Women 200lb+, Let’s Have A Jazzy June!!!

🌼Hello, ladies, and Happy June!!!🌼

🌼Summer is here again (for most of us anyway)!

🌼What are your goals for June? How about for the summer as a whole? Is there anything big that you're looking forward to? Any areas of concern for this month?

🌼What are you going to do to jazz up this month and make it special? What things will bring you joy in June?

🟡If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM!, you're one of us.

🟡In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

🟡All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

🟡Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🌼This June, let's be jazzy, joyous, and get the job done!!!🌼


  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Good news! Whatever it was I stepped on, the doctor’s fiddling around must have gotten it out. The X-ray came back clear. I’m glad I decided to go do it right away instead of waiting for the next week. Being a Friday afternoon, I was afraid they would turn me away, but I risked it. I still have a lump, but I will soak my foot 2x a day and wear a bandaid while barefoot so that it can go away. And if it hurts, I can ignore it.

    @ssflbelle2012 - Welcome! Lack of mobility is no fun! That’s one of my main drivers as well.

    SW: 216.8 | May 214.4 |

    *** Goals***

    Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in.
    Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.
    Get more sleep. :)
    Weight goal - lose 4 pounds in June - so land at 210.4

    05/31 - 214.2 reaching for 212.6 to start the next leg of my journey.
    06/01. 212.6 🎆 I did it, I am starting the next leg! Whoo Hoo!

    SW: 216.8
    CW: 214.4
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in days
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🌼 June Goals!🌼
    🌼 June GW: 180

    🟡June SW 6/1: 183.4

    🟡Log everything in grams
    🟡Get >8000 steps a day
    🟡Work out >3x a week

    I've decided I'm really going to go for it this month as much as possible. Reach for the moon, land among the stars, etc.

    I've got a busy month! Ren fest next weekend, beach week starting the following weekend, work trip to Hawaii the week after that, then July 4th weekend we're going to my FIL's house to camp. Wild times, I'm going to try to keep it together and let all the unimportant stuff go, prioritizing my weight loss (because BEACH, haha!).

    @lisakatz2 I get where you are. After the under 200 euphoria passed for me, I felt disheartened. But like, I'm not that far from where you are, and I'm pretty happy with where I am. I want more, of course, but for me, once I started focusing on making my body stronger for a sport I love (pole fitness and chair acrobatics), I found that I was also happier with my body- because it allowed me to do so many amazing things. Maybe start focusing on what your body can do now that it was harder to do before? Start up a new fitness related hobby that makes you feel good?

    Have a great June, everyone!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 304 Member
    edited June 2
    Thanks cupcake and danicat, good advice. I remember crying when I just began my weight loss journey because it hurt so much to move. Now my mobility and flexibility have much improved, and I don't wake up in the middle of the night because my hips hurt. This was just 10 weeks ago! I need to remember these NSVs.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    edited June 3
    Good evening everyone. I did look back to see my weight in January of this year and I was 265.6. I weighed this morning and was 260.6, so I lost 5 pounds and did not gain as I thought I had. I have been downloading chair exercise youtube videos today so I can do them on my 5 days off of work. A local friend who has lost 300 pounds is willing to help motivate me and we are going to text back and forth 2 times a day about the meals we had and encourage each other to meet our calorie goals. So by the end of June, I would like to be 250. So that would make my total weight loss 247 pounds. I want to get to 170 so I can feel better and be able to say I lost 327 pounds.
  • embond443
    embond443 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy June Everyone!

    Starting weight 04/2024 (on balance at home--doctor's office is higher): 214.5
    Current weight : 210

    I don't have a final weight goal in mind, I just want to get to a healthy weight. My goals are to keep tracking calories and steps, which helps keep me in the weight loss mode.

    My exercise goal is to keep walking 1.5-2 miles 4-7 times a week, weather permitting and to increase distance slowly.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    @lisakatz2 - I feel that way a lot. I hate looking at myself in the mirror and end up upset that I got here in the first place. All I see is the fat. It’s part of being marginalized in society. I understand that in my consciousness, it’s very logical. But my emotional self can’t seem to hear it. Fortunately, my therapist has no problem reminding me that I belong to a marginalized group for being fat, but it still isn’t great being a member. How do I step out of societies’ veiws? Listening to the “Maintenance Phase” podcast with Michael Hobbs, and our favorite Fat Lady Around Town - Aubrey Gordon helps ground me.

    @CupcakeCrusoe - I really appreciate your words and focusing on what your body can do. Everything seems easier when I do that.

    SW: 216.8 | May 214.4 |

    *** Goals***

    Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in.
    Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.
    Get more sleep. :)
    Weight goal - lose 4 pounds in June - so land at 210.4

    05/31 - 214.2 reaching for 212.6 to start the next leg of my journey.
    06/01. 212.6 🎆 I did it, I am starting the next leg! Whoo Hoo!
    06/02 - 212.8 the 212 stuck!

    SW: 216.8
    CW: 212.8
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    My name is Kristin
    41 years old
    height 5'9"
    cw 218.2

    I like to weigh in on Fridays. I got stuck last month. This month I am not setting a goal so high. I am doing a 30 day thigh slimming workout. I want to ride bike 3 times a week and walk 3 times a week. I am trying to eat better and be done eating by 7 most days. I dont want to drink pop even on weekends. I want to try eating better in general. I need more energy.

    I would like to loose at least 7 pounds this month. I have a good support system now at work and home.
  • CeCeFlyy
    CeCeFlyy Posts: 23 Member
    🌻Weekly Check In • 6/3🌻

    SW: 237
    LW: 236.8
    CW: 235.8
    GW: 165

    One thing I want to improve from last week:

    More plant based meals. Summer is my favorite eating season because I can eat fruit all day, grilled protein, and I huge salad. So switching over my eating to lighter in season things is exciting.

    One thing I enjoyed from last week:

    Eating breakfast. I’m usually not a breakfast person in general but I took an intentional break from IF and I enjoyed it. I can tell my body appreciated it too because I felt better throughout the day. Not sure if this is something I’ll keep up, but it did feel good.


    🌻I feel lighter this morning with high energy

    June Goals:

    🌻See 229 on the scale! I know I can do 6 pounds this month!
    🌻 Get outside! Now that it’s warm but not hot in the morning I want to get out for a walk 2-3 times a week.

    Summer Goals:

    🌻 My Birthday is end of August and I have a little black dress I want to be able to get into.
    🌻 Joy in June looks like lots of fresh fruit for me and getting out and being social.
    🌻 Jazzing up June looks like going to a jazz festival in 2 weeks!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi all!

    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 223.8
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)

    Monday weigh in
    June 3rd: 223.8
    June 10th:
    June 17th:
    June 24th:
    July 1st:

    Goals for June: Activity - I need to stop thinking of exercise as torture and think of it as just moving my body. I will commit to 3 times per week and 30 minutes. Increase my average steps every day. Nutrition - work on my relationship with food - no good or bad food and moderation. Water - I may need to find some flavor to add to my water. I think I walk around dehydrated quite a bit and that must change.
    Scale goal will be 215 for June.

  • happy_healthy_rose
    happy_healthy_rose Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m Katie. I’ve been on and off this app forever. I’ve been trying to lose weight for years and always end up heavier than when I started. The difference now is that I’m focused on my health more than ever. I am confident in my body now (which was not sure in my late teens and most of my 20s!) and I have a husband who loves me and thinks I’m beautiful 🥰 My goal is to lose weight so that I feel better physically and I can have a healthy pregnancy when the time comes.

    30, 5’5

    HW: 320
    SW: 320

    CW: 318.4

    1st GW: 299
    2nd GW: 255
    3rd GW: 228
    4th GW: 199
    UGW: 180

    Sunday weigh-ins

    6/02: 318.4

    Personal June Goals:
    • Be consistent with tracking. Tracking for accountability, even on days I’m worried I’m way over my limit.
    • Gentle nutrition: Prioritize foods that make me feel good and are good for my health, that I also really enjoy
    • Get in some movement every day, even if it is cleaning, a walk, swimming, etc.

    🌻Summer Goals 🌻
    • Make use of summer being a slow time at work to be consistent with my healthy habits, which will help me in fall as work gets really busy
    • Get off my phone and off my couch and get outside every day
    • To be under 300 by the end of summer (shoot for the moon, land on the stars!)
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    My kid appeared to have a health emergency and we had to go to the ER. After testing, we found that we can wait to talk to his GP on Wednesday before we make a plan of action. But we were there until 4:00 am. It was a busy night I guess. Le Sigh. So I planned on starting work late, and then the power went out at like 8am, so I just skipped work entirely.

    We are having a rain storm right now, and we had a wind advisory this morning. I wasn’t aware of the wind advisor, so nothing was charged over 20% which really sucked. But the power is back! And while it is windy, we are in a sunny spot of the storm. So I’m doing yard work, and then the rain is coming back tonight.

    I preplanned food at the hospital and took a protein puck and fizzy water so I didn’t end up eating candy in a vending machine. So no cost to the old food plan.

    Hubs and I took two walks together today, to that was really nice.

    @kristinwoods919 - Do you have a replacement plan for the pop? When I dropped wine, I started drinking tea, which I found really helpful.

    @happy_healthy_rose - Those sound like really positive goals!

    SW: 216.8 | May 214.4 |

    *** Goals***

    Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in.
    Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.
    Get more sleep. :)
    Weight goal - lose 4 pounds in June - so land at 210.4

    05/31 - 214.2 reaching for 212.6 to start the next leg of my journey.
    06/01. 212.6 🎆 I did it, I am starting the next leg! Whoo Hoo!
    06/02 - 212.8 the 212 stuck!
    06/03 - 211.8 - It looks like a lot of weight, but I am eating around 1600 calories a day and it is a wide variety of healthy food. I think that the 214 - 212 was just clearing out the inflammation because of the extra salt and sugar. I figure it’s going to slow to 1# a week now, which feels good to me.

    SW: 216.8
    CW: 211.8
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • julieberg49
    julieberg49 Posts: 4 Member
    63, 5’6"
    Yo-yo dieter

    HW: 219
    SW: 219

    CW: 219

    1st GW: 199
    2nd GW: 189
    UGW: 170

    Monday weigh-ins

    6/24:My birthday
    I'm looking for more friends on this site to help keep me accountable.
    <3 Julie
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    63, 5’6"
    Yo-yo dieter

    HW: 219
    SW: 219

    CW: 219

    1st GW: 199
    2nd GW: 189
    UGW: 170

    Monday weigh-ins

    6/24:My birthday
    I'm looking for more friends on this site to help keep me accountable.
    <3 Julie

    Hi Julie I am also in my 60's late 60's. I really would like to be below 200 for Christmas so I too need accountability but that means different things to folks. Please explain yours and I will explain mine and we will see if we can help each other.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,365 Member
    edited June 4
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2
    Starting Weight: 219.2 April / 5.2
    Starting Weight: 218.4 May / 3.2
    Starting Weight: 220.4 June /

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    May was not the best. Reset for June. My calorie goal was 1650. What took me months to realize was that I would plan and eat to 1650 but anything extra would put me over my range and either in maintenance mode or gain. So hopefully, I have figured out a solution with my new goals.
    Additionally - I think I was over exercising, so I have added another rest day with optional walking on both days.
    I'm doing well with water consumption so let's continue!!

    Goals and Targets for June
    - Tracking/Under Calorie Budget >
    Plan for 1250 - Flex for 400 = 1650 (1250 - 1650) 🍎
    - Macros - hit Protein >
    Plan for 150. 100 is acceptable. (100 - 150) ✅
    - Water - 80oz minimum >
    Pushing myself here and that's ok!
    Not less than 70 is acceptable (70 - 100)💧
    - Closing my rings M-S🚶🏽10k Steps a bonus!

    My Mantra(s):
    Things I need to remember daily!

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳
    H2O - Make it Flow 💦💦💦
    Lose weight in the kitchen ⚖️, get fit in the gym🏋🏾‍♀️
    Note to Self: Alcohol kills weight loss as the focus is burning alcohol calories and not fat calories!

    6/1 220.4

    @ssflbelle2012 ~ Welcome to the group.

    @mmatcha_latte ~ Are you vegan since your focus is on all plants? Good luck with your goals.
    @Krabuck ~ I love your personal and summer goals, Especially #2...such a hard lesson

    @lisakatz2 ~ I totally understand where you're coming from. It does seem to take such a drop to really see a difference, at least for us to see a difference. We see ourselves every single day, so it's hard to see the changes until they become drastic. While I've heard it is a great idea, I'm not a big fan of progress photos...at least not weekly, maybe monthly. Just hang in there and you WILL see the progress. Just don't stop what you're doing, it's working and definitely remember the NSV as it seems you have quite a few!!

    @Danikat15 ~ nice progress on those steps. 10k is awesome!

    @numer1ca ~ I fizzled out last month so I missed the story about you stepping on something. But, glad you got it checked out so it didn't turn into something bad. Hope it starts feeling better soon! Looks like you're making some great progress!

    @CupcakeCrusoe~ I'm focusing really hard on June as well so good luck to you. Wait, what? A work trip to Hawaii!! WOW....

    @embond443 ~ Great goals for exercise and it's totally ok to not have a weight goal at this time. You need to wait and see what your body looks and feels like. A Healthy weight is a good preliminary goal and it sounds like you've identified the steps (pun intended) to get you there!

    @kristinwoods919 ~ Good luck on your plan. You've got a good focus to see those 7lbs go bye-bye!🙂

    @CeCeFlyy ~ I enjoy summer meals for that reason as well. Plus I tend to be a bit more active in the summer months so a big heavy meal is not even desired!

    @jenbroussard71 ~ Good luck with your goals. I try not to even think about exercise in any way shape or form and just focus on "doing it". My secret to getting more water was a larger container (only refill once) and a straw! Went from struggling to get 32 to getting 80+ consistently.

    @happy_healthy_rose ~ Welcome Katie!

    @julieberg49 ~ Welcome Julie!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 236 Member
    @itladyee Thanks for the tips! I think that I will set an appointment for my activity. If it's one of my daily tasks I will be more likely to get it done.