Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 254



  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,409 Member
    Chapter_3 wrote: »
    UTMom81 wrote: »
    @Chapter_3 Im so curious! What does the beads Emoji mean?
    It’s a jump rope! 🤣🤣🤣

    Laughing out loud, over here! Too funny! Thanks for enlightening me. I'd have never figured that one out in a million years. I thought maybe you were Catholic and those were rosary beads or something. :smiley:
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,409 Member
    @pettycoatjunction I don't know where you are, but I think your rains are hitting here as I type. You can have them back if you'd like!
  • pettycoatjunction
    pettycoatjunction Posts: 762 Member
    @UTMoms81. I am in northern Oregon. And we are used to the rain!
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 274 Member
    SW RND 254 – 59.7kg
    GW this RND – 59.2kg
    UGW – 54.0 (or to fit back into my favourite walking shorts)

    3/17 - 59.7 - weights workout at home.
    3/18 - 59.6 – feeling quite sore from yesterday so planning a short walk.
    3/19 - 59.5
    3/20 - 59.4
    3/21 - 59.2 - bad night - many bathroom visits, hence the unusual weight loss.
    3/22 - 59.2 - on a positive side I had a better nights sleep and my tight jeans are less tight.
    3/23 - ? - the battery in my scales has died.
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 627 Member
    edited March 23
    R254- my 24th

    About Me & Health Journey
    Spoiler @ end ⬇️
    Let’s Go! 💪🏻🙌🏻⚡️
    R254 Focus-Healthy & Fit:
    1. Gain muscle lose fat 🏋️‍♀️- only DOING will ensure success. In it for the long-haul.
    2. Continue “commitments” & reading/working “Habit Mechanic”. Important that my “to dos” become habit.
    3. Identify unhelpful habits and extinguish.
    4. Jump rope every day.
    5. Mindful & Grateful


    To do:
    1. Habit Mechanic - minimum 20 min per day.
    2. 🙆‍♀️Daily Stretch 10-15min
    3. 🤸🏼🏋️‍♀️4x/wk FT 20-30 min
    4. 🚶‍♀️8-10k+ minimum
    5. 📿 ⬆️ jump rope
    6. 💦 70-80oz
    7. 💓Z2 60 min 5x per wk
    8. NSVs - launch new e. helpful habits
    9. MACROS: thru 4/1: S.S.T.Th :10gC, 109gP, 75gF, M.W.F 10gC, 129gP, 30gF
    10. Stay mindful & grateful.

    SW RND 254 = 131.0lbs

    R254 Previous Daily Comments
    3/17 ⚖️ 131.0lbs
    Yesterday: 7 miles. Beginning to jump rope & build toward 2000 jumps a day. Also, kettlebell routine. Stormy all day today: will squeeze in fitness & Habit Mechanic workbook. I committed to a singles 🎾match tomorrow, which makes me officially crazy.

    3/18 130.2 ✅💪🏻 & finally hit protein- but no reading or 🏋️‍♀️. (Most important goals 🚫) Literally forgot to 📿. (Jump rope). Today will be super active… I’m playing a singles 🎾match this morning and then focusing on my other activities to ✅ off goals one-by one. Food prep for the week!

    3/19 129.6 ⚖️ is cooperating but Muscle not increasing. Inbody scan is the only device that can track muscle mass with relative accuracy. MUST lift more. I’m simply not attacking it, and “skinny fat” persists.

    Had so much fun at my tennis match yesterday… Lost in a third set tiebreaker… (Which means it was a really close match). First time I played singles in four years & I held my own! My opponent was 20 years younger. Health victory!

    Read two chapters of Habit Mechanic. Learning…

    Confession: My new weekly report was posted in MFP and I reviewed it… I literally skipped three days of logging and I didn’t even realize it. 🥺 That’s how discombobulated I am since starting this new consulting role.

    Offering tremendous respect for everyone in this group… juggling family & work… Here I am retired, working a handful of hours per week, and I’m experiencing challenges with relatively “doable” goals. The mind is an interesting beast - our attitude, choices and priorities… How? Why? This round, I pretty much mindlessly jumped from 253 to 254 without a re-focus. Will address that today.

    BTW, my name is Carolyn.

    Today- reflection, reset & more tennis and 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️📿.

    3/20⚖️ 129.8lbs
    ✅ but only 10 min of 🏋️‍♀️. Playing too much tennis was my excuse.
    I have 🎾 again today then I have catch-up work. Learned from HM that 98% of our thought patterns and actions are habits… Changing them is possible, but it takes EFFORT/hard work. Called WILL POWER. Yesterday I noticed many tinkering, piddling thought patterns & choices that were simply wasteful. Three hours of do-nothing. While food/drink were spot on, I completely wasted the afternoon. Do BETTER TODAY! Your future you deserves more. Need to remember how great it feels to ✅✅✅ each box. Why am I not choosing to do better / be better? what is holding me back? Still reflecting? Time to act. Today: must 🏋️‍♀️& 📿. You owe it to your soul, mind & body.

    3/21 Better day. ✅ all. 🏋️‍♀️10 min. 📿 300. @ Client’s office all morn. Today will tackle 🏋️‍♀️📿 and structured walk this afternoon. Bridge tonight.

    3/22 Good Day yesterday. Storming all day today but I will get it done!

    3/23⚖️130.0 ✅
    I did not get it ALL done yesterday. I got it “half” done.
    300 📿 jumps, 10min 🏋️‍♀️ and 🚶‍♀️8K. Last night, I enjoyed Mexican food for the first time in a LONG LONG time… Shrimp tacos (lettuce wrap!) and one Paloma… A few chips & salsa, but not many. NSV: Enjoyed last night in moderation without guilt - I’m ready again this morn!
    We might be traveling today, so I’ll exercise /walk @ sunrise! One chapter HM.


    About Me, WOE & Health Journey
    F65, 5’6” married, MawMaw Proud. Clean Ketovore 🥩. Track macros, kcals, all exercise and NSVs. HW 172lbs in 2010.

    WOE since 7/2023: Whole Foods. No processed foods. Animal-based proteins. EGGS, Beef, pork, chicken, seafood, venison and grass-fed whey protein. I count macros & kcals - always will. (Since portion control is my issue). Keto is high-fat but I’m now leaning lower healthy fats with leaner proteins. I had paralyzing IBS for 20 years. My mother was diagnosed with celiac’s disease in her 50’s. Following her lead, I eliminated wheat, oat, barley, and rye several years ago…. Dairy? Hard cheese, HWC and butter - an occasional Greek yogurt. Vegetables destroy my digestive system… I love vegetables, but when I splurge, I pay for it for a few days… I do enjoy berries, lemons, limes. Avocados are my weakness. Enjoy a piece of dark chocolate on occasion. Generally, I eat btw noon and 6 pm. (IF18/6). Alcohol? Used to be a social drinker and would enjoy a good martini/scotch or Paloma at home while cooking dinner. NO MORE. Root of many evils. Primarily, the destruction of will power and the enemy of optimal choices. I’d rather journey toward my best-self. I haven’t given up alcohol completely, but I enjoy it sparingly on special occasions. This is me. I finally feel terrific.


    I have ALWAYS been ON a “diet” since at least high school. I have never been comfortable with my body - NEVER EVER- no matter my weight.

    Pre- college: 125-130lbs
    College- up to 160lbs one year… graduated @130lbs.
    Many different diets each decade!
    1990 (Age 32) - Avg.135/140 lbs (my son was born 1988)
    2000 (Age 42) -Avg 145 -160
    2010 (Age 52) - HW 172 lbs in 2010. 130lbs by end of 2014.
    2020 (Age 62) 130-135lbs
    7/2023 (Age 64) 145lbs
    1/2024 (Age 65) 130lbs

    UGW = 129-130lbs
    ⬆️SMM: 100lbs +
    BF% : 23%

    Aug 14, 2014 @ 157lbs (down 15 from heaviest of 172lbs in 2010), I decided to take serious control of my health. I lost 30lbs by 11/15/2014. Weight @ 128-132lbs through the end of 2020. Six years!

    Another 🎢 Roller Coaster Begins….

    2020 through 2021, I fluctuated 132-140 lbs. Always self-conscious.

    8/1/ 2022 crept up to 142lbs.
    Dropped to 128lbs again by 10/30 - held 130lbs till 2/1/23.

    2023 Back ⬆️ 145lbs by July 15! 15lbs BOOM! Enjoyed eating & margaritas way too much. My nutrition has always been somewhat healthy BUT portion control is/was THE issue. Started tracking again 7/15/23. Joined “Just give me 10 days” R231 in beginning of 8/2023. Here we are @ 130ish determined to…. STOP the 🎢 & be in the
    📣#bestshapeofmylife 📣

    The yo-yo is exhausting & unhealthy. Takes up way too much brain space.

    I learned MY choices created an emotional 🎢 roller coaster with yo-yo weight and fitness. My forever goal is to be healthy & fit & maintain approx. 130lbs & IN SHAPE - to enjoy my “Senior” years to my fullest.

    While active with 🚶‍♀️& 🎾 it’s clear a ST 🏋️‍♀️🤸🏼routine was absent. Strength & balance are 💯most important now. Time to incorporate ST 🏋️‍♀️ 🙆‍♀️🤸🏼as my TRUE focus. I want healthy/fit choices to be my first nature.

    Cumulative Round Results
    7/15/23 SW 145lbs
    R231 - R 247, lost 15lbs to 130.
    Avg loss 1lbs per Round. Painfully SLOW.
    Jan/Feb: Ticked up to a steady 132ish. Happier@129-130.
    (I was in “maintenance” for 4 to 6 weeks & slowly ticked up.)
    130.4 on 3/16/24

    “Fit & Healthy” - striving to continuously improve my strength for an active quality of life. Let’s go!
  • Skyleen75
    Skyleen75 Posts: 517 Member
    @reshii_devi sending good energy to get you through your bad news.
    Recognizing emotional eating is half the battle! Hoping a good nights sleep has reset your heart and mind for the weekend.
  • Skyleen75
    Skyleen75 Posts: 517 Member
    HW- 242
    LW- 142
    2024- 200.4

    I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee.

    Rnd 263- 189.4

    3/17- 188.2
    3/18- 193.4
    3/19- 190.4
    3/20- 190.4
    3/21- 190.4
    3/22- 188.8
    3/23- 190.4- The scale givith, the scale takith away!
    Ugh my day was hijacked- what was supposed to be a quick community project meeting turned into an all day affair.
    I was unprepared and ravenous when I left, so when my husband suggested dinner at the local pizza place I was all in.
    I ate a huge loaded salad but also some calamari, garlic bread and two ciders. It was all I ate yesterday but it was just a calorie bomb much later then I would normally eat and I felt too full after. Geez I still feel full 10 hours later.
  • reshii_devi
    reshii_devi Posts: 531 Member
    edited March 23
    Skyleen75 wrote: »
    @reshii_devi sending good energy to get you through your bad news.
    Recognizing emotional eating is half the battle! Hoping a good nights sleep has reset your heart and mind for the weekend.

    It has, thanks so much @Skyleen75 !! that and a drop on the scale this morning, lol ~ and I know that full feeling too well 🤞🏾 you're back on track by Monday.
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 774 Member
    Just Give Me 10 Days Rnd 254 (my 10th)
    Jude, 5'-2, 67 YO. Been as high as 165, started here in December at 147lbs.
    EW Rnd 253: 131.6
    SW Rnd 254: 13
    GW this rnd: under 131
    Previous rounds:
    SW Rnd 245: 146.6
    SW Rnd 246: 147.0
    SW Rnd 247: 143.4
    SW Rnd 248: 140.8
    SW Rnd 249: 140.6
    SW Rnd 250: 137.2
    SW Rnd 251: 136.2
    SW Rnd 252: 134.2
    SW Rnd 253: 133.4
    SW Rnd 254: 131.6
    Overall loss: 15.0 lbs since 12/22/23

    Goals this round:
    * follow sustainable habits in both nutrition and exercise to keep feeling my best.
    * continue daily tracking, posting and weighing.
    * think about what my goal is now, as I get closer to the weight that works well for me.
    3/17: 132.8
    3/18: 131.6
    3/19: 131.0
    3/20: 130.2
    3/21: 130.2
    3/22: 130.2
    3/23: 131.0

    3/23: uptick Friday night as expected. Evening with DD#2, her husband and daughters- I wouldn't trade these Friday nights for anything, love that the teens hang out with me! Took the day off from working out and my back is feeling great- will take it easy and stick to the bike for a few more days. Party tonight for yet another March birthday- the ongoing cake gauntlet is almost done!