Is there a diet specifically for gallstone issues?

Hello! My name is Jess, and I'm new here. I have had a terrible time with gallstones, even though I had my gallbladder removed 10 yrs ago. I was just in the E.R. (for the umpteenth time) passing yet another stone. The pain is unreal. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good diet for this issue? Thanks! *52 yr. old female w/ 100 lbs to lose


  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,949 Member
    This is a question you really need to ask a registered dietitian.

    Please consider asking your physician for a referral.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    edited July 12
    You can find cholecystitis diets online published by health professionals - the gist of it is "low fat but not no fat", limit junk food, eat smaller meals more frequently, avoid your trigger foods (potentially beware of orange juice and lettuce), increase fiber and water, and lose weight but not too fast.

    Think more about supporting your liver as it is doing all the work now without your gall bladder helping out by holding onto bile. Avoiding alcohol and added sugar are both good steps. You can look into liver-supporting supplements or digestive enzymes, but best to run them by your doctor. Black coffee is actually supposed to be good for your liver in moderation. Also dandelion tea.

    Oh also - our doctor said absolutely avoid the "gallbladder cleanse" recipes because stones can dislodge but get stuck, leading to a medical emergency.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Do ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian.

    Meanwhile, my layperson advice is to eat per a Mediterranean diet, and keep your fat under the 30% default macro set by MFP. (But not too far under. The RD will help you dial this in.)

    Your library system will likely have several Mediterranean diet cookbooks, which should all start with explainers.

    Don't lose weight too rapidly, as that can increase risk of gallstone development.

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    And another thing that my gallstone doctor told me: Don't do any crash diets. Trying to lose weight too quickly can also cause gallstones. Thus don't chose the fastest weightloss goal. Slow and steady wins the race, and hopefully keeps you painfree.