Got a suggestion on how to improve MyFitnessPal? Share it in this category or vote to tell us what you think of other people’s suggestions. Please be sure to review the Feature Suggestion submissions guidelines.

Macro subtotals

Showing not just the calorie count above each meal but the fat, protein, and carb totals for each meal would be helpful for planning out the day.
1 votes

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  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    In the (Android) app, that's possible by turning the phone to landscape mode when you're in the diary: you'll see the 5 nutrients of your choice (according to your settings).

  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Thank you!!! Auto rotate annoys me so it's always turned off on my phone - I didn't even think of that.