me less likely to cheat. Also, my worst days for eating are Saturdays. When I weigh myself on Saturdays, it encourages me to keep going... especially if I've lost weight!
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    Sunday morning after emptying my bladder and before breakfast.

    Why? Because I am OCD and my week starts on a Sunday! :wink:

    I'll take a peek mid-week or whenever I feel the need. Helps keep my water balance in check. If it's going up, I know I'm retaining water and not drinking enough... helps keep me in line with my daily water needs. :drinker:
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Thursday, because i'm in a group on another forum where they weigh in on thursdays, lol

    But I weigh myself daily, and when I see a large enough change (0.5 lb or more) i change my weight on here whichever day of the week it might be.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I may step on from time to time, but my official weigh in is on the 8th of every month. For me, I find it too frustrating to plan for a 1 lb. weight loss/week, and know that so many factors could come into play if I weighed myself every week and didn't see a change. So, once/month, and I also take measurements and pictures as well. It's CRAZY the changes that occur in pictures that you don't notice in the mirror.
  • TLC1119
    TLC1119 Posts: 26
    I weigh in on Sundays caue i do weightloss vids on youtube so that why really I like weds actually cause but i started myjourney on a sunday i liek to keep the flow of things
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I weigh myself everyday when I wake up, naked after going to the bathroom and everynight, naked after going to the bathroom, before I go to bed. Bad Habit.

    I usually track my weigh ins on Mondays but am switching to Friday am's this week.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    My weigh in day is always Thursday morning. My work week is Sunday-Thursday, so Thursday to me is like a Friday. Sometimes, I might "unofficially" weigh myself on Sunday to see how bad or good I was. I know that I have a very difficult time getting the required water intake in over my weekend.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I attend Slimming World on a Tuesday evening, so it's my official weigh in. I find that paying the membership every week and having someone weigh me is a little bit more motivation.

    Admittedly, I do weigh myself at hme every morning, but, for me, it means that I can keep a closer eye on my weight, so if I have a bad day I can assess the damage and work on fixing it
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    Officially, I record my Thursday am weight but I check everyday too.. try not to freak out over the flucuations and use the daily to get a truer sense of where I am at.
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    I weigh myself on Sunday morning. Its my day off fro excercise so it just happened that way.
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    Friday morning. Also because I tend to slack a little on the weekends. I have been really good about only getting on the scale once a week. Not knowing where I am seems to motivate me more than if I seeing a higher number mid week.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Fridays. I also weigh on Monday to see how I did over the weekend.