I am beggin, help me lose weight.

Hey everyone. I am 20 year old female, 5'5 , 260 lbs. I've tried and failed for 4 years. I can't control myself. I live with parents so I do not really get to chose food since my dad loves to eat like a man , and I can't handle the smell or presence of yummy food. My problem isn't really that I eat fastfood or junk food, it's more about HOW MUCH. I am sick of being the way I am, I am also prediabetic, but even that doesn't scare me into losing weight. I want to, sooo bad. But I lack self control, please, I am begging you, I am sure there are people just like me who battled through it and lost weight. Please help me.
Thank you.


  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Nobody else can diet for you. You just have to start doing it. If you are eating a lot just track it all and then go exercise. Eventually you will find out it is easier to eat less than it is to walk for 3 hours.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    portion control then it takes wanting it
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    I started on MFP exactly two months ago. I was 249, Im 5'6, 24 yrs old. I used to eat ALOT AND junk food. Alot of junk food. I am not prediabetic, but my mom is and she does not take care of it, at all. This will take self control, but more so, motivation. I entered my activity level as "sedentary" and log primarily exercises, but occasionally cleaning as well- I only add light cleaning. I dont enter all the walking I do or food prep unless its really tedious. My calorie intake goal when I first started was 1360/ day, and 5 days a week 30 min workouts. The last part of that first week, there was one day I ate a TOTAL of 4100 calories. No joke. But I didnt feel bad, I knew I had to work it off. So I did. I burned nearly 3000 calories in one day. ME. A person who hadnt run in about 6 years. A person who ate and liked to lounge around, do things at my pace. My legs hurt. I was so sore the next day. But I got up and I exercised, I ate about 1700 calories- 400 more than I should have, but I worked it off. I was not about to choose between being thin and food. So, I dont. I try to exercise regularly and bust out some extra exercise if I eat more than my daily calorie intake. I havent changed my diet really, with the exception that I rarely ever drink my calories. I cut calories by adding low calorie foods and being careful how I prepare foods. Ive cut out butter. Nuy light sour cream. Dont use as much cheese, lighten up on the mayo, cook w 0 calorie butter flavored cooking spray, sweeten foods/ drinks with sweetener or add something naturally sweet. Add veggied to every dinner. Opt for a salad occasionally. Im more aware of the amount of calories in foods when I go out to eat. Most of all, I chart EVERY SINGLE THING I eat. So I know what I ate. It is not impossible, because I felt a lot like you do now, when I started. But I stopped giving myself excuses. Instead of saying, Im too busy with the kids ( who are 2&3) I now, exercise in the living room, r
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Sorry glitch anyways*** I run around the living room for a half hour while they watch mickey mouse. I go on that morning walk or evening walk; run, sometimes both if I can. I watch what I eat if I know we are going out later in the week or exercise. You can do it. The key is to take action. Dont talk about it, just do it. I wish you the best, feel free to add me if you like. It is not impossible, you really can do it, it just takes effort.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Sometimes I do a quick workout while the spawn is watching Elmo.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    First, read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819925-the-basics-don-t-complicate-it
    Eat at a calorie deficit for weight loss and find an exercise you love for your health. Think portion control and moderation. Weigh, measure and log everything. Be honest. Be patient. Trust the process. It works. You don't need to deprive yourself, just eat less and move more.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Eating less is depriving myself. I love food.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    Hey everyone. I am 20 year old female, 5'5 , 260 lbs. I've tried and failed for 4 years. I can't control myself. I live with parents so I do not really get to chose food since my dad loves to eat like a man , and I can't handle the smell or presence of yummy food. My problem isn't really that I eat fastfood or junk food, it's more about HOW MUCH. I am sick of being the way I am, I am also prediabetic, but even that doesn't scare me into losing weight. I want to, sooo bad. But I lack self control, please, I am begging you, I am sure there are people just like me who battled through it and lost weight. Please help me.
    Thank you.
    what do you mean by 'eat like a man'?

    That phrase makes me think its encouraged to eat huge amounts of food in your family. I have family members with unhealthy attitudes towards food too. Its all about educating yourself and recognising why you're eating so much//making bad choices//whatever the problem is.

    Its all on you though. Nobody can make you lose weight. Maybe a goal to work towards would help motivate you? Like starting C25K, or a fun-run, or something?
  • ThisTimeWorks
    I do workout, I've been working out 5 days a week on elliptical. To start out I did 3 mins a day, then in a week 6 mins, now im at 15 plus squats and dumbells for arms. This is no problem, but the food...it's just impossible. I'm one of those people that doesn't do what preaches. I KNOW how to...I just need some sort of kick or some advise...I don't know,.
  • ThisTimeWorks
    First, read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819925-the-basics-don-t-complicate-it
    Eat at a calorie deficit for weight loss and find an exercise you love for your health. Think portion control and moderation. Weigh, measure and log everything. Be honest. Be patient. Trust the process. It works. You don't need to deprive yourself, just eat less and move more.
    Do you mind telling how long it took you to lose 87 pounds?
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    You need to do way more than 15 mins.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I have 6 boys (4 teenagers) and a husband so I know a thing or two about living with tempting foods. You have to gain some controls. That may mean denying yourself those bad foods all together for a while. You have to drop all the excuses. You will not starve, you will not hurt your metabolism, you may be cranky and that is ok, you may hate life for a while and that is ok too. No you cannot live like this forever but that is not an excuse to not do it now because your body will adjust to your new diet and those cravings you cannot live with will gradually go away. You think you cannot keep up the pace forever but when the pace is greater than you think you can bear that is the moment you become stronger. If it is easy then it is not going to get you to your goal. There will be tears, there will be disappointment, there will be plateaus but you have to decide now if this is what you want and if it is then you throw yourself into it and let the results worry about themselves. Here is my advise:

    1. Diet - Eat less than you burn and make sure you chose quality and quantity over temporary pleasure
    2. Exercise - Just move everytime you find yourself sitting still
    3. Determination - Don't stop, don't cheat, don't let the scale lie to you, don't make excuses, don't let social obligations derail you, don't depend on others noticing, DO think before you eat - will this make me happier in the long run?

    Good luck!
  • ThisTimeWorks
    Hey everyone. I am 20 year old female, 5'5 , 260 lbs. I've tried and failed for 4 years. I can't control myself. I live with parents so I do not really get to chose food since my dad loves to eat like a man , and I can't handle the smell or presence of yummy food. My problem isn't really that I eat fastfood or junk food, it's more about HOW MUCH. I am sick of being the way I am, I am also prediabetic, but even that doesn't scare me into losing weight. I want to, sooo bad. But I lack self control, please, I am begging you, I am sure there are people just like me who battled through it and lost weight. Please help me.
    Thank you.
    what do you mean by 'eat like a man'?

    That phrase makes me think its encouraged to eat huge amounts of food in your family. I have family members with unhealthy attitudes towards food too. Its all about educating yourself and recognising why you're eating so much//making bad choices//whatever the problem is.

    Its all on you though. Nobody can make you lose weight. Maybe a goal to work towards would help motivate you? Like starting C25K, or a fun-run, or something?

    Meaning he needs to eat real food like meat, potatoes, salad with mayo, etc. No healthy"rabbit food" or boiled chicken breast.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I do workout, I've been working out 5 days a week on elliptical. To start out I did 3 mins a day, then in a week 6 mins, now im at 15 plus squats and dumbells for arms. This is no problem, but the food...it's just impossible. I'm one of those people that doesn't do what preaches. I KNOW how to...I just need some sort of kick or some advise...I don't know,.
    Good. If you're working out, you can eat more. That's a good thing. Have you figured out your TDEE and BMR yet? Go to that page I linked to and do so if you haven't already. The food does not need to be impossible, you do not need to cut out ANYTHING, or go low fat, low carb, clean etc. Just eat at a sustainable calorie deficit. But you have to figure out what that is and it might take a little trial and error to find the sweet spot.
  • ThisTimeWorks
    You need to do way more than 15 mins.

    I don't do it to stress myself and make me hate working out. I do is slowly to get myself used to it, it eventually increases.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    OP: I understand what you go through - habits seem unchangeable. And they really are difficult to change. But you CAN change them, but you have to have a lot of drive and discipline. Today you may feel like overeating is the only possible life you can imagine, but if you work on breaking that habit, tomorrow you may wonder why you ever went down that path... Humans are extremely malleable mentally; you can make yourself be pretty much any way you want to be. But it takes discipline. I speak from experience. You'd be amazed at how many "unbreakable" habits I've broken.
  • ThisTimeWorks
    I don't have friends or anyone who would be interested in knowing about my progress. I think I need Jillian Michaels type of a person, who will see what I eat and say no don't do that, with who I can share weightloss/weightgain.
    Weightloss is difficult already but when you have no support it just doubles the pain.
  • crystal2point0
    crystal2point0 Posts: 52 Member
    Sounds like you are not willing to work on the amount of food you are allowing yourself to eat and if that is the case then you must up your activity level so that you are burning more then you are eating. The work you have started to do so far with the elliptical and squats is great, but do more, keep pushing yourself. Go for walks, go for bike ride. Anything and everything you can think of to up the amount of activity that you do so that you burn more calories. And then, eventually, if/when you are willing to admit to yourself that how much you eat IS a choice then you need to start working on eating less. If you want to eat what your dad cooks then eat it, but eat less of it. Or even better....if you are really serious about wanting to make this change for yourself then stop eating at home. When they cook.....LEAVE.....and use that time to go for a walk or go to the gym.

    I know its not easy, I know its hard. I have been there, a lot of us have been there but the secret is....there is no secret! Eat less and do more....your body is a machine and it responds in kind to how you use it.

    We can give you all the advise we want but its just words......you're the one that has to take it & make the changes to your life that are necessary.

    Good luck.
  • ElsaVonMarmalade
    ElsaVonMarmalade Posts: 154 Member
    You say you live with your parents but is there some reason why you can't buy and prepare at least some of your own food? Have your own healthy breakfasts and lunches and small portions of whatever they have for dinner?

    I struggle with motivation too. You aren't alone. But there is truly nothing for it but to wake up one day and say "Today I'm going to do better." And then the next day, and the next.

    Start by just tracking. Don't try to change what you eat. Just track it. See how much you're eating. Do that for a week, or even two. Then the next week, eat 200 or 500 calories less. Keep working your way down until you're eating at the level MFP recommends. Don't beat yourself up when you have off days. Just GET BACK ON THAT HORSE. You can do this. Do it for you.
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