Women 200lb+, Let’s Have A Jazzy June!!!



  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, Just updating my stats in case it motivates anyone :)

    28yo 5'9
    Starting weight: 219 (6/10/24)
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for June:
    - Start working 4 days/week ✔
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week ✔
    - Log meals daily and accurately ✔
    - Tour the gym & commit to going 3x/week ✔
    - Drink more water and less sugar ✔
    - Treat myself once/week with an activity that will bring me joy (self date) ✔
    - Weigh in an 210lbs at the end of the month

    June 10th 219 lbs
    June 11th 216.4 lbs
    June 12th 217 lbs
    June 13th 216.8 lbs
    June 14th N/A
    June 15th N/A
    June 16th 216.2 lbs
    June 17th 216 lbs
    June 18th 215.6 lbs
    June 19th 215 lbs
    June 20th 214.6 lbs
    June 21st 215 lbs
    June 22nd 214.8lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - I went and signed up for a gym and already attended one class and one personal training session! I had to take today off for recovery, but next week I'm likely going to be attending 4-5 days, just because there are a lot of classes I'm interested in trying.
    - I booked in for a massage to aid in recovery after working out yesterday. It's a great self care for me, and I'm fortunate enough to get it for free.
    - I ate 3 meals Friday that were filling enough I wasn't even tempted to snack and didn't have any cravings today.
    - Managed to get a load of laundry done, even though my legs were complete jello after the gym.
    - Haven't been overthinking the little ups and downs on the scale, trusting the process and understanding that a change in schedule (starting to go to the gym) is absolutely the reason for the weight loss stutter.
    - I'm planning on letting myself have a nice little bowl of ice cream tonight for dessert, to make sure that I'm not restricting myself from anything (which could lead to a binge later on)

    It was a good week! I'm looking forward to my muscles resting up so I can get into a regular gym schedule, in between work!

    Here's to next week! :)
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    We got a new Vitamix yesterday!!!! Our Ninja finally went up and my husband decided that I need a really good blender since I enjoy cooking. So any good recipes where you blend anything let me know. 🤣 I'm already planning to buy my gyro ingredients now that I can puree the onion, garlic, and herbs again. We make protein shake or smoothies a lot, but I'm all for interesting blends or combinations as well. And recipes that aren't beverages are a lot of fun to pulverize too. 😅 I'm like a kid at Christmas with a new toy.

    I'm also thinking I need to restart my recipe blog. Making and posting things definitely kept me more accountable in the past.

  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 28 Member
    @pamperedlinny oohh, a Vitamix is my DREAM!!! Congratulations!!! Enjoy all the delicious smoothies and sauces that you can now make! I really want to be a smoothie making queen this summer, but our blender is riding the struggle bus. It’s not quite bad enough to justify getting a new one but also not good enough for me to LOVE making smoothies. 😅
  • planktonbye
    planktonbye Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm back. I lost some weight on here in residency, I think an even four years ago now, and I'm ready to try again. My official motto is "you're allowed to eat, but you have to be hungry." For a long time I've just been eating random things, so I have to recalibrate to only eating when hungry. Looking forward to supporting each other!!
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 28 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 163-168

    June SW: 166

    June 5: 165.1
    June 10: 164.8
    June 17: 166
    June 24: 165.4 (trending 165)

    I went to the movies last night had had plenty of salted popcorn, hence the jump today! I’ve been hitting upper 164’s consistently for the past few days though which is great. This has been a nice in-between week where I haven’t been traveling and have been able to be a little more consistent with my workouts. I leave on Thursday for another 12 days of camps for my job!

    I looked at my weight logging app and I’ve been maintaining for a month now! Woot woot! I think I’ll need six months at maintenance before I’ll feel like I’ve really learned how much I can eat at this new weight, but I’m feeling confident I can do it! There are definitely still moments when I wonder about losing the next 10lbs but I think I want to try to maintain here for a while before I explore that. Since I have low thyroid and PCOS, if I want to stay in the 150’s, I have to be SO limited in what I eat and it feels not very fun. But, if I learn to maintain in the mid to low 160’s, maybe that last drop won’t feel so hard in 6-12 months. We’ll see!

    Sending lots of love and motivation to everyone this week!!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 236 Member
    edited June 24
    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 218.2
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)
    5'3" Tall

    Monday weigh in
    June 3rd: 223.8
    June 10th: 219.6
    June 17th: 218.8
    June 24th: 218.2
    July 1st:
    June loss -5.6
    June Goal - 215 (adjusted to a more obtainable goal)
    End of Summer Goal - onederland!

    Good morning! I was a little frustrated with only a small loss this week so I am going back to the basics. I have not been using my food scale as much as I should. So this morning I weighed my lunch as I packed it. My husband cooked chicken breast for the week on the pellet grill - it comes out so juicy that way. Today I chopped some up for my lunch salad. I am getting better at communicating to my husband on how he can support me, which helps a lot. I feel like some weeks I do really great at one thing but I fall short on others. If I could just put it all together at once I would be unstoppable! But I need to remember - Progress not Perfection...

    Have a great day everyone!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    @girlinkaz744 We made a bunch of shakes and smoothies this weekend. I used the food processor part for shredding up lettuce and cheese for tacos. Then I used the blender for homemade salsa too. :D I really am like a kid with a new toy at Christmas.

    @planktonbye I love your motto. I know I'm really bad about eating because I "think" I'm hungry, then realizing I was just bored or emotional.

    @girlinkaz744 Popcorn sounds really good. Congrats on your maintenance.

    I spent the weekend with allowing my daughter (10) to host her 2 best friends for sleepovers the past 2 nights running. They actually have their fourth planning to come tonight. Seems these girls all packed for the week. :D I'm surrounded by chips, pizza, and fried chicken. I'm so tired... but I love seeing the girls all living it up for summer break. 3 hours at the YMCA pool yesterday in this heat just so they could do the waterslides without my paying for a day at the waterpark.

    I have my neighborhood book club tonight. We are doing the challenge from a local bookstore. This month's prompt was to include the country of Australia and be an Award Winner. We read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
  • planktonbye
    planktonbye Posts: 65 Member
    Well, I logged all of my food today. BOY, did I forget how evil granola is! It is made of evil! I have to make some homemade. I was without an oven for more than a year, so I forget that I can actually bake things.

    @pamperedlinny Book club sounds great! After I finish moving this fall, I should try to find one or put one together. My thing is checking out ebooks for FREE and having them magically appear on your phone. It's insane. I just finished After the Last Border by Jessica Goudeau. It's about immigration and a good read regardless of one's political views.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    @planktonbye that sounds interesting. I'll add it to my ever growing to-be-read. I love using Hoopla & Libby or my library's website for audiobooks and ebooks. I also have Kindle Unlimited for a lot of ebooks. Add in that I have about 700 to 800 books at home and am on the first name basis with our favorite librarian..... I'm doing a lot of reading. I'll admit to a lot of romance, fantasy, historical fiction, and smut (seperate or together). Everything from YA to spicy. Being in the book clubs gets me to read things I might not otherwise pick up. I like having something push me out of my comfort zone.

    Since the feed went away so that you can't see what everyone is posting, I'm missing that a lot. I'm going to keep checking in here in the community boards. I'm going to try doing my food logging on LoseIt though. I only know 3 people so far over there, so if anyone wants to find me on there my registered email is pamperedlinny@live.com.

    The girls were all still talking and giggling from the sleepover at 4:30 this morning. I'm exhausted. My husband is exhausted. But there is also something that brings joy at hearing a group of pre-teen girls that have been friends for 6 years laughing into the wee hours of the morning. I'm just hoping there is enough coffee to have me functional for work today. Bring on the caffeine.
  • planktonbye
    planktonbye Posts: 65 Member
    @pamperedlinny Bring on the coffee!!! But I’m glad the girls had such a good time. A girl in my congregation had her bat mitzvah/12th birthday last week and she and her friends got their own table at lunch—decorated in pink, of course! :-)
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 82 Member
    @pamperedlinny I just joined lose it (as I am so sad without my feed) and added you. To anyone else on there, my email address is bsharonlewis@gmail.com
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    I know this journey is a marathon and not a sprint. Somedays I really wish it was a sprint. I have taken on new workouts. I am so sore..... I am at the point I dont want to gain this month.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 304 Member
    edited June 26
    I lost another pound! I'm down to 187! Haven't taken my measurements yet, but I could feel it when I woke up this morning that something had changed. I'm 13 pounds down! Woo hoo!

    Just measured myself. Lost 1/2 inch off my belly, 1/2 inch off my hips! Woo hoo! The meni-pot is shrinking!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 82 Member
    edited June 26
    Whew!!! 💆‍♀️ What a few weeks... I have not weighed myself in a while due to the events over the last couple of weeks. So, two Fridays ago, I started coming down with a head cold that turned Nasty by Sunday. Took Monday and Tuesday off as I was down and out Sunday and Monday. Went back to work Wednesday and Aunt Flo showed up..... All of this the week of my son's open house. By Thursday I am panicking because I have not purchased any of the food. Left work early Thursday to shop (day 2, the worst day of AF) hustled home to bake a million cupcakes and then did everything else Friday and then had to wait to decorate or anything until the day of as we rented space.
    WHEW!!! That's over with. By the way it was a great turn out despite the weather (Torrential downpour all day)... It kept the day cool, and I did not have to worry about ice melting too fast and I did not melt myself!! HAHA! I HATE sweating.
    So, all that to say that I have not been logging or stressing over food although, I've had my fair share of stress over the last few weeks. After being sick all I wanted was carby salty food.... spiraling into not eating meals and just eating whatever I could find especially once I got busy with planning for the party.
    I am nervous to weigh myself, but I will either weigh in tomorrow or Friday.
    I also wanted to say that I enjoy several of the features of lose it but the one I was most excited about is only available if you pay for it. I am going to see how much I enjoy it and go from there on a decision to purchase a subscription. The thing I liked was once you made your plan, and a calorie budget was decided, they then asked if there were certain days that I'd like to eat more calories. I chose Friday through Sunday picked how many more calories I wanted to be allowed and they adjusted the budget for all of the other days to be somewhat lower to account for the added ones for the weekend. I thought that was SUPER neat!
    Anyway, if you join Loseit. Look me up... bsharonlewis@gmail.com :)
  • planktonbye
    planktonbye Posts: 65 Member
    Well, I whipped out the food scale and weighed out 143 g of Cheerios...got my measuring cup ready and found my gallon of milk (1%, but of course) to be frozen solid. So it's cherry tomatoes, straight peanut butter, and beer instead. I'm just glad the refrigerator works.

    I think I might start cooking things (within reason, like say an egg taco) in the office kitchen. Our boss is, um, very special, like most bosses, but he is generous with the lunch fixings and (yikes) snack foods. We have an induction burner, so there's really no excuse not to cook. I think my finest hour of office/lab cooking was preparing microwave chilaquiles, this mixture of corn tortillas, egg, and sauce. With the burner I can just make regular chilaquiles.
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 28 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 163-168

    June SW: 166

    June 5: 165.1
    June 10: 164.8
    June 17: 166
    June 24: 165.4

    June EW: 165.5

    Leaving today for 10 days of a work trip, so I wanted to get my last June weigh in down! I’d really like to stay under 165 for July but celebrating the progress made so far!!

    I dyed my hair this week which is what I did last time I got to my goal weight. It’s fun to look like my favorite version of myself again!

  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 304 Member
    Feeling low, my husband made some snide comments about how I let myself go, and when I pointed out to him that I've lost 13 pounds he said, "Well you were 100 pounds overweight, keep it up" (not true). When I told him that his comments were very upsetting to me (and I was crying) he said, "I'm only trying to motivate you." I said "Comments like that don't motivate me, they only make me feel lousy. Acknowledging my success makes me feel good. And I don't need external motivation, I can motivate myself." I believe this is the first insensitive thing he's said about my weight. He apologized, but I can't seem to let it go. I woke up this morning feeling bad.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 82 Member
    @lisakatz2 I am so sorry that those words were said. Guys in general can be so insensitive. Please be proud of yourself and not let his comments drag you down. Just like if it were someone you didn't know, just keep doing what you're doing because AWESOME is what you are doing!!! Did his comment come from a real genuine place? or was he just covering for his nastiness? Only asking because honesty can be hurtful, but it can also be eye opening if you allow it to be. I am not in any way justifying his actions... just wondering if he may not have known how to say what he was really meaning to say, especially since you said that he's never made these kinds of remarks before... IDK. just a thought. I hope he's genuinely sorry and that this does not become a pattern! (((HUGS))) <3 Hang in there! We got your back!!!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 82 Member
    @girlinkaz744 WOW! Way to go! You are a true inspiration to us all!!! (not to put words into anyone's mouths) You look great, and that smile says you feel great too! Congrats!!! <3
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 304 Member
    sharon81 wrote: »
    @lisakatz2 I am so sorry that those words were said. Guys in general can be so insensitive. Please be proud of yourself and not let his comments drag you down. Just like if it were someone you didn't know, just keep doing what you're doing because AWESOME is what you are doing!!! Did his comment come from a real genuine place? or was he just covering for his nastiness? Only asking because honesty can be hurtful, but it can also be eye opening if you allow it to be. I am not in any way justifying his actions... just wondering if he may not have known how to say what he was really meaning to say, especially since you said that he's never made these kinds of remarks before... IDK. just a thought. I hope he's genuinely sorry and that this does not become a pattern! (((HUGS))) <3 Hang in there! We got your back!!!

    Actually, he was rude/nasty in general all last evening, but I don't know why he chose to target my weight. It's like he was feeling bad and felt like taking it off on someone else (me). He knows that I'm sensitive about my weight. I suppose it hurt because there was a grain of truth in it, however, I don't look at it as "letting myself go" losing weight and keeping it off has been a struggle my entire adult life. And I wasn't 100 pounds overweight, actually 80, which is still a whole lot, and I don't appreciate being reminded how far I have to go. I prefer to think about how much I've improved. I'm proud that I've lost 13 pounds, and others are starting to notice.