Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 266



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,770 Member
    @Skyleen75 For sure they are constantly need me which I think is what exhausts me the most. However, with some recent heart issues I also tire out so easily anyway so it can be confusing for me what is actually happening. My new stress test for my heart is on Wednesday.

    No on the control issue but yes on needing to be here most of the time. Also yes on the trust issue. I trust my contractor as we have been working together off & on for about a year now, but he brings in so many other various people off & on for short term jobs (tile work for example) and I don't know them. And there are a LOT of them. I have an adult autistic son who is very fearful of most people and all animals (even our own pets). I would not leave him alone with them. They do finally leave every evening but I just feel so tired by then and I just want to rest or read. On good days (like this morning) I get in a youtube workout that lasts about 20 minutes in the morning before they arrive. I get up a bit earlier for it but its worth it. I'm hoping maybe I can get some medical answers that explain it all more. Am I mentally exhausted from all these projects or is my heart not pumping around enough blood and oxygen again? I'll soon find out. I would love to have the get-go I had before. Hopefully its just a slump.

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,770 Member
    _JeffreyD_ wrote: »
    @deepwoodslady I have been thinking for months about how much stress the remodeling project must be causing. And more months to come?

    Time. Chaos. Inconvenience. Money. and more money.

    This is none of my business but what if you declare a victory on the house for a while and "rest." Or, light a fire under your construction crew... you need your bedroom back! This is taking too long.

    There, rant over. Apologies because I think I overstepped. Just what you needed, another opinion.

    @_JeffreyD_ Oh that sounds so very nice--the victory and rest. However, the main reason for the bedroom delay NOW is actually the weather. We have a very short summer and outdoor work season here in northern Michigan. The bedroom is at a halt while all the new windows are installed and all the outside work is done. And they have run into one problem right after another. We are installing new siding after the windows and when removing all the old vertical metal siding they have found all the wrong cheap bad boards underneath. So now, new OSB and tyvek around the whole house. Also supplies are hard to get because we are in the middle of BFE. The siding was a one month wait and 2 trips to pick up. Why doesn't Home Depot keep anything in stock anymore????

    We usually shut down all operations from November until about Feb 1st but then its full steam ahead again. It's got to end at some point. I will need a new roof too, mine is full of algae and loose shingles but is not leaking. It also will no longer match but I am assuming that project will be done next year.
    Yes, Yes, Yes, give me back my bedroom as soon as the outside is done!

    I'll add a few new project pics when I get time later.

  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 780 Member

    I pray this as well received, because it is meant to be encouraging.

    Your life is total chaos right now, and I am so sorry. Many times when I have found myself in this situation, I have tried to narrow down what I have control of and what I don’t have control of … In the midst of chaos, you do have the ability to find inner peace. That is your journey.

    The reality is is that you have 100% control of what you put into your mouth. You have Planning tools at your disposal. You have the Internet to research proven meals to help you along the way. And, you have proven experience to jumpstart and move forward.

    This is not a logistical issue. This is a self belief issue.

    Donna, I know you can do it! YOU just have to decide to do it. It’s one decision and then following through with a food plan, backed by determination Only you will be able to determine how and when you will make that decision for yourself.

    “You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it yourself.”
    ~ Glenda, to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 198 Member
    Yesterday was out-of-control with the snacking. I really paid attention and portion control does seem to be the biggest issue. I continue to eat “approved” and healthy foods, but one thing right after another. I don’t need one each of ALL the snacks. Just pick one Donna and be satisfied!!!! I am hungry at meal times but do well at home for my meals. At snack time, it’s nothing short of ridiculous and I’m usually not even very hungry. Just cravings!!! I mean, I’m glad I LOVE my healthy choices but why so many, why so much? No wonder Dr. Nowzaradan makes his patients see a psychologist. Too bad we don’t have one within 100 miles of my home. I’ll just keep reading my health and weight loss books and being thankful for all of you, my support group!

    This 100% hit home with me today. Thank you for sharing, because absolutely. We do not have to eat everything.

  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,494 Member
    @_JeffreyD_ Now, THAT is a spreadsheet!!! You clearly know a lot more about making them work for you than I do. But, the simple one does what I need it to. For now, at least. I'm super impressed, though! Wow!