What is the strangest thing your pet eats?



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I forgot to mention that my Yorkie and current Shih tzu LOVE bananas. This seems appropriate, since they DRIVE me bananas most of the time!!!:bigsmile: The Shih tzu in my ticker knew when we were walking to Ben and Jerry's --where he would always get his dish of low fat yogurt, or driving to Baskin and Robbins--where he would get low fat vanilla ice cream. It was always quite comical to watch him devour a dish of ice cream on a hot summer night in the outdoor seating area of either place.

    He was quite upset one night, however, when he was upstage by TWO Bouviers:noway: :noway: :noway: --both OVER 200 lbs. each. If you are not familiar with the breed, here is a quote from the website of a rescue organization:

    "The natural look of the Bouvier is that of a large, shaggy farm dog, usually with some dirt and weeds clinging to his tousled coat. His esthetics are those of an unmade bed.":noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    These two belonged to a couple who met at the breed owners' association, and each brought their own dog into the household. Remember the movie title "Gone in 60 seconds?" It was supposed to describe car theft, but it is also a pretty good description of what happened to the dish of three scoops of ice cream that each of those big dogs received.:noway: :noway: :noway: Poor Dreyfus (my Shih tzu) could only sit and watch in amazement.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ..along with all the rest of us. Fortunately, they were well-behaved, as they were big enough that I thought they each needed a SADDLE!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Your story about the dog and the condom is priceless. You should post it on the other thread!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Who would have imagined that a dog could inspire a man to have surgery!!!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    my dog LOVES frozen vegatbles...she wont eat them thawed but goes crazy over frozen things

    my glider eats a varity of odd things i make (mostly smothies) but one i made her pancakes with glider meal,meal worms, a cricket or two,spinach,carrot,pasturized egg whites, and banana..all whipped up in a blender and then cooked like normal pancakes..it actually turned out really good and she really liked it
  • princessorchid
    princessorchid Posts: 198 Member
    My puppy loves his veg - we used to have a vegetable trolley we kept under the island in the kitchen - which we had to remove - and he's stolen rhubarb, a whole avocado (he managed to chew through the skin and polished off half before we notced), carrots...he also likes horsradish and the herbs from our balcony garden. Am quite thankful he likes mint, as he's usually got pretty good breath!

    He also looooves cat food. The cat is less than impressed!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    my dog LOVES frozen vegatbles...she wont eat them thawed but goes crazy over frozen things

    my glider eats a varity of odd things i make (mostly smothies) but one i made her pancakes with glider meal,meal worms, a cricket or two,spinach,carrot,pasturized egg whites, and banana..all whipped up in a blender and then cooked like normal pancakes..it actually turned out really good and she really liked it

    What the heck is a glider? I even did an interet search and since I doubt that you have a chair that you are feeding pancakes to:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: , I thought I would ask for more info.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    My dogs like watermelon, apples (sometimes), green beans, sugar snap peas, carrots (cooked only). My puppy (7 mos) is a garbage disposal. She will eat anything except I gave her a piece of raw potato that she didn't eat. She particularly likes dirty socks, dirty underwear and used feminine products from the wastebasket. :noway:

    My dog is exactly the same with dirty underwear and feminine products! He even walked into my living room carrying a pair of my knickers when I had a government statistic man visiting! :blushing:

    Other than that, my dog will try ANYTHING! But he absolutely loves yoghurts! :flowerforyou:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Ooooo, and SOAP! he is a little sod for licking the soap in the bathroom and once when we babysitting a friends husky puppy, the husky brought the soap from the bathroom and smudge (my little jack russell terrierist) swallowed it whole in one go before I could get to him :ohwell:

    Gave him a good clean I guess! :laugh:
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    My dog is exactly the same with dirty underwear and feminine products! He even walked into my living room carrying a pair of my knickers when I had a government statistic man visiting! :blushing:

    Other than that, my dog will try ANYTHING! But he absolutely loves yoghurts! :flowerforyou:

    Oh, my dog LOVES to lick the crotches of my shorts and underpants, and the armpits of my shirts. Especially if they are the PJs I've worn for a few days. I've learned to keep them up on my dresser or in the hamper--she's cured me of leaving dirty clothes on the floor! :-)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Came home today and found something ELSE that my dogs like!!--Sour cream!!!:noway: :noway: :bigsmile: I thought I heard something drop when I opened the fridge this morning, but I was in a hurry to get out the door and couldn't see anything. A little tub of sour cream must have fallen and rolled under the edge of the cupboard. Bradley my Yorkie is VERY good with getting into tight spaces, so when I came home, there was a very EMTPY, very (licked) CLEAN plastic sour cream carton, with lots of teeth marks in it and the lid. Bradley wasn't clamouring for his lunch, so I have a pretty good idea who is responsible!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • MizMeow
    MizMeow Posts: 16
    I have one cat, Bell, who eats spinach and collard greens. Another cat, Murphy, he will steal pantyliners (clean), the paper backing from said panty liners, and the used sheets off the lint rollers. Another cat, Pepper, she will only eat turkey lunch meat, no other kind of lunch meat. BD, yet another cat (I have 10), will come from nowhere even if he thinks I may have rotisserie chicken, he ignores all other types of chicken.
    Yellowfish, another cat, only eats crunchy cat food, turns her nose up to anything else.
    The other 5 are pretty normal

    I also have 2 cockatiels only eat seeds, anything else in the bag, or treats, they ignore or throw out of their cage.

    Finally, my golden retriever, Morgan, will eat anything that is not nailed down..
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    I thought my cat was the only one who eats saltine crackers. We have to hold it and he licks it to death then chomps it off piece by piece until it's gone or a soggy mess. He actually bites off each corner and works his way inward. LOL

    He also used fought us for our water bottles since we got him. He would pull it away from us while we were trying to drink. And if you had a cup of water on the table, he owned it. Even when we brushed our teeth, he would try to get our water cup away from us. So I started putting his own cup of water on the counter, so I could rinse mine. I finally got him to drink his water out of a bowl with his food, but 4 years later, he stil has his cup of water on the bathroom counter. When I wake up in the am, it is half gone, till his face won't fit in there anymore. :)
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    my guinea pigs love cardboard
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    My kitty just reminded me this morning how he likes to lick the toilet paper!!! I don't know why he does this but he licks the toilet paper roll every morning if he can get to it. The edges are all shredded.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    what a funny thread! I thought I had the weird cat, mine races for my cantelope when I pull it outta the fridge, no clue why. Then within a 1/2 hour proceeds to puke it up on the rug. So needless to say I try hard to not feed him anything but his cat food. Which I also clean up offa the carpet every few days.:sick:

    Life with our furry friends!:heart:

    Love this! My cat loved cantelope, too, though he kept it down! He also liked peaches and the juice that canned pineapple comes in but not the pineapple. He liked most squash, too.

    He did NOT like to eat fish! (Though he would drink the water that tuna is packed in!)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    One of my cats will eat tortilla chips, Raspberry Zingers, and Pop Tarts. But not all together.