What is WRONG with people?!?!



  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Thanks everyone, I am pretty sure the person meant it as encouragement. As for doing a walking 5K, I may do that, but that isn't the point. I already walk almost double that distance on a daily basis, sometimes more, through rough terrain. The point isn't a race. The point isn't an event. I want to *be able* to run a 5K, I may or may not ever actually take part in an official 5K. I just want to run 5 Kilometers without stopping, its a fitness goal.

    I do find that many of my friends are supportive, which is why I post things about fitness. Next time though, if I'm planning such a long term goal, I won't post about it until its closer to being obtained. If I had waited until 10 weeks before I planned on finishing, and said I was now beginning a 9 week 5K training plan, I doubt I would gotten the same result.

    My mistake, thanks for letting me vent. :wink:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    well that is the internet for you, just do what you know is best for your body. There is no sense in hurting yourself. There are programs and youtube videos on how to work up to running. Pace yourself and don't worry about other people. Everyone seems to be an "expert" when you don't even ask for their advice. THey should be patting you on the back. This is proof that you have to be your own biggest cheerleader when it comes to achieving your goals. Stay positive.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    The way I see it...and this is strictly my view of it.....I think the person who was responding to you on facebook was trying to point out to you that you don't have to be a certain weight to start the C25K program.

    In the C25K group I have seen several 200+ people start and complete the program successfully. And that includes some people that were closer to the 250/300 pound mark. If you are walking 5+ miles a day, you are more than ready for something like C25K. I understand your wanting to be below 200 pounds to start, and if that is what you -want- to do then fine.

    But I honestly don't think it is fair to vent anger about someone who was only trying to encourage you to not look at weight as a something that holds you back.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why don't you do a half marathon instead?


    Seriously, just ignore it. They think they're being encouraging. They're not trying to hurt your feelings and maybe they don't quite understand what you're saying.

    You may end up not even needing C25K once you're ready for it. I was never a runner, but I walked a lot, swam, did the elliptical -- all sorts of things. Then I decided to start running and was able to do 3 miles right away because I'd been doing all those other things. So keep doing what you feel you need to do, keep exercising and you may surprise yourself.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I am spoiled because people are MFP are generally more supportive and understanding. I always try to remind myself that my friends on Facebook don't have fitness and health on their minds all the time, and do not understand how much work goes into fitness and health when I haven't been that way most of my life.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    sounds like he means well, and just wants to encourage you to achieve more... maybe he thinks your goal is to compete at the highest level you're capable of.... and also some people have an all-or-nothing mentality, and don't get the idea that people may not have a goal to win the hardest race they can, instead they may have a goal just to be fit, healthy and enjoy running. take it as a compliment that he thinks you're capable of achieving more... but stick to your goals and your reasons for being into this.

    I agree with everyone re sharing goals on social media. You will get unsolicited advice, and it will include bizarre suggestions and the advice of totally misinformed people, and there will be people who think you're crazy or doing something dangerous and try to talk you out of it. As bizarre as some things are that get posted on here, at least everyone's roughly on the same page as we're all here to improve our body composition... on facebook you also have to contend with people who are not trying to change their body composition for all the myriad reasons they may have for that.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    FB is like that, MFP is better :)

    If you believe you can do it- then you will do it.

    Don't give in.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Honestly, I don't know how Facebook works - I've never been there, so I don't know how info is shared there. But if I were you, I wouldn't let other people and their opinions (remember they are opinions, not truths) upset me. Take in the information you can use, keep an open, positive mind (I always assume that MOST people mean well even when they are totally ignorant or misguided), and just IGNORE anything that doesn't fit for you. Consider it background noise. Good luck with your plan. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I personally think you should do a full marathon...next week. (kidding)
  • estellenagel106
    Last year, after getting absolutely sick of the way I looked I hired a personal trainer to work with me twice a week. I was not "able" to do more than 5 push-ups, I was not able to do a bridge position, I was not able to do jumping jacks. In fact, every single fitness test the trainer gave me, I failed miserably. A year later, and I can't believe how much I am now "able" to do. I understand what you are saying, and yes, we should set realistic goals for ourselves. But we also should not judge people based on what they are "able" to do in the present. You may never win a marathon, but of course you can run one - 80-yr olds are doing them! Fitness is not about athletic ability - its about perseverance and lots of hard work. Ignore the haters.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    The way I see it...and this is strictly my view of it.....I think the person who was responding to you on facebook was trying to point out to you that you don't have to be a certain weight to start the C25K program.

    In the C25K group I have seen several 200+ people start and complete the program successfully. And that includes some people that were closer to the 250/300 pound mark. If you are walking 5+ miles a day, you are more than ready for something like C25K. I understand your wanting to be below 200 pounds to start, and if that is what you -want- to do then fine.

    But I honestly don't think it is fair to vent anger about someone who was only trying to encourage you to not look at weight as a something that holds you back.

    I agree that in most cases it doesn't have to be like that, its because of my foot that I want to wait. I may not insist on being under 200, but I do have to be light enough that my foot doesn't swell up and hurt if I run on it for more than 15 seconds at a stretch.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    if you don't want the world to comment on your plans, don't announce your plans to the world

    It's facebook...:laugh: what did you expect to happen? :blushing:
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Why don't you do a half marathon instead?


    Seriously, just ignore it. They think they're being encouraging. They're not trying to hurt your feelings and maybe they don't quite understand what you're saying.

    You may end up not even needing C25K once you're ready for it. I was never a runner, but I walked a lot, swam, did the elliptical -- all sorts of things. Then I decided to start running and was able to do 3 miles right away because I'd been doing all those other things. So keep doing what you feel you need to do, keep exercising and you may surprise yourself.
    ETA: I personally think you should do a full marathon...next week. (kidding)

    LOL... very funny! :laugh:
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    well... you can't control what people do or think or say, only how you react. So you say "thanks for your input" and do what you want.
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    Good for you to set goals!! Don't listen to them. They might just be trying to encourage/motivate you but I know sometimes it comes off wrong...

    I get those kinds of comments too so I usually don't post about things until after I do them... but then I just get the whole "oh dear", "you're going to hurt yourself next time" :tongue:
  • MelMel42
    MelMel42 Posts: 5 Member
    This is great advice! I have had the same issues as you. And I agree with this advice based on personal experience. :)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    The way I see it...and this is strictly my view of it.....I think the person who was responding to you on facebook was trying to point out to you that you don't have to be a certain weight to start the C25K program.

    In the C25K group I have seen several 200+ people start and complete the program successfully. And that includes some people that were closer to the 250/300 pound mark. If you are walking 5+ miles a day, you are more than ready for something like C25K. I understand your wanting to be below 200 pounds to start, and if that is what you -want- to do then fine.

    But I honestly don't think it is fair to vent anger about someone who was only trying to encourage you to not look at weight as a something that holds you back.

    I agree that in most cases it doesn't have to be like that, its because of my foot that I want to wait. I may not insist on being under 200, but I do have to be light enough that my foot doesn't swell up and hurt if I run on it for more than 15 seconds at a stretch.
    Your foot swelling up and hurting after running could be because your foot isn't used to it either. So you may or may not get the same thing even if you have lost the weight. Running uses your feet in different ways, and if you have never ran before your feet won't be the only thing that swell. Your calf muscles, hamstrings, glutes, all of them will swell until they catch on to what you are wanting them to do.

    Also, your feet swelling could be because of improper shoes, or your laces being tied too tight. Could be because of your form or your foot fall.

    Sorry if I seem unsupportive, that isn't the case. I support all runners, especially new ones because I was there before. I just don't believe in using weight as an excuse to hold you back.
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    I really don't post anything about my workouts on FB anymore. I'd rather do it here where we are all in the same place for a common goal. If you are walking now, why not just try throwing in a few short jogs? Start slow and maybe just try to jog 10 seconds at a time and then walk for a minute or 2. I know you are going to do the Couch 2 5K but if you can start a little here and there it will make it that much easier down the road. I was never a runner and then did my first 5K a few years ago. I will never love or even really like running but it is such a sense of accomplishment to cross that finish line. Good luck! :) Also, I am with someone else, at this point I do not "train" for 5Ks anymore. I get enough cardio with Zumba and other things on a consistent basis that if and when I decide to do a race, I just do it. I'm not in it to win it anyway, just to finish and hopefully improve on my previous time.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    have a rule regarding my fitness and nutrition plans, and that is that I do not discuss my fitness and nutrition plans with anyone in real life who is not someone with whom I train. Period.


    People assume, when you start talking about your goals, that you are asking for input. I don't know why, but that's what people assume. And, naturally, they all think they are qualified to offer said input, regardless of the subject. So it's best to just keep that stuff to yourself when you aren't in the company of people who actually get it and actually know what the hell they're talking about.
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    I am a little confused. You don't plan on starting to run until April and that will give you maybe 2 months to run 3.1 miles? It has taken me 2 months to be able to do 2 miles. I wish you the best and hope you can do it.