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Collapsible ingredient options for recipes/meals while in food diary

I've noticed some suggestions hinting to something similar, for me personally when I'm cooking sometimes I would find it easier if I want to check items in a recipe while in the food diary for a collapsible ingredient option. I.e. to check what's in the ingredients without needing to change anything.

Alternatively for the meals, I tend not to use these but when I do I am put off by the listing of all the ingredients in the food diary as opposed to just the meal heading like recipe does, but if I could hide/collapse the ingredients into one heading so I don't have to look at the individual ingredients all the time

These are both essentially the same idea but implemented in two different areas
4 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thank you for sharing your input! I've passed this along to our internal team to think more about for a future update.
  • renafena
    renafena Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! I find it strange that I can't see the ingredients of the recipe after I save it. How can I make sure that I make the same way?