
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,193 Member
    edited March 20
    Barbara prayers for a fast recovery.

    Carol prayers for you and your family as you deal with the passing of BIL.

    I occasionally get small rashes that I think are related to COVID. Small patches blisters that itch like crazy. Might be shingles. It tells my immune system needs an extra boost. Your are right stress can be hard on the immune system. Sorry you are having to deal with this.

    Still breathing well out of both sides of my nose. I must have had an ongoing sinus infection. It broke last Sunday. I was feeling good before this happened. I feel even better now. I think the stress of the past couple of years and my diet were the culprit. I have been on my new diet for about six weeks now. I do believe it is part of getting my inflammation managed.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,167 Member
    Carol So sorry to hear about your BIL. I believe quality of life, not simply living, is the best.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,167 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Remember that rash I developed when I was in Canada?

    It's ba-a-a-a-a-ck!!

    <<heavy sigh>>

    It's under my chin and crawling down my neck.

    I can't think what has set this off. I avoid essential oils like the plague. I don't use creams and things. I don't vary my products much (same hairspray, same laundry detergent, same shampoo, same conditioner, same foods, same vitamins and minerals ...

    The only thing I can think of is stress.

    It's so incredibly frustrating. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday.

    My DH started with a rash like that when I took early retirement. He had it for a year and went to all sorts of doctors. They all said nerves, but he refused to admit it. It didn’t go away until we had sold the house and started traveling in the RV. Now, whenever he gets nervous or stressed about something, it comes back. I suggested he come with me to the therapist and mention it to her. She could get him on some meds to help with that.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,167 Member
    Today is a good day to speak French while getting abducted by Aliens!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Carol and hubby – what a tough time, sending hugs

    April – What a great step forward!!!!

    Glasses – so they are so expensive, but 5+ years ago I did a deep dive on figuring out where/what was the cheapest yet good way to go. And I came up with 2 choices, Walmart – here at least has a vision care which is fully staffed with board certified staff, and if you get your exam and on the same day order glasses and have AARP and/or AAA (the auto club) there are discounts for each of those things and they will let you layer them. I got new glasses 2 years ago with bifocals and the exam (with dilation) out the door for just under $250.
    Or if you are comfortable with it, get your exam, and then use WarbyParker.com it takes a bit more time as you send frames back and forth and then order glasses but it is by far the cheapest.

    Heather – the art work is great- I loved the sky, it really looks like it does here at dawn, so soft.

    Machka – Sorry to hear about the rash, but you have been working a lot and working on your “new plan” which might be causing some stress. It is so hard to avoid stress!

    Rebecca – glad you are getting calls and photos Eli is a cutie

    Barbara – Coastie - take care!!!! So glad Joe is taking good care.

    Love ya all,
    Kim in N. California
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,212 Member
    Lisa Yay for fifteen minutes on the elliptical! You are making progress. And good job pushing that prescription through! Hope it shows up soon.

    I'm going to a tea party in April, and I want to get a little fascinator hat, with feathers and netting and ribbons. Very girly. But I will probably wear it with a sweater and jeans, because I won't know anybody there, so I will be nervous.

    Annie in Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,964 Member
    Wow did i need to catch up..
    April- so wonderful to hear about your son..now the hard part to get him on the real road to recovery 😃
    Carol- my sincerest condolences on the loss of your brother in law..living on life support isn't living.such a hard decision for your hubby..but he is at peace.
    Barbara- hope your dental appointment went well.my tooth extration is healing well.
    I slept horribly last night
    Dropped off Dan at work this morning and will pick him up to get his car.. then home.. or maybe to see Miles..
    Will be watching him on Good Friday again.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,119 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,124 Member

    Starting tomatoes:
    I popped tomato seeds into the germination tray a week ago, most have sprouted and now have true leaves, so I'll be transferring them into 4" pots within the next few days. I discovered after I had the seeds planted, I actually planted them a month earlier than I had intended. :o Last year I started them mid-April, not March. Duh! Pay attention, Netters! A great little nursery in a neighboring town, which sold fabulous veggie and flower starts for great prices, has closed due to the owner passing away recently. I was planning on a crop failure and using them as a backup, so maybe it's good I got mine going early so I can supply the neighbors.

    On with the day.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    When dad was alive- he always planned on starting the greenhouse on Feb.1st and planting the garden May 1st.
    It is getting close to the end of March and mom hasn't ordered the potting soil yet- Really needs to get that done. She says she wants to plant the green house this year and found out the Mexican restaurant wants to buy veggies from her again(they stopped for a few years when the brother was managing it-owner is back. Mom is thrilled) This place has been great with my parents- even catering two birthday parties for dad, his memorial service and mom's 80th birthday at no cost any time.

    I picked up some potting soil to start my cucumbers in my mini green house trays-have some hydroponic ones I was going to try but the seeds don't fit in the wholes. All my other seeds will so those will get planted today- tomatoes(10 kinds), cat nip, 3 kinds of peppers. Have 4 kinds of cucumbers to start.
    Planting extra to share with mom
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 49min, 82ahr, 96mhr, 162elev, 2.76ap, 5.08mi= 517c
    Strava app= 623c
    Other- 58.34min, unload trailer= 272c

    Total cal 789