LESS Alcohol ~ SEPTEMBER 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 572 Member
    @SunnyDays930 as SurferGirl pointed out to me, it is a group that you have to join in order to post. Look under Groups and scroll down to New Groups and join.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,596 Member
    Day 29 AF done, today is Day 30. Difficult day and I actually feel like drinking. Didn't sleep well since my husband was up all night with a backache. Powering through though, just me and diet dr. pepper.

    See you guys in October! Feel like we made good progress!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited September 30
    If I manage to stay AF tonight, I'll not quite make my 50% goal, but be in the 40%s like the last couple of months. I did manage to get past the grocery store a few minutes ago without asking DH to stop so I could get wine, so chances are good that I can stick to my AF plan for tonight.
    I might look into joining the sober October challenge too, even though I would still be posting in this groups October thread also. A little extra accountability can't hurt :)
    See you all in October!
  • NonnieDoiron
    NonnieDoiron Posts: 282 Member
    AF = 22
    A = 8

    Finished my wine last night. Not drinking tonight. See you in October!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,279 Member
    15 A
    15 AF

    September results above
    I'm very happy with these results. And today I'm 8 days in a row AF.

    For me, once I get a few days AF, I then think "Do I want to ruin this streak?" It's so hard for me to start over. I've had hundreds of Day 1s. All I know for sure is today I am AF. I won't even think about tomorrow until tomorrow.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 693 Member
    There are about 84 posts since I left for vacation on 9/21! I have been MIA on this thread since then and miss coming here — now popping in to log final stats. I have had planned wine everyday and allowed myself to try a few Vodka cocktails. Some were very good but have way too much sugar in them, hence calories. Skipping A today (a welcomed decision) to close out September.

    Honestly, I am looking forward to getting home on Friday. Excited about a fresh start in October!

    AF days - 9
    A days - 16
    LA - 5 (under 8 oz. wine or 8% alcohol)
  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 247 Member
    @RubyRed427 You did it...you met your goal!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    @Alatariel75 so sorry to hear your birthday was ruined by hangovers and arguments!!!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,676 Member
    September accountability _

    27 AF
    3 A

    had more than I wanted on Saturday knowing I was not driving while we were in Panama City Beach.
    Yet I am still proud of my tally.

    Here again is our October link-
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,676 Member
    I'm posting for accountability and because I said I would.

    Remember how easy AF was for me, and how good I felt, blah blah blah??

    Sunday was my birthday. Saturday my besties came over and we had gin and wine, though not too much and I could/should have stopped when they left but I had 2 more glasses. Didn't feel great Sunday.

    Sunday am, my love woke me up with a glass of bubbles for my birthday. Half a bottle down below lunch. Wine at the parents with lunch, partner had a bit more than me, ended up upsetting me, nasty words exchanged once we were home, I vengefully consumed almost 2 more bottles, don't remember going to bed, woke up with a (thankfully unused) bucket next to the bed.

    Monday was miserable, hungover, house full of tension, terrible hangxiety, so of course, what do I do? A bottleish of wine last night.

    4am panic attacks, bad sleep, nausea, and still a house full of tension.

    So none of it was worth it, bit I did it anyway.

    October goal is only one night where I drink, when I'm away for work and catching up with a friend for her birthday, and that will be with the moderation I was displaying in September.


    September roundup:

    A 8
    AF 22

    Belated Happy Birthday my Sister Libra. Our brains trick us so many times that ONE wont hurt,
    Then the old saying of -" I took a drink, than my drink took a drink than the DRINKS TOOK ME" fall into place.

    Big hugs to you for getting in here and describing your birthday weekend situation. Making awareness and not covering up.

    As we say on here ONE DAY AT A TIME or ONE hour at a time, if that is more helpful.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    If I manage to stay AF tonight, I'll not quite make my 50% goal, but be in the 40%s like the last couple of months. I did manage to get past the grocery store a few minutes ago without asking DH to stop so I could get wine, so chances are good that I can stick to my AF plan for tonight.
    I might look into joining the sober October challenge too, even though I would still be posting in this groups October thread also. A little extra accountability can't hurt :)
    See you all in October!
    Blew it last night anyway-
    Final September: