New and seeking accountability partner

Good morning-

Im new to my weight loss journey -and am realizing that accountability is a missing link for me, Im on the East Coast and would to be supported and give support.



  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 377 Member
    What's accountability to you? I like sharing logs and will cheer you on but the only person who will make a difference in your thinking about what you eat and how you get your nutrition on a daily basis is you.
  • tholden4
    tholden4 Posts: 72 Member
    I’m happy to offer any support I can. I also like having an open food log to see what others eat ect. My current weight 156.4 goal 140. I eat 1200 cal day with 50% protein, 30% carbs 20 % fat. This works for me. Recently had back surgery post 6 weeks ago and can’t wait to get back to the gym but not for another 6 weeks need PT first. I’m also on East coast. Send friend request if you’d like. I will say I HAVE to put every morsel that passes my lips into MFP as it’s to easy to under estimate calories. I do have an occasional cheat day like once every two weeks if there is something special going on. It works… also meal prep is key