Got a suggestion on how to improve MyFitnessPal? Share it in this category or vote to tell us what you think of other people’s suggestions. Please be sure to review the Feature Suggestion submissions guidelines.


Reinstate water logging. (But don't do like Omo and arbitrarily assign extra calories to fluids.)

Visible streak counts, on the dashboard.

Weight losses showing up on the profile activity feed would be far more useful than "you got five hugs".

Make it possible to visit your friend's community profile/activity feed from your friends list, via a clearly visible link (not just tapping on their photo). Having to go to the Community forums, find them, and go through multiple steps to get to their profile just means that most people will never see each other's activity feed. (Not to mention, you call it activity feed but to get there you have to tap of view profile.) If you really mean for it to be a newsfeed replacement, you have got to make it user friendly.

Obviously you aren't going back on the horrible decision to delete newsfeeds - maybe you could at least try to improve these things?
4 votes

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