Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 266



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,145 Member
    Reposting for the newbies and forgetful

    Just Give Me a Glossary

    BIL - brother in lawSIL - Sister or son in law B-L-T or BLT - Bite, licks, tastes
    BOD - board of directors
    BP or BPC - bullet proof
    CRAP - calorie rich and processed
    DD or DS - dear daughter or dear son, may be followed by # to indicate birth order
    DGC, DGD or DGS - Dear child(ren), granddaughter or grandson, when preceded by G indicates Great-, as in I have one DGGS via DGD#3
    DH - dear or darling husband (or dam_ depending on current mind set)
    DNP - Did Not Post
    DNW - Did Not Weigh
    DOMS - delayed onset muscle soreness
    DP - Darling Partner
    EF - extended fast
    EW - End Weight
    FIL - father in law
    GW - goal weight
    HW - High(est) Weight
    IF - Intermittent fast
    IMHO - in my humble opinion
    JMHO - just my humble opinion
    Kuchisabishii - lonely mouth
    LCHF - low carb, higher (or healthy) fat
    MIL - mother in law
    NSA - no sugar added
    NSV - non-scale victory
    NWP - no weight post
    OAP - Old age pensioner
    OH - other half
    RG - round goal
    SD - StepDaugher (for me, at least - BigBro is the older stepson, LittleBro being the younger stepson as well)
    SMH - shaking my head
    ST - strength training
    SW - starting weight - can be for the Round or highest ever
    TMI - too much information - a euphemism for bowel movement !
    TOM - Time of Month (also seen as TOTM, Time of The Month)
    UGW - ultimate goal weight
    WFPB - whole food, plant based
    WOE - way of eating
    WW - weight watchers