New Beginnings

G'mornin,(east coast style)!
Since I can never seem to remember what a ate the previous day, my doc recommended this app to aid with weight loss. I was given a daily calorie intake of nearly 1500 calories 😯Can I really lose eating that many?


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,940 Member

    You will lose if you eat less than your body needs to maintain weight. How much is required will vary from person to person. 1500 for one person they will lose weight FAST; 1500 for another they may GAIN weight. It depends on current weight, activity level, age, gender, metabolism, and a host of other factors all working together. Only way to know for certain what YOU need is to accurately track for a few weeks and see what happens. If you get 1500 (or reasonably close) and you lose weight at the desired rate per week, you're golden. If your weight hasn't changed or goes up, you may need to adjust in future weeks.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    1500 isn't all that low, especially if you're getting any exercise - we've just been brainwashed by diet culture into thinking that 1200 calories/day is what a weight loss diet looks like. ;)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    I agree with nossmf, but would add this: Many women would lose weight at 1500 accurately-logged calories daily . . . possibly most women. That's especially true if someone has a meaningful amount of weight to lose. If your doctor suggested that level, I'm assuming you probably do have a meaningful amount of weight to lose.

    Individuals vary, but most commonly someone who might need to eat fewer than 1500 calories would be female, fairly inactive (sedentary lifestyle, minimal or no exercise), not young, and already fairly small to medium (height/weight).

    Be sure to try it for 4-6 weeks, whole menstrual cycle if you have those, before deciding it isn't the right level for you. (Exception: If you seem to be losing weight fast at that level, and also start feeling weak or fatigued for no other obvious reasons, eat more. Fast weight loss can be risky.)

    The idea that all women need to eat 1200 or fewer calories daily in order to lose weight is pure myth. It's true for a few, but far from all.

    Best wishes!