Do you use MFP’s protein goals or do you aim for more protein?

MFP has my protein goal for the day at around 90 grams. I’m 5’4”, CW 210lbs, 53F and I exercise vigorously for at least 30 minutes daily. I’m also a vegetarian. I’ve been just hitting my protein goals every day but I used a protein intake calculator someone on MFP recommended and it said I should aim for 115g of protein a day. Just wondering if people use the MFP default goal for protein or if you set your own (higher) goal?

Best Answers

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,896 Member
    Answer ✓

    I don't like the percent of calories method for estimating protein. I think that people who try to lose weight fast will end up with sub-optimally low protein, and that people who are very active may spend more money/calories on protein than is really important, when using percent of calories.

    I don't remember for sure what MFP's default protein goal for me was because I've jacked around with my calorie and nutrition goals so much. Probably in maintenance MFP would say 92.5g based on before-exercise calories, 105ish based on common after-exercise calories. During loss, it would've defaulted lower.

    These days, I usually shoot for 100g minimum, often exceed it by 10-20%. I'm vegetarian, too, and thing we need somewhat more protein (vs. omnivores) because of completeness/bioavailability issues. I got less during loss, usually 90s, probably.

    I'm 5'5", 68F, CW around 133 (slightly above my preferred weight). I figure my lean body mass is maybe in the 90s pounds someplace. 1g per pound of lean body weight is reasonable, IMO.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,896 Member
    Answer ✓
    Thank you, this is so helpful! I will definitely set my protein goal higher, especially since most of my protein comes from non-animal sources so not as complete.

    I used the protein "calculator" that's on this page to get useful estimates:

    . . . but figured that might be the one someone here recommended to you earlier.

    There's good info in the guide part of that page, too.
  • Hobartlemagne
    Hobartlemagne Posts: 289 Member
    Answer ✓
    If I'm regularly weightlifting, I'll aim for 1g of Protein per pound of my bodyweight. (I know thats 2 measuring systems, but thats how the gym bros calculate it)
    If Im not regularly weightlifting, I try to reach 1/2g of Protein per pound of bodyweight.


  • CanadaGracie
    CanadaGracie Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you, this is so helpful! I will definitely set my protein goal higher, especially since most of my protein comes from non-animal sources so not as complete.
  • CanadaGracie
    CanadaGracie Posts: 18 Member
    edited June 14
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Thank you, this is so helpful! I will definitely set my protein goal higher, especially since most of my protein comes from non-animal sources so not as complete.

    I used the protein "calculator" that's on this page to get useful estimates:

    . . . but figured that might be the one someone here recommended to you earlier.

    There's good info in the guide part of that page, too.

    I think it was one of your earlier posts that gave me the link to that calculator, so thank you for that! Lots of good information in the guide too 😁
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,600 Member
    edited June 17
    MFP didn't set your protein goal. You did, via the macro split you chose.

    I ignore it and any "X% of calories", and aim for about 0.75g per pound.
  • CanadaGracie
    CanadaGracie Posts: 18 Member
    MFP didn't set your protein goal. You did, via the macro split you chose.

    I ignore it and any "X% of calories", and aim for about 0.75g per pound.

    Oh! I just used the default settings without thinking about it. Thanks for pointing that out! I’m going to go change it.
  • CanadaGracie
    CanadaGracie Posts: 18 Member
    If I'm regularly weightlifting, I'll aim for 1g of Protein per pound of my bodyweight. (I know thats 2 measuring systems, but thats how the gym bros calculate it)
    If Im not regularly weightlifting, I try to reach 1/2g of Protein per pound of bodyweight.

    My son lifts weights with a trainer at the gym (he’s 19 so I hired a trainer to make sure he learns how to do everything with proper form) and he counts his protein the way you do (grams of protein per pound of body weight) and uses the same target. I don’t think I could ever realistically eat that much protein but I’m trying to aim for as much as I can.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,600 Member
    I don’t think I could ever realistically eat that much protein but I’m trying to aim for as much as I can.
    It's very easy with protein powder supplementation.
  • CanadaGracie
    CanadaGracie Posts: 18 Member
    edited June 18
    I don’t think I could ever realistically eat that much protein but I’m trying to aim for as much as I can.
    It's very easy with protein powder supplementation.

    I’ve tried quite a few protein powders but they all tasted terrible. I do eat these Pure Protein chocolate peanut caramel bars that have 20g of protein and are really good! I’m a supertaster so I can’t eat/drink anything with a large amount of artificial sweeteners because they taste like paint thinner to me. So far all the protein powders my son has brought home (and some FairLife protein drinks) all had a lot of sucralose or some other artificial sweetener. The Pure Protein bars I like have sucralose but just a very small amount so even I can’t taste it. Maybe I’ll do some research to see if there are any protein powders out there without artificial sweeteners or with very low amounts.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,600 Member
    edited June 18
    Some powders are made with stevia, e.g. a version of Dymatize Iso 100 that Costco used to sell. Maybe still does.
  • Hobartlemagne
    Hobartlemagne Posts: 289 Member
    I like FitCrunch bars. They taste very good.
    I'm a big fan of Premier Protein shakes. People gravitate toward chocolate in general, but I think the other flavors are way better. Vanilla tastes like melted ice cream.
    I've tried many powders- I really gave the vegan ones a try, but they usually taste like play-doh and often trigger IBS with me which makes them functionally bio-UNavailable.