Cereal entry includes milk??

mdf6701 Posts: 1 Member
When adding a cereal like frosties, frosted flakes or coco pops, does it include the milk? Or should I also enter a cup of milk?


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    Use database entries for every single thing you use. Don't use a generic database entry like 'cereal' as it's likely user added and you have no idea what was included. If you must eat Frosties, then search for the brand, quickly compare the nutritional info on the package with the database entry. Then measure out your milk and find a milk entry for the same fat content. Once you log the same a second time these products should be at the top of your list. And you can also copy entries over from previous days.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    More than likely the cereal database entries will be purely cereal.
    But you need to know that the database is crowdsourced, lots of wrong and incomplete entries. And also plenty of entries for prepared food.
    So check whatever entry you use against the label on the package of cereal.