LESS Alcohol ~ AUGUST 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 200 Member
    @NonnieDoiron I wish you and your hubby the best 💖 Take care!

    I have a busy day tomorrow. So I thought I'd check in tonight.
    AF - 14
    A - 6

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,112 Member
    AF days - 9
    A days - 11
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,112 Member
    @chicbuc and @gottagetthisdown, nice job making healthy decisions for yourselves in those social situations.
    Michieb125 wrote: »
    I poured out the rest of two remaining bottles of wine on Sunday night, a new habit I would have never dreamed of two years ago. It’s the little changes that make for long term success they say. But, the Rose’ called my name last night and I caved. Why I ask myself. 👿.
    For sure AF today, because I am really run down from this past week and am fighting a cold now!
    Kudos to you - I've never been able to pour stuff down the drain; I feel like I'm throwing money away. Hope your cold passes quickly.
    @looneycatblue & @SurferGirl1982 great streaks!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,112 Member
    @NonnieDoiron Hope everything goes smoothly today, hugs to you and your hubby.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,635 Member
    edited August 21
    @NonnieDoiron 🙏's today
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,713 Member
    I had a really emotional afternoon, so I am coming here to read up on some of your posts, and I might also go to the 1st page to read some of the links. Without going into too much detail, my 2 sons and I are doing family counseling. The 1st session was 3 weeks ago, started off really rocky, but ended on a positive note. Today was the 2nd session, started off smooth, then ended badly, with 1 son walking out.

    This has left in a very depressed mood, and that devil is telling me, this can be fixed with just a small drink. He's a liar and knows full well that this will lead me to several more, and I will end up feeling more miserable, not sleeping well, and awful tomorrow. That devil is tricky!!

    I'm am happy that I can come here to talk about my feelings, and the struggles I am feeling tonight. Thank you for listening. <3

    The Devil is a rat *kitten*, yet such a good salesman. I hope your family will be able to get through this rocky patch and come out the other side closer and at peace. Thinking about you! Hugs!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,713 Member
    edited August 21
    AF - 10
    A - 6

    Had a glass of wine with dinner. Hubby had his pre-op appointment for the last stage of his cancer treatment and he is REALLY emotional about it. I decided he needed a large margarita. So, we went to dinner. He drank and cried all through dinner. He’s now asleep, and it’s only 7:30.

    I ache for your husband, as I’m sure you do too. Tell him he has a big cheering section here. Hugs to you, for going through this with him. Hope his procedure and treatments go well.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    @Womona loved hearing about your tennis sectionals tournament! These games are not for the light hearted as I know how hard you work and the mental and physical practice it takes to stay in the game (baby sister also plays at this level).
    Feeling down and out of sorts is probably to be expected after a period of heightened (good) anxiety that it takes to mentally and physically prepare for sectionals and bring your best. Glad your feeling better!

    @NonnieDoiron thinking of you and your husband today and sending wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for him.
    Strength for you too.

    @MissMay you continue to inspire me! Thank you for being our fearless leader.

    @SurferGirl1982 you are rocking your AF days! @looneycatblue you too! One day at a time you both are so inspiring!

    @chicbuc and @SparkSpringtime69 your numbers are impressive! I’m trying to catch up this week to get my stats closer together as well.

    Where is our good friend @xbowhunter - thinking of you!