Why has MyFitnessPal changed the app so dramatically?!

kiraallison Posts: 2 Member
When I went on this morning to log my food I thought for a moment I had opened up something else by mistake! I am so incredibly bummed! I liked the old set up so much better, it was easy to use, made sense and was quick to navigate. This new situation is not going to work for me! It feels confusing and it’s not easy to read/navigate on my phone. It feels like I am completely starting over but I have so many of my recipes etc in this app I would really hate to lose it all! I may have to quit and look for something else which would be a big set back for sure.


  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    I agree with you. I don't understand the changes that were made as they don't seem to add anything, but they certainly did take away things. I always enjoyed seeing my friend's posts on the news-feed and meeting new people here on MFP. That's all gone now, so this is basically just a place to log your food and weight. It's sad.
  • Dia_R
    Dia_R Posts: 37 Member
    TBH I haven't been logging in for a while. My husband has been ill, and all else fell by the wayside. I wanted to reach out to my friends on MFP this morning, but I can't figure out how! Did something change, with the status updates and encouraging other people part of the app?
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,703 Member
    Dia_R wrote: »
    TBH I haven't been logging in for a while. My husband has been ill, and all else fell by the wayside. I wanted to reach out to my friends on MFP this morning, but I can't figure out how! Did something change, with the status updates and encouraging other people part of the app?

    That part disappeared entirely. We now have the community boards and groups and (supposedly a replacement for the newsfeed) individual 'activity feeds' in the community boards.


  • jestog63
    jestog63 Posts: 85 Member
    So it used to be nice to log in and the first thing I would see are updates from all my friends, their workouts and maybe they even included something going on in their life, new pics, etc. I can't even find that feed anymore. The new MFP front page is crap and all it does to serve is to show me all the "premium" crap I am not using with most of the page shaded out, if I needed those I would pay for them. Otherwise the page is nothing but an eye sore. If I can find another app I will be moving and no longer providing MFP a place on my phone or computer to display their endless ads.
  • Rxman1971
    Rxman1971 Posts: 358 Member
    It's horrible