


  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    edited May 9
    Weight loss can be so weird. When I lost 70 pounds about 13 years ago, there was a period of time that I actually had to add about 100 calories a day to lose.

    If you have been super consistent, are tracking accurately, and are still at the same activity level, I'd encourage you to try some stuff out. Try upping or lowering calories a bit. Try a new workout or activity. Try some new foods.

    Personally, I like new media for ideas. Some things I like are a podcast called Half Size Me...I also like the Happy Scale App because it averages your weight over time for trends.

    We've all been there. I'm currenty at a point when the scale is acting weird - bigger swings than I'm used to. But, I know my food is on point so I'm not too worried about it. My activity is down due to an injury, but I know that won't be forever. It's ok to just hang out at a maintenance level of eating for a while too if you need a break.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I'm wondering if one of my tiresome platitudes might suit here, too:

    When it comes to picking tactics for weight loss, think about how to make the process (relatively) easy, rather than trying to make it super fast.

    Too many people start in with extreme calorie cuts, restrict themselves from all supposedly "bad foods" including some they could manage to eat in moderation, and maybe stack intense, punitive exercise on top of that.

    Even doing only some of those things can make the process discouraging. Losing a meaningful total amount of weight is going to take at least weeks to months, maybe even a small number of years. That puts a premium on finding an approach that's sustainable that long without requiring white-knuckled "motivation", "willpower", or "discipline".

    After loss, there's maintenance, ideally forever. Finding those sustainable new habits helps get a start on that, too.

    I also wonder what you mean when you say "struggling with losing". Maybe this isn't the case with you, but sometimes people arrive here with expectations of weight loss pace that are unrealistic. There's a lot of nonsense in popular culture about how everyone should be losing two or more pounds (kg or more) per week. Depending on starting point, that can be too fast to be sustainable. A rule of thumb I like is to lose no more than 0.5-1% of current weight per week, with a bias toward the lower end of that unless severely obese and under close medical supervision for deficiencies or complications.

    Lots of good advice above!

    For me, as others have commented, the quality of life improvement from reaching a healthy weight (around 8 years ago) has been huge. I want other people to have that, too. I'm cheering for you to succeed!

    Laura, something that might help with sustainable vs fast or just help with building good sustainable habits is the Half Size Me podcast:

    Heather doesn't runs ads but does promote her premium subscription a lot. I just fast forward or tune it out.

  • Lauraschlafalbert
    Lauraschlafalbert Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you