Scared of getting saggy skin :(



  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    You look gorgeous in your profile, I love the stripey dress :smile:
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    COCONUT OIL will help you with your skin. Apply it all over your body and face, and even hair if you wish.
    ORANGE MASSAGE: take a large orange or a small heavy spherical object. Roll it over your body (not the face) for 10 minutes 3 times a day (or as often as you can). Pay more attention to the areas you are most worried about, e.g. belly.
    To avoid stretch marks, you can also use Grapeseed oil (body only), if you find coconut oil is not enough.
    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    My advice. Hit the weights, heavy ones. And make sure your diet is rich in the necessary ingredients to let your body produce as much collagen as it can. This is really all yo can do to make things better. I am just glad that I don't seem to have this problem. After this week I will nearly be 60lb's down and no sign of saggy skin yet =)

    If you MUST cut fat at least make sure you always get your daily allowance. And cut the saturated and trans fats as much as possible.
  • grumblefluff
    grumblefluff Posts: 17 Member
    I gotta say, I worry about it too...Call me vain all you want, it doesn't change that its a concern for me. It won't keep me from losing the weight, but I'm going to do everything I can to avoid it. I have no interest in either staying fat OR looking like a flying squirrel
    I was offered the lapband and got through all the preliminary stuff until they showed me the 'after' pictures of people who had gotten it and they all looked like sad melted candles. The only thing they had to say about it was that 'sometimes your insurance will pay for it if it's really bad, but usually you just learn to live with it'. That didn't comfort me so much, so I walked out, and changed the way I chose to do this in hopes of avoiding the 'worst case scenario'
    I am losing slow, I stay hydrated, I rub myself down with every lotion and cream I can find, I do 'toning' exercises on top of my cardio a couple times a week (and will increase that as I go along and my stamina increases), I have plans to wrap, I'm putting money back for surgery if I need it, and I cross my fingers. I am taking steps now to minimize that effect, even though I haven't lost much yet, because I know its going to happen. I'm 41, I have poor elasticity (via genetics), and I have never been a healthy weight, so I am sure I will have some sag, but hopefully nothing like those poor people who posed for those pictures.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Bump, because in the year I've been using myfitnesspal, I've not seen the subject of loose skin addressed with such clarity as on A Search for 'bodyfatguide' showed that several discussions existed from 2009 to 2014, the most recent year in this. I'm glad I found this.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I've lost 148 lbs over 2.5 years. The sagging is not as much as I worried about. I'm so much stronger and feel so much better, I really don't care. I'm about 3-4 months into maintenance and my appearance continues to improve through weights & swimming.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    When I initially lost my weight (around 80lb) I got the loose skin on my lower abdomen. I gained that weight when pregnant and 25. I lost it at 30. I lost all 80lb in about a year which I think contributed to the skin damage.

    At 35 I gained 30lb back which is why I joined MFP. It filled in the skin with a fat pooch but I knew when I lost it the skin would be back. Honestly the skin is getting better though. Time, quality collagen cream, and losing more slowly is helping.
  • Berkgal33
    Berkgal33 Posts: 71 Member
    I've lost almost 100 pounds AGAIN! I am 50 and loose skin is a given. My boobs now look like single use wrinkled plastic grocery bags, and my pouch aka 2nd stomach hangs down to the top of my hoo hah. I don't even want to start thinking about the roadmap of stretch marks (damn you fair Irish skin) that cross cross most of my body, BUT they are a map showing how far I have come. I HATE all of it but they are the consequences of my unhealthy actions for years. My upper arms and thighs have a small amount of loose skin not too much. Spandex and tunics are my best friends, but I lift weights so I think that has helped. I want to lose 10 more pounds and I will probably start maintenance. Good luck, as other posters have said, I feel so much better without the weight, the loose skin is just a nuisance.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    I've lost 148 lbs over 2.5 years. The sagging is not as much as I worried about. I'm so much stronger and feel so much better, I really don't care. I'm about 3-4 months into maintenance and my appearance continues to improve through weights & swimming.

    Which is exactly what Dr. Ron Brown with the bodyfatguide asserts will happen.
  • byrnet18
    byrnet18 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm pretty sure it comes down to genetics and how much elasticity you have in your skin. I have very poor elasticity and after I lost 85 pounds, I was left with a lot of saggy skin. Even though I lost weight slowly (over 2 years) and I lifted weight and had decent muscle mass and I drank a boat load of water, I still had a lot of saggy skin. I ended up having a tummy tuck to get rid of it. It was the best money I have ever spent. I wouldn't let the idea of saggy skin deter you from losing weight because even with saggy skin, you will be healthier and at less risk of many illnesses if you lose the weight. You won't know how bad your skin will be until you lose the weight, so got for it and then deal with it once you get there.