It’s time for discipline and consistency!!

This will be my 3rd time going through a whole body transformation. Although for 10 years i’ve been off and on with the gym and eating very clean, i have pcos, insulin resistance and if I fall off and don’t go to the gym for weeks at a time or start eating inflammatory foods and overeat, i gain weight very fast and it causes me to go in a cycle of being extremely fatigued and hungry all the time. As i get older and more disappointed with my body, i know it’s time for a lifestyle change to hopefully one day relieve all of my pcos symptoms and also minimize the cysts in my ovaries. When i was younger, i was so athletic and tiny, as puberty hit my anxiety came while also dealing with issues in my home life. i started actually putting on weight for the first time when i was 17ish, prom pictures was a nightmare. i started becoming for weary for my body image so i started to discipline how much i ate and ran all the time and would go to the gym. I lost weight and i felt confident again since people always treat you differently when you’re fit, like getting compliments and special treatments. Well then i gain weight back again at 22, there was so many things i was juggling at once and i got sick with mono and was in bed rest for a while also still going to school and work, this it was so hard to catch up on my weight i would go to the gym and try but it wasn’t until i was about 25 almost when i packed up moved my whole life to the other side of the country when i became desperate for change. i heard about keto and intermittent fasting. It took two months of being strict with keto, not eating passed 6 and working out at 430am with high intensity workout and strength training to see crazy fast results, i was practically melting fat while sleeping. Welll this is not the end of the story, i kept it up for a few more months. i had to go back into my home town and be bridesmaids at two of my friends weddings so i had to be there for about a month and half since i couldn’t afford the flights. While doing so i did meet the love of my life but what happened was i thought i could fall off the diet a bit and just go back to it when i got back home but i was wrong. Since my body hadn’t had a whole food group and i finally got it back it was like someone casted a spell on me and i couldn’t stop craving carbs it was like my body was trying to replenish what i lost because i had gain 15 lbs after about a month and even though how much i tried to go back to keto i couldn’t, and this is all while still going to the gym and doing the same training at least 3 or 4 days a week. It’s been over a year and i have alltogether gain another 30 lbs now i’m 27, 5’3 and 184 lbs and im scared to try keto again because it’s not sustainable. i want to find what works great as a lifestyle. For the most part i eat whole wheat if i eat carbs, i mainly eat chicken or fish and i try to workout but basically depend on a class to actually get a great workout in and don’t intermittently hadn’t been making sure i hit my water intake goals every day or even consistently get my protein goals everyday. I can be pretty exhausted for the whole day when i’m not working or after work. Throughout these times i can be very strict for weeks at a time and see no results and i quit. i don’t want to quit i want to see lifestyle change and be free from the chains of insecurities of being obese and feeling like i have no hope. It’s not only for me, it’s for my family. My fiancé loves how i look, or though that’s what he says but i want kids and because of pcos it’s very hard to do, they just tell me to lose weight but i feel because of the pcos that it’s so easy to gain weight and damn near impossible to lose if i just try to wing it. So here i am wanting more for myself, wanting more for my family and will try to hold myself accountable by doing what needs to be done, like hitting daily goals and counting my calories. If you see this feel free to comment any advice or suggestions or even if you just want to be accountability partners i think that will help me. God bless!