Trying to lose 40lbs

Seeking friends with the same goals as me getting healthier eating better and getting active! Please join my group judgement free even if your needing lose less or more weight 💪


  • ashleyseestars
    ashleyseestars Posts: 28 Member
    1st weigh in 146.0
    I am 34 years old
    Height 5'2
    Goal weight 106lbs
  • IzzieDizzie93
    IzzieDizzie93 Posts: 17 Member
    Not sure where your group is!
    But keep it up!

    I'm 31, 5ft and started off the similar weight as you! At 141lbs.
    2 years on I'm 119 lbs and having a similar goal to weightloss as you.

    So definitely keen to join!
  • ashleyseestars
    ashleyseestars Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry I'm now checking this 😅
    Thank you for joining lzzieDizzie93!
    Creating this discussion I thought was Creating a group lol

    Today I weighed myself probably too soon should've waited for Sunday but I surprised myself lost 2lbs .
    Current weight 144lbs