UFO's and aliens

I'm wondering who all believes in aliens and if anyone here has ever had any UFO sightings?

I never gave it much thought at all but probably thought there was always a chance they were real, but last summer my entire family saw the most bizzare thing ever. We were watching all these lights in the sky dancing around eachother and they were pulsing different colors mainly green, blue, and red. My little brother and I were watching for a few hours and counted maybe 15 at one point.

A couple hours in my brother said "Josh look ones coming this way!" I looked and yelled for him to go grab mom and dad quick. They both came running out after my brother yelled for them hysterically. The four of us watched this light as it came closer at a moderate speed. As it came closer we saw 3 lights and they were in the shape of a triangle. The craft (yes we could clearly see the object) was dark in color probably black and shaped like a perfect triangle. It was moving with the point of the triangle in front and the two other corners in the back. It weaved dead silently through the air what seemed like a block behind our street. We were all freaking out especially my mom. My dad didn't know what to think, when we showed him the lights in the sky he kept saying "oh it's just airplanes or it's just planes practicing for an air show" blah blah blah...so when my mom tugged his shirt as we were watching and said "what the fuk is that Mark?" he simply relied "aahhh, I don't know". We watched it come from miles away to gliding right behind our house low enough to actually see the body of this thing. It was huge and dead silent and it moved in such a bizarre fashion. I'm not stupid and I just had this feeling right away that this was something way different.

As we watched it move further away it suddenly disappeared and my mom once again turns to my dad and said "where the fuk did it go" and he said it's probably behind a cloud or something...then just like that it reappeared and my dad had nothing to say again. My dad's completely narrow minded and doesn't even like talking about it. Our entire family had an interview with MUFON a UFO reporting agency and my dad refused to even talk to the guy. The craft we described was spotted in our area 2x in that last month in Wisconsin.

For the next month me and my brother sat outside with binoculars and video cameras every night just waiting for it to come back so we could film it. We never saw it again unfortunately but I still hope someday I'll see something like that again. It was so incredibly weird and I get so many funny reactions when I tell people this story but I could care less because we all know what we saw. I wouldn't have ever been convinced aliens are real unless this I saw this that night....so I guess you can say I'm a total believer now.

Anyone else got any weird stories?


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    No stories here, but I do believe that extraterrestrial life is highly likely. Whether or not they have visited our planet, I don't know.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Yes, I believe. However I don't really buy into abductions. That being said, Travis Walton's experience and story is compelling. I've see a couple things that I couldn't explain, the "Phoenix Lights" being one of them.

    the Phoenix Lights were flares from the National Guard if i remember correctly. if i saw something unusual id bet its a military aircraft(top secret or not) rather than a other wordly UFO.

    our eyes play lots of tricks on us. fill in patterns and make us see things that arent there. like shapes in clouds. and alien abduction stories(along with ghost stories) can be explained by Sleep Paralysis and other natural phenomena.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I tend to be a realist so I believe that it would be almost impossible for us to be alone in the universe given its sheer size. Don't know if we've ever actually had visitors though.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I believe that there is probably sentient life elsewhere in the universe. I'm not sure if we've been visited though. I tend toward scepticism though...possibly just to annoy my husband and his love of Ancient Aliens.

  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    1. Is there life elsewhere?

    IMO, probably. It's a big freaking universe - million monkeys on million typewriters and all of that. Although, the "proof" (AKA the "amount of crap you want to take from Frank Drake") is statistical only.

    2. Have they visited?

    IMO, no. It's a big freaking universe. And we think we're noisy, but our cloud of radio pollution hasn't propagated that far. Even if they did know about us - there's really no compelling reason to expend the energy to come visit us. Absent a hyperspace bypass being built, there's no reason for anyone to come to Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha.

    Besides, before they get warp drives, they probably all perfected holo-decks and none of them bother to even go outside any more. :wink:

    They certainly wouldn't be buzzing trailer parks, probing middle aged housewives, playing in wheat fields or mutilating cows.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Alien forms of life to us.....................yes. UFO's.........no.

    Most people don't really fathom how big the universe really is. I was told to think about it this way.

    Go to any beach and grab a handful of sand. Now think of each grain of sand as a star in just our galaxy. Then understand that all sand on all the beaches in the world still wouldn't have enough grains to cover each star in the universe.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    If I may... there was no alien, and the flash of light you saw in the sky wasn't a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus. This is no joke. The F.B.I. does not have a sense of humor we are aware of. Good day.
  • pjlove1
    pjlove1 Posts: 341 Member
    I was a non-believer of space aliens for the longest time. That all changed when I saw the epic documentary "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe". Been a believer ever since.
  • Amwhite1986
    Amwhite1986 Posts: 194 Member
    I believe. The world seems a lot more lame and boring without belief. I have seen some unexplained stuff in the sky, not sure what any of it was though.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    1. Is there life elsewhere?

    IMO, probably. It's a big freaking universe - million monkeys on million typewriters and all of that. Although, the "proof" (AKA the "amount of crap you want to take from Frank Drake") is statistical only.

    2. Have they visited?

    IMO, no. It's a big freaking universe. And we think we're noisy, but our cloud of radio pollution hasn't propagated that far. Even if they did know about us - there's really no compelling reason to expend the energy to come visit us. Absent a hyperspace bypass being built, there's no reason for anyone to come to Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha.

    Besides, before they get warp drives, they probably all perfected holo-decks and none of them bother to even go outside any more. :wink:

    They certainly wouldn't be buzzing trailer parks, probing middle aged housewives, playing in wheat fields or mutilating cows.
    how do you know?

    yes, i believe there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. how arrogant would it be to think otherwise?

    but then, there's also the Femi Paradox.
  • ZombieHunter84
    I have experienced 6 ufo sightings, one of them with my wife. Not sure what to make of them.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I experienced a sighting in 1998/99 when I was around 17 or 18, it scared me enough to go and sleep in my mum and stepdad's room :noway:
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member

    On a serious note I have seen 2 sightings . I believe they exist , there are billions of life forms in the universe . I also do believe ancient aliens from the nearest planet to earth are millions of years more evolved than us and had an affect on this planet thousands of years ago , shaping us human beings today.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I think there is other life somewhere in the universe....yes......Do I think they are flying around in spaceships.....no.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Also remember if they are observing earth (somehow)....from the distance they would have to be at.....they would see a primordial earth....so why would they bother making the trip anyway? Just like how many of the stars we see, may not even exist anymore!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    No stories here, but I do believe that extraterrestrial life is highly likely. Whether or not they have visited our planet, I don't know.

    I agree here with this statement - even though I've had my own sightings. One specifically (early '80's) it was huge [could see the entire underbelly] and silent - so surreal that it seemed like I was in a movie or something. I wasn't the only one that watched this thing as cars were stopped all along the road. Yet, there were no reports of it - I know I didn't report it or talk about it when I went to work or for years - just too unbelievable and couldn't wrap my mind around it.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Also remember if they are observing earth (somehow)....from the distance they would have to be at.....they would see a primordial earth....so why would they bother making the trip anyway? Just like how many of the stars we see, may not even exist anymore!

    think if we allowed for the human race to evolve another 1000 000 000 million years . Chances are we will explore the universe .

    We already starting

    #ElonMusk taking the first steps to proper exploration and the prediction of human beings being a multi planetary species . Not just earth . Look what is happening to our planet.
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    I don't remember as much as I used to, but in my family there is this quite unusual experience.

    I was playing outside with my sister, maybe we were around 10. We were visiting some neighbors and my mom was inside with all the grown ups. I was outside with my sister, two more toddlers, the toddlers nannies and our dog who was on his leash and hold into some windows' security bars.

    I remember seeing this big light on the sky, red. It was over a hill in my hometown. I screamed and the dog got scared and got out of the leash. The two nannies ran inside and left everyone outside. My mom said that when she saw them they were pale as a paper and refused telling what was happening outside. When my mom and her friends came outside, the two babies were crying, I was all scratched (because I tried to grab my dog and he kept running, hence I fell and hurt myself) and the two oldest girls telling everyone about a red light over the park.

    As I said, it was long ago and we don't talk about it too often, but after that my mom became a "believer". She says that she's never seen two grown women so scared as when she did that day.

    I have no idea what it was, but I think it's a nice experience haha.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    1. Is there life elsewhere?

    IMO, probably. It's a big freaking universe - million monkeys on million typewriters and all of that. Although, the "proof" (AKA the "amount of crap you want to take from Frank Drake") is statistical only.

    2. Have they visited?

    IMO, no. It's a big freaking universe. And we think we're noisy, but our cloud of radio pollution hasn't propagated that far. Even if they did know about us - there's really no compelling reason to expend the energy to come visit us. Absent a hyperspace bypass being built, there's no reason for anyone to come to Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha.

    Besides, before they get warp drives, they probably all perfected holo-decks and none of them bother to even go outside any more. :wink:

    They certainly wouldn't be buzzing trailer parks, probing middle aged housewives, playing in wheat fields or mutilating cows.
    how do you know?

    yes, i believe there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. how arrogant would it be to think otherwise?

    but then, there's also the Femi Paradox.

    I'd almost sat there DEFINITELY has to be life elsewhere. The thing I always think with the Femi Paradox is that we've only started to record things over a few hundred or so years. And the universe is so old, and could be infinitely ageing, as well being unfathomably large. Our existence is sooo tiny in the grand scheme of things that no one may know about us yet, or infact care?

    I heard a great analogy by Neil deGrasse Tyson. "You don't walk by the worm on the street and say, 'Gee, I wonder what he's thinking.' No, you step on the worm."


    He says bascially that aliens might find humans too stupid to contact.

    And with aliens visiting us the standard UFO way, abducting people etc I find extremely unbelievable, although you can never say 100% as you weren't there. I was watching one programme where a man was getting abducted and had an alien wife who was cat like and he said he had sex with her etc. Then it turned out he had a terrible past with his mother, had never had a girlfriend and also had a lot of cats... Often with these crazy programmes it sometimes so obvious the psychological issues have led to an extreme belief in their dreams. But I am open minded, there's just always skepticism.