"Just Dance" Wii 30-day challange, anyone wanna join me?



  • Cassandra1219
    Okay so we did a hour today:) My husband beat my by a few points and rubbed it in so bad.. so we have a rematch tomorrow:) Lily was cheering daddy on the whole time... what a butt..lol

    He cheated some tho bc there was a few times he went to hold my hand to make me mess up.... lol
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Aaaah, I love this game, can I join in!? When I first got the game, I spent a better part laughing at how uncoordinated I was too! But you all are right when you say the time can fly by pretty fast!

    My favourite song right now on it is Jin Go Lo Ba!

    If it's not too late, I will start my Day 1 of 30 today :) Thanks for the challenge!
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    Aaaah, I love this game, can I join in!? When I first got the game, I spent a better part laughing at how uncoordinated I was too! But you all are right when you say the time can fly by pretty fast!

    My favourite song right now on it is Jin Go Lo Ba!

    If it's not too late, I will start my Day 1 of 30 today :) Thanks for the challenge!

    Come on in and join the fun!! :D
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94

    My favourite song right now on it is Jin Go Lo Ba!

    I love that one too. I believe that one is my fav !

    Well, it's thurs. I did my 6 a week from last thrus. I made thru the challenge, week one any ways. It's been a lot of fun!
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    It's Thursday y'all!
    I have done over 30 minutes most of my 6 days, and today will be no exception :) I hope everyone is having funnn!!!
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Did my first half hour last night after I finished up with Turbo Jam! I needed something less kick-punch-jab. Started the party off with Cotton Eye Joe and kept going from there. Still loving Jin Go Lo Ba...makes me feel all tribal! *LOL*
  • KatxHeatrz
    Yea.!! I've been trying to lose weight and no hope. IM gonna try that. I still need to control my sugar cravings. l0l:smile:
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
    Ok... so I've been over doing it and not giving myself a rest day. So, unfortunately I missed two days in a row to give my body some rest. However... I caught my hubby doing it yesterday!!!! I love it! You see, I bought the game for a friend the other day as a B-day gift. We went to her house and played. So, I got two in one day (SAT) . And then inspiring hubby do it.... I think that should count for one of my rest days. lol.

    OH!!!! Bragging rights...... I got a great score.... La Freak.... 20,690 points!!!! Ya baby!!! How about ya'lll, what is your best score and what song?