Huel Black- opinions?

PowerSarge Posts: 14 Member
Hey fitness community!

I've been considering using Huel for a while to have for my daily lunch. I have previously had a meat salad in warmer months and soup during colder months, but a friend talked me into looking at Huel as an alternative and after some research it had me intrigued.

I tried a bottle of the ready made Huel from a service station for lunch last week and thought it was like a milkshake. I noticed it worked well as a soup/salad replacement and I didn't get any hunger for a few hours but come 5pm I was hungry hungry.

So, I looked into the Huel Black and saw a doubling up of protein (40g) at 400 calories per serving which got me more intrigued. Unfortunately I couldn't get the black edition as a pre-made bottle at the service station so I went online and bought two bags (17 servings in each bag). I have challenged myself to have Huel Black for every work lunch time over 34 days.

I am wondering how other people have introduced Huel Black into their lives and how they feel about it.


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 10,018 Member
    Many people find fluid food to not be as satiating as solid food because it leaves the stomach quicker. You might be one of them. Or you might need other macros to feel full. Nobody can say. If this is something you see yourself consuming for any reason they try it. If it doesn't work then don't worry: you're not strange in any way.
  • nath69uk
    nath69uk Posts: 7 Member
    I use it for breakfast and to top up in the evening if needed.

    I find it fine, as said try it yourself and see what you think.